Thursday, September 19, 2024, 19:29 (GMT+7)

European Union’s defence industrial strategy and its impacts on the Asia-Pacific region

European Union's defence industrial strategy and its impacts on the Asia-Pacific region

Friday, August 23, 2024, 09:46 (GMT+7)
According to international analysts, the EU's Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) aims to put the defence industry on a wartime footing by fostering cooperation in investment, research, development, production, procurement, and ownership among EU defence contractors. This marks a shift away from the EU's initial emergency responses to the Russia - Ukraine conflict and signifies a long-term commitment to bolstering the defence industry's readiness

Trends in the development and use of tactical missiles in recent wars

Trends in the development and use of tactical missiles in recent wars

Monday, July 22, 2024, 20:30 (GMT+7)
Using tactical missiles to attack targets deep inside the enemy's line has been continuously used in recent wars and military conflicts. As gaining air superiority is increasingly difficult because air defence systems are also adjusted to counter, using tactical ballistic missiles with a maximum range of 500km is an indispensable "firepower punch" for army units.

A brief on NATO’s Comprehensive Defence Plan and its global and regional impacts

A brief on NATO's Comprehensive Defence Plan and its global and regional impacts

Friday, June 28, 2024, 15:36 (GMT+7)
In July 2023, in Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation leaders approved its Comprehensive Defence Plan. The plan is critically hailed as complete, detailed and ambitious one. Up to now, its connotations and global and regional impact have drawn the international spotlight

Finland’s accession to NATO and its implications on the region and the world

Finland’s accession to NATO and its implications on the region and the world

Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 02:46 (GMT+7)
After Russia launched the “special military operation” in Ukraine, the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs issued a report on the international security environment on 13 April 2022, stating that Russia’s action had completely altered the security environment in Europe and that Russia posed a significant security threat to Finland. This is the clearest indication that Finland abandoned its policy of neutrality, and it also served as a sign that the country would draw closer to NATO.

Russia - Ukraine and Israel – Hamas conflicts: the spotlight of the Munich Security Conference 2024

Russia - Ukraine and Israel – Hamas conflicts: the spotlight of the Munich Security Conference 2024

Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 10:51 (GMT+7)
With the spotlight on Russia - Ukraine and Israel – Hamas conflicts, the Munich Security Conference 2024 ended with the outstanding message: "each state should be able to benefit from international cooperation". This is an event of interest to the international community, with a desire to find ways to resolve the ongoing conflicts

The US - Japan - Korea alliance and its ambition to change the balance of forces in the region

The US - Japan - Korea alliance and its ambition to change the balance of forces in the region

Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 19:35 (GMT+7)
According to researchers, if Japan and South Korea join the AUKUS, the add-on military power brought about by the two countries will make the alliance a new force capable of deterring many fields and may change the game in the Indo-Pacific region.

On the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in recent military conflicts

On the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in recent military conflicts

Thursday, February 29, 2024, 07:17 (GMT+7)
UAVs have proven their lethality and transformed combat in modern conflicts. The new attack tactics using UAVs have demonstrated their effectiveness through conflicts in Syria, Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The proliferation of UAV technology has also raised concerns about the potential for an arms race, as more and more countries develop and deploy advanced UAVs. This could lead to increased tension and the risk of conflict.

Solutions to enhance effectiveness of responding to unmanned aeriel vehicles

Solutions to enhance effectiveness of responding to unmanned aeriel vehicles

Monday, February 26, 2024, 15:07 (GMT+7)
Prevention and response to UAVs are a new field and witness rapid developments. Therefore, there is a need to conduct further research in a serious, comprehensive, thorough manner to provide scientific bases for proposing policies and measure to prevent and counter drones effectively, contributing to firm protection of the airspace of the Fatherland.

Suwalki Gap - a strategic area in the Russia-NATO confrontation

Suwalki Gap - a strategic area in the Russia-NATO confrontation

Monday, January 22, 2024, 14:22 (GMT+7)
According to military experts, Suwalki is considered the “Achilles’ heel” in NATO’s eastern defence system because it is in a “vulnerable, difficult-to-defend” position. If conflict were to arise between Russia and NATO, Russia could easily control this corridor through a pincer attack, with one thrust from the northwest (Kaliningrad) and another from the southeast (Belarus, a Russian ally). In such a scenario, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia would be encircled and isolated.

Requirements for the development of the artillery and missile force - insights from current local wars around the world

Requirements for the development of the artillery and missile force - insights from current local wars around the world

Monday, January 22, 2024, 14:08 (GMT+7)
Developing an artillery and missile force with a high combat strength is a strategically important issue that is both urgent and long-term. It requires thorough research and creative application of traditional experience, particularly from modern warfare practices, aligned with the unique characteristics of the Vietnam’s Artillery Corps, and the task of building the Army and safeguarding the Fatherland in the new situation.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.