Friday, September 20, 2024, 14:01 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 09:45 (GMT+7)
Military Region 4’s Party Organization steps up inspection, supervision and Party discipline

Over the past years, Military Region 4’s Party Committee (hereinafter the Party Committee) has effectively implemented the work of inspection, supervision and Party discipline, directly contributing to making the affiliates of Military Region 4’s Party Organization clean and strong as well as developing combat power of Military Region 4’s armed forces. This lays a foundation for Military Region 4’s Party Organization to step up this work in the time to come.

Maj. Gen. Tran Vo Dzung presenting awards to the units with good achievements in the work of inspection and supervision

Being fully aware of the importance attached to the work of inspection, supervision and Party discipline, the Party Committee’s Inspection Commission has counselled the Party Committee’s Standing Board to introduce resolutions and regulations on inspection and supervision for the 2015-2020 tenure as well as to execute 100% of all plans for inspection and supervision. On this basis, Party sub-committees and Inspection sub-commissions throughout Military Region 4 have adopted regulations on cooperation with their counterparts in localities in the inspection and supervision of their Party members and Party organizations in line with their specific circumstances. The work of inspection and supervision has been focused on the Party Statutes’ Clause 2 of Article 30, the Resolution of the 12th Party Central Committee’s 4th plenum on Party building and rectification, together with the 12th Politburo’s Directive 05-CT/TW on further learning from and emulating Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle. Under the motto “no restricted zones”, Party sub-committees have opportunely identified signs of violations, severely punished violators of the Party discipline and those who bear joint responsibility for those violations in accordance with their jurisdiction, directed inspection and supervision at head of units and Party members who underachieve, as well as resolutely redressed manifestations of the “achievement disease” and the concealment of shortcomings. In 2018 alone, 18.49% of the Party organizations and 21.50% of the Party members (25% and 17.62% of whom were cadres and members of Party sub-committees respectively) across Military Region 4 were subject to inspection while 14.31% of the Party organizations and 16.63% of the Party members (12.5% and 10.67% of whom were cadres and members of Party sub-committees respectively) were subject to supervision. Military Region 4 effectively implemented Directive 186-CT/QU by the Central Military Commission’s Standing Board on conducting the 2018 inspection program initiated by the Party Central Committee’s Politburo and the Secretariat. At the same time, 100% of the Party sub-committees and Party cells under Military Region 4’s Party Organization underwent inspection and self-inspection. The Party Committee’s Standing Board directly carried out the inspection of Party sub-committees in the Department of Logistics, Division 324, the Military School, Vocational School No.4 and Brigade 283 while cooperating with the Standing Board of Nghe An Province’s Party Committee in performing the inspection of the provincial Military Command’s Party Committee. Party sub-committees and inspection sub-commissions closely cooperated with their counterparts in localities in inspecting and supervising local Party organizations and heads of local agencies in terms of the implementation of military and defense tasks and the work of Party building. The aforementioned results have contributed to making Party organizations across Military Region 4 clean and strong as well as developing their armed forces’ combat power.

In the time to come, the cause of national construction and protection in general, the building of the Military Party Organization in particular set out more demanding requirements for the work of Party building and rectification. Meanwhile, the management and training of cadres and Party members in Military Region 4 has revealed shortcomings. There have been manifestations of degradation in political ideology, morality and lifestyle as well as violations of the principles of democratic centralism, Party discipline, military discipline and the State’s laws among some of Military Region 4’s cadres and Party members. Therefore, the Party Committee’s Standing Board request Party sub-committees, Party organizations and inspection sub-commissions to step up the work of inspection, supervision and discipline with emphasis being placed on the following.

 First, promoting propaganda and education in order to raise awareness among cadres and Party members of the work of inspection and supervision initiated by the Party. The work of propaganda and education should be carried out regularly by means of diverse contents and methods. Focus should be on guidelines, resolutions, directives and regulations on the work of Party building, inspection, supervision and Party discipline, especially the Party Central Committee’s Regulation 30-QĐ/TW on the enforcement of  the Party Statutes’ Chapters VII &VIII, the 12th Politburo’s Regulation 07-Qđi/TW on disciplining Party organizations that commit violations, Regulation 176-Qđi/TW on the inspection and supervision of cadres, the 12th Politburo’s Regulation 86-QĐ/TW on the work of supervision within the Party, Resolution 504-NQ/QUTW by the Central Military Commission’s Standing Board on “leading the work of inspection and supervision within the Military Party Organization during the 2015-2020 tenure”. Doing so enables cadres, Party members and non-Party membership individuals to become fully aware of the importance and contents of inspection, supervision and Party discipline as well as to bring about profound transformations in a sense of responsibility among and the performance of Party sub-committees, Party organizations and inspection sub-commissions, particularly among commanders, political commissars and cadres specializing in the work of inspection, supervision and Party discipline.

The Military Region Party Committee Standing Board inspecting the Vocational School No.4

Second, closely combining inspection and supervision with Party discipline. The work of inspection and supervision should follow the guideline that “supervision is supposed to be expanded while inspection is supposed to be focalized”. At the same time, it is necessary to thoroughly grasp and effectively implement Directive 227-CT/ĐU by the Central Military Commission’s Standing Board on the inspection of the Party Committee and members of the Party Committee’s Standing Board under the Party Statutes’ Clause 2 of Article 30 as well as Directive 28-CT/TW by the 12th Party Central Committee’s Secretariat on the enhanced quality of initiating individuals into the Party and the expulsion of violators from the Party. The focus of inspection and supervision should be on heads of Party sub-committees, Party organizations, agencies and units in terms of the performance of assigned tasks, morality and lifestyle. Inspection and supervision should be directed at the implementation of the 12th Party Central Committee’s 4th plenum, the 12th Politburo’s Directive 05-CT/TW, Directive 87-CT/QUTW by the Central Military Commission’s Standing Board. Party organizations and Party members who display signs of violations should undergo timely inspection. Complaints and denunciations should be handled efficiently within jurisdictions. It is essential to severely punish any violator and cover-up as a deterrent.

Third, ceaselessly enhancing the effectiveness of inspection, supervision and Party discipline. To this end, it is necessary to keep track of assigned tasks as well as regulations on the work of inspection, supervision and Party discipline and the handling of complaints and denunciations in accordance with the Party Statutes and the higher echelons’ guidelines. Inspection sub-commissions should proactively counsel Party sub-committees to carry out the work of inspection and supervision in compliance with the Party Statutes and to effectively implement plans for inspection and supervision during the 2015-2020 tenure. The work of inspection and supervision should be comprehensive and focalized with emphasis being placed on the performance of political tasks; action plans for the implementation of the Resolution of the 12th Party National Congress and the Resolution of Military Region 4’s Party Congress during the 2015-2020 tenure; the principles of democratic centralism; measures for realizing the Resolution of the 12th Party Central Committee’s 4th plenum, the 12th Politburo’s Directive 05-CT/TW, Directive 87-CT/QUTW by the Central Military Commission’s Standing Board; as well as morality and lifestyle of cadres and Party members. The focus of inspection and supervision should be on Party organizations that display signs of disunity and underachievement, key Party organizations, combat readiness and training units as well as units held responsible for economic and financial affairs which are prone to negative practices. It is necessary to thoroughly grasp the motto “Proactiveness, combat, education and effectiveness”, to bring into full play the roles by functional agencies, to opportunely perform inspections in the event of signs of violations and to redress manifestations of circumventing inspection. Disciplining Party members and Party organizations as well as handling complaints and denunciations should be fair, accurate, timely and reasonable in order to achieve a high degree of consensus.

Fourth, continuing to strengthen inspection sub-commissions comprehensively and to build a contingent of inspectors with strong will, comprehensive knowledge, good moral qualities and proven professional capabilities. Party sub-committees should pay regular attention to strengthening the organizational structure of inspection sub-commissions in line with Guideline 12-HD/UBKTTW by the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission on “the organizational structure and membership of inspection commissions under the Military Party Organization” and Conclusion 122-KL/TVQU by the Central Military Commission’s Standing Board on “the number of directors and deputy directors of inspection commissions under the Central Military Commission during the 2015-2020 tenure”. Importance should be attached to selecting, retraining and transferring inspectors, promoting political will, developing specialized and professional capabilities, enhancing moral qualities among inspectors as well as investing in facilities for inspection sub-commissions.

The work of inspection, supervision and Party discipline is a political task assigned to every Party organization and Party member, particularly Party committees, heads of units and agencies, inspection commissions and inspectors. Stepping up the work of inspection, supervision and Party discipline directly contributes to strengthening Military Region 4’s Party Organization politically, ideologically, organizationally and morally as well as to developing their armed forces’ combat power

Maj. Gen. Tran Vo Dzung, Secretary of the Military Region’s Party Committee

Political Commissar of the Military Region

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