Friday, September 20, 2024, 18:28 (GMT+7)

Quang Ngai armed forces build "4-goods party cells" according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought

Quang Ngai armed forces build “4-goods party cells” according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought

Monday, September 16, 2024, 16:11 (GMT+7)
Engraving President Ho Chi Minh’s sayings and seriously grasping the superiors’ regulations and instructions on building the Party, Quang Ngai Provincial Military Party Committee has directed the party committees and party cells to synchronously implement the building of the “4-goods party cells”.

The 2nd Naval Region promotes emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement

The 2nd Naval Region promotes emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:01 (GMT+7)
The results of the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement in recent years have contributed to building the pure and strong party cells, the all-strong “exemplary, typical” Region. The Region ranks top in the whole Navy in training, combat readiness, discipline training and regularity building for many consecutive years.

1st Corps’ Party Committee improves the leadership and combat strength of the grassroots party cells

1st Corps’ Party Committee improves the leadership and combat strength of the grassroots party cells

Saturday, September 30, 2023, 08:03 (GMT+7)
In order to finish the tasks in the new condition, the Corps’ Party Committee and Command have synchronously implemented guidelines and solutions, regularly led and directed the construction of the pure and strong party cells, continuously improved the leadership and combat strength, ensuring that all offices and units could successfully accomplish the assigned tasks.

1st Regiment builds all strong, "exemplary and typical" unit

1st Regiment builds all strong, “exemplary and typical” unit

Sunday, September 24, 2023, 22:15 (GMT+7)
The Regiment has thoroughly grasped the Party’s military and defence guidelines, closely followed the leadership and direction by the Military Region’s Party Committee and Command and the 330th Division  to apply synchronously solutions for building the comprehensively strong, “exemplary and typical” unit according to Direction No. 79/CT-BQP, dated 22 July 2022 by the Minister of National Defence, and consider it as the foundation for successfully accomplishing all assigned tasks.

Political College renovates the education and training

Political College renovates the education and training

Sunday, August 13, 2023, 15:56 (GMT+7)
In order to renew the teaching forms and methods towards modernity, the College has attentively researched and flexibly applied active and practical teaching methods to prove learners’ self-motivation and creativity, combine the theories with practicality and practice; maintained the methodological activities; promoted the training and self-training for lecturers, focusing on their morality, pedagogical skills, foreign languages, and the capacities of applying the information technology and modern teaching facilities into their teaching.

Division 9 improves the overall quality and combat strength

Division 9 improves the overall quality and combat strength

Saturday, July 29, 2023, 13:10 (GMT+7)
Presently, the duty of protecting the Homeland, building the Army and Division has set high requirements. Hostile forces have speeded up their fierce sabotage of the Party, State and Army. The political security and social order in the area, natural disasters and diseases have become more complicated. The Army and Corps have enhanced the implementation of resolutions and plans on restructuring the staff towards the “elite, compact and strong” way; the Division’s duties have defined new and higher requirements, etc. As a result, in order to successfully accomplish the tasks in the coming time, the Division’s Party Committee and Command have defined to continuously lead and direct the synchronous implementation of guidelines and solutions for improving the overall quality and combat strength.

Military Region 7 continues to renovate and improve the quality of political education

Military Region 7 continues to renovate and improve the quality of political education

Monday, July 24, 2023, 18:12 (GMT+7)
Due to the right policies, with many creative methods and solutions, the Region’s political education has gained important results, directly contributing to enhancing the awareness of tasks; building the political acumen, morale; consolidating the trust in the Party’s leadership for cadres and soldiers.These results have contributed to the construction of the pure and strong party cells, comprehensively strong, “exemplary and typical” units.

Trung Khanh District improves defence and security education

Trung Khanh District improves defence and security education

Tuesday, January 17, 2023, 11:08 (GMT+7)
Clearly understanding its importance, in recent years, Trung Khanh District, together with improving the socio-economic development, has enhanced the national defence and security; considering the education on national defence and security as one of the main missions which needs to be implemented with many practical and effective solutions.

Military Region 4 Party Committee focuses on building "three-good and three-no" Party cells

Military Region 4 Party Committee focuses on building “three-good and three-no” Party cells

Tuesday, February 25, 2020, 07:13 (GMT+7)
The Military Region 4 Party Committee has always paid attention to and taken care of building clean and strong Party cells with a breakthrough in building the “three-good and three-no” model

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.