Friday, September 20, 2024, 18:53 (GMT+7)

Saturday, September 30, 2023, 08:03 (GMT+7)
1st Corps’ Party Committee improves the leadership and combat strength of the grassroots party cells

Improving the leadership and combat strength of the grassroots party cells is an important and regular requirement in Party building. This is also an issue that has regularly received the crucial and effective leadership and direction from the 1st Corps’ Party Committee, making contribution to building the pure and strong party cells, the comprehensively strong, “exemplary and typical” Corps, meeting the increasingly higher requirements of the task on building the Army and safeguarding the Homeland in the new situation.

Thoroughly understanding the decisive position and role of the grassroots party cells to the task accomplishment of each office and unit, in recent years, the 1st Corps’ Standing Party Committee and Command have had many guidelines and solutions for leading and directing the construction of the pure and strong party cells owning the comprehensively leading capacity and high combat strength. In particular, they have focused on building the grassroots party committees and cells which are strong in politics, thought, mentality, organisation and staff; timely consolidated and strengthened the party committees when having changes on staff; complied with the principles, order and disciplines of activities, heightened the self-criticism and criticism; actively changed the working style and maintained the rules and disciplines. The managing, educating and training of party members have been considered by the all-level party committees and cells; the work of examination, supervision and enforcement of the party discipline have been executed effectively, etc. The results of annual evaluation and classification have shown that 100% of party cells have accomplished their tasks (93% of them have been rated good and excellent); 90% of party members have well and excellently accomplished their tasks; the Corps’ party committee has been rated pure and strong, and all leaders have well accomplished their assigned tasks.

Presently, the tasks of building the Army, consolidating the national defence, safeguarding the Homeland have defined higher and more comprehensive requirements, meanwhile, the Corps has promoted the grasp and implementation of the plan on adjusting the force organisation according to Resolution No. 230-NQ/QUTW, dated 02/4/2022 by the Central Military Commission (CMC) on organising the Vietnam People’s Army in the 2021 – 2030 period and the following years, raising many problems of thought, organisation, staff and policies, etc. In order to finish the tasks in the new condition, the Corps’ Party Committee and Command have synchronously implemented guidelines and solutions, regularly led and directed the construction of the pure and strong party cells, continuously improved the leadership and combat strength, ensuring that all offices and units could successfully accomplish the assigned tasks, focusing on the main following ones:

Firstly, attentively building the party cells which are strong in politics, thought and ethics is a key and foundation for carrying out other contents and solutions. Accordingly, the Corps’ Party Committee and other party cells have continued to grasp and effectively implement resolutions, conclusions, directions, regulations and instructions on the Party building work. In the implementation process, it is necessary to combine with implementing the 4th Central Resolution (13th tenure) on enhancing the construction and reorganisation of the Party and the political system; Regulations by the Central Committee on things that the party members are not supposed to do and on promoting the studying and following of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style; Resolutions No. 847-NQ/QUTW, dated 28/12/2021 by the CMC on promoting the qualities of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”, firmly preventing individualism in the new situation, etc., also, actively reform the contents and methods of the ideological work in the active, flexible, practical and effective way; timely hold, orient and solve the complicated and sensitive problems for cadres and party members in order to create the unity in the party committees and party cells at all levels, the high agreement in offices and units, etc., through which to build the staff of cadres and party members who have stable political spirit, pure mentality and healthy lifestyle, without hesitation to any difficulties and challenges and expression of degradation in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, the "self-evolution" and "self-transformation", ready to receive and well accomplish all assigned tasks.

The final meeting of the 1st Corps' Party Committee in 2022

Secondly, building the party cells which are organisationally strong; improving the comprehensive quality of the staff of cadres and party members. This is the main content to improve the leading ability and combat strength of the party cells. Basing on the requirements and tasks, offices and units have regularly checked, timely strengthened the party committees and cells, making sure the quality, quantity and suitable structure, combining the construction of committee members and the one of leaders, especially in the party cells in the merged and newly-built offices and units; proactively checked, modified, completed and strictly done the regulations of working, leading the main working fields in accordance with the rules. In particular, it is necessary to clearly identify the scale, responsibility, authority and the leading regime of the party committees, standing committees, secretary, deputy secretary, committee members and other working relations; enhance the implementation of the “four goods” model which is suitable with the features of each party cell.

On understanding that the staff of cadres and party members are the factor deciding the leading capability and combat strength of the grassroots party cells, the Corps’ Party Committee and other party committees at all levels have grasped and strictly implemented the resolutions, directions, regulations and instructions on building the staff of cadres based on the spirit of “7 dares”, attentively cultivated the quality, morality, discipline, improved the practical skills and ability, ensuring the quantity with suitable structure and high quality, meeting the demands for the organisation and title standards; built and well carried out the plans on commanders, leaders and managers; discovered, trained and built the sources of cadres for the requirements and tasks of building the offices and units immediately and in the long run. In the implementation, it must ensure the regulations, processes and regulations, strictly implemented Decision No. 114-QĐ/TW, dated 11/7/2023 by the Politburo (13th tenure) on controlling the power and preventing corruption, negatives in the personnel work; enhanced the management, education and training for the party members; improved the quality of the party member development and personnel sources; strived to have 99.7% cadres and party member accomplishing the tasks (87% of them doing well and excellently); over 90% party committees and cells well and excellently accomplishing the tasks.

Thirdly, drastically reforming the leading methods and style of all party committees, grassroots party cells, cadres and party members. In order to well carry out this contents, the party committees and party cells should regularly reform the contents and forms of activities suitably with each party cell, focus on effectively applying activities of leadership, learning, self-criticism and criticism; practise questioning in all party activities; improve the quality of specific activities in all party cells. They should also enhance the reform of resolution introduction making it short, easy to understand, remember and execute; appoint cadres suitably with their tasks and responsibility; regularly check and timely discover and solve raising problems. The party committees and party cells at all levels should actively train and practise working methods and habits for cadres and party members, strengthen the fighting spirit in the party activities, ensure the high unity and agreement, enhance the leading roles of the party committees and party cells, and bring into play the commanders’ effects; work with principles, regulations and suitable allocation and echelon.

Together, it is necessary to bring into play the roles of the party committees and functional offices, especially the superior political offices in advising, proposing, directing, instructing, inspecting and evaluating the quality of building the party cells; regularly hold the situation in all aspects of the grassroots party cells; correctly identify the difficulties, especially in the units having weaknesses and shortcomings in order to make suitable solutions. At the same time, it is also necessary to promote the proactiveness and creativity of the grassroots levels in building the party cells; care for building, consolidating and strengthening the commander and public unions and the soldier council so that they could act correctly, making contribution to building the pure, strong and typical party committees and party cells.

Fourthly, actively reforming and improving the effectiveness in examining, supervising and implementing the party discipline. The reality has already confirmed that there is no leadership if it is not combined with examination and supervision. Fully understanding that value, the Corps’ Party Committee has required all party committees and party cells to grasp the motto: “Supervision must be widened, examination must be focused with main points”, strictly implement the examination and supervision in accordance with the Party Charter; improved the quality, effects and effectiveness of the work of examination and supervision by all-level party committees and examination committees; focused on the leaders of the party committees and party cells, commanders of offices and units over their political spirit, morality, lifestyle, modeling responsibility and the assigned tasks and authority; closely combined between “build” and “prevent”; enhance the supervision over the repairs of weaknesses after being examined. The party committees and examination committees at all levels should proactively hold the situation, timely discover and examine the party cells and members having signs of violations, effectively prevent them from discipline violations; punish the violators “uprightly, correctly and timely”; proactively prevent and completely solve the reports and complaints to ensure the stability in offices and units; regularly check and expel from the party any ineligible ones.

Synchronously implementing the above main solutions is an important foundation to build the grassroots party cells in the Corps’ Party Committee which are strong in politics, thought, morality, organisation and personnel, having high combat strength and all commanders of offices and units excellently accomplishing their assigned tasks.

Major General NGUYEN DUC HUNG, Political Commissar of the Corps

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