Friday, September 20, 2024, 03:06 (GMT+7)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:01 (GMT+7)
The 2nd Naval Region promotes emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement

Fully aware of the position and role of the emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement to its task completion, the 2nd Naval Region’s Party Committee and Command advocate implementing synchronously many solutions for bringing this important work into depth, creating the spiritual motivation to encourage cadres and soldiers to emulatively accomplish all the assigned tasks.

The 2nd Naval Region is a core force in managing and protecting the sovereignty over seas and islands from Ba Kiem cape, Ham Tan district, Binh Thuan province to Ganh Hao river mouth, Bac Lieu province and the Southern continental shelf of the country. This is a hard and complex task because together with managing and protecting the large and complex seas and islands, the Region has covered some major areas of economy-science-service of the country. Therefore, in its task execution, besides the advantages, the Region faces several difficulties, especially when the security at sea has many potential risks and there are several violations of sovereignty and sovereignty rights by foreign ships; the criminals, smuggles, trading frauds tend to increase. Moreover, its units are stationed dispersedly, manage many offshore ships, rigs, radios and stations, operate in severe weather conditions and face many complicated and dangerous situations. This reality requires the Region’s Party Committee and Command to make policies and solutions for leading and directing the synchronous implementation of all working fields, of which, the party and political work is the core, the emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement are focal aspects, aiming to make its cadres and soldiers fully aware of their duties and tasks, improve their political spirit, build the collective consciousness, train their morale and maintain the qualities of Uncle Ho’s Soldiers – The Naval Soldiers, be ready to sacrifice and overcome all difficulties and challenges to well accomplish their assigned tasks.

Awarding outstanding individuals of Brigade 125 in the Determined to win Emulation movement in the 2019 - 2024 period

At first, the Region’s Party Committee and Command have intensely grasped and seriously implemented the resolutions and directions of the Party, State, the Military and the Navy on emulation, commendation and the Patriotic Emulation movement in general, the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement in particular; enhanced the education of awareness and responsibility, built the motivation and determination for all cadres and soldiers. The Region’s Party Committee and Command has issued their leadership resolutions, the Political Department has built plans on directing offices and units to promote the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement. The basic spirit of the seniors’ directions and instructions have been applied into the units’ real situations and tasks with suitable contents and solutions. This has contributed to building the unity in awareness and responsibility of all cadres and soldiers. Most presiding cadres and party committees’ members at all levels have correctly perceived the targets and requirements of the emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement, raised their responsibility and exemplarity in their leadership, direction and implementation. The emulation and commendation have become a regular content in the activities of all-level party committees and commands; the emulation results have been considered as one of the important criteria to evaluate the task completion of all individuals and organisations.

Noticeably, the Region’s Determined-to-win Emulation Movement has been actively renovated regarding the method of organisation towards the way of closely combining the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement with implementing the political tasks, campaigns and emulation movements of all sectors, organisations and unions; intensely changing the weaknesses and improving the quality and effectiveness of all working fields in each office and unit. Accordingly, the party committees and commands at all levels have strictly launched, maintained and reviewed each emulation stage, culminating and breaking emulation, etc. with detailed contents, targets and solutions. Besides, the Region has paid attention to investing and directing the building of appointed units, focusing on units in hardships, training units, combat-readiness units and battleship units. More noticeably, the party committees and commands at all levels have skillfully concretised and combined the contents and targets of the Determined-to-win Emulation with learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style, implementing the 4th Central Resolution (11th, 12th, 13th tenure) on building and rectifying the Party, Resolution No. 847 by the Central Military Commission on promoting the qualities of Uncle Ho’s Soldiers, resolutely preventing the individualism in the new situation, creating the active changes in awareness and actions, encouraging cadres, party members and the people to raise the proactive, creative, self-reliant and resilient spirit, successfully doing the units’ political tasks.

The Region’s commendation has also been strictly led and directed; assuring that the commendation is for right person, right work, in accordance with the regulations, process and procedures, creating active effects on encouraging soldiers’ spirit. Beside the commendation forms by regulations, units have applied many other forms of stimulation. On celebrating major anniversaries of the country and the Military, the Region’s Party Committee has proactively directed all levels to approve the reward proposals and request the Service to consider and present the Naval Badges and Campaign Medal for the cause of safeguarding the sovereignty over seas and islands to selected individuals.

In directing and implementing the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement, the Region has paid attention to bringing into play the overall power in many forms. Accordingly, units have intensely improved the leading ability for the party organisations, focusing on the party cells in ships, islands, stations, combatting companies; improved the working effectiveness of the mass organisations and strictly followed the Democratic Regulation at the grassroots levels. Closely connecting with the socio-political activities of the country and the Military, the Region’s Determined -to-win Emulation Movement has directedly improved the quality of key political tasks, the breaking contents of the Service, Region and other sectors; improved the level of combat readiness, firmly managing and protecting the sovereignty over the assigned seas and islands, and the security and order in the stationed areas. Together, the emulation movement of “The Military Logistics following Uncle Ho’s teachings” has been enhanced, encouraging cadres and soldiers to raise their responsibility and overcome difficulties; building 100% “Excellent kitchens”, timely supporting logistics for tasks and improving soldiers’ physical and spiritual life; the Campaign 50 of the Technical Department has been comprehensively developed, weapons and technical equipment have been synchronously assured. The work of public relations, policies, gratitude, hunger eradication, poverty elimination, building the new rural areas, etc. has been effectively implemented, strengthening the close-knit relationship between the Military and the civilians. The periodical evaluation of emulation has been carried out seriously and objectively, reflecting the true quality of the movement.

Conducting sea and island propgation for fishermen in Bac Lieu province

The results of the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement in recent years have contributed to building the pure and strong party cells, the all-strong “exemplary, typical” Region. The Region ranks top in the whole Navy in training, combat readiness, discipline training and regularity building for many consecutive years.

In the coming years, the Region’s tasks have new developments, requiring that its party committees and leaderships at all levels pay special attention to maintaining and improving the quality and effectiveness of the emulation and commendation, and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement. To carry it out, the Region’s Party Committee and Command will focus on the following solutions:

Firstly, thoroughly educating and unifying the awareness of the whole Region of the position and role of the emulation, commendation, and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement to make every serviceman clearly aware of their political responsibility and define their self-conscious actions; raising the responsibility of the party committees, presiding cadres and all cadres and party members in their leadership and implementation. Raise the exemplary role of cadres and party members, of the presiding cadres of offices and units particularly, good people and good work in order to build the strong party committees, organisations, offices and units, maintain and bring into play the good qualities of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” – The Naval Soldiers in the new era, create the wide movement and great motivation to encourage groups and individuals to be renovated and creative, overcome difficulties and successfully accomplish all assigned tasks.

Secondly, the all-level party committees, party organisations, political commissars, junior political commissars, political offices, emulation and commendation councils should raise their responsibility, reform the methods, enhance the leadership, improve the directing effectiveness; check, add and complete the regulations of emulation and commendation. Continue to pay attention to developing abilities and bringing into play the roles of all-level political offices, emulation and commendation councils and political cadres in advising and proposing to the party committees, political commissars, junior political commissars and commanders at all levels solutions for launching the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement suitably with the reality, meeting the task requirements of offices and units.

Thirdly, actively renovating and improving the quality and effectiveness of the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement, bringing into play the role of the mass unions, especially the vanguard role of the Youth Union. The emulation contents and targets should be comprehensive with focuses towards well implementing the “3 breakthroughs” defined in the Resolution of the Region’s 3th Party Congress in the 2020-2025 period. Concurrently, it is necessary to well conduct the check, evaluation, partial and total summary; discover new issues and multiply good methods; timely correct and solve any limitations and shortcomings, etc., in order to continually strengthen the emulation, commendation and the Determined-to-win Emulation Movement of the 2nd Naval Region, making contribution to successfully accomplishing all tasks in the new era.

Senior Colonel DO HONG DUYEN, Deputy Commissar of the Region

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