Friday, September 20, 2024, 15:31 (GMT+7)

Upholding the tradition of winning the first battles to build an "elite, compact, strong" Naval Service

Upholding the tradition of winning the first battles to build an “elite, compact, strong” Naval Service

Thursday, August 08, 2024, 07:49 (GMT+7)
On 2 and 5 August 1964, the Vietnam People’s Navy (VPN) cooperated with other forces in courageously fighting to win victory in the first battles. It is forever a source of pride and encouragement for generations of Naval cadres and soldiers to overcome all hardships, successfully fulfil all assigned tasks, and build an “elite, compact, strong”, modern Service worthy of its core role in firmly protecting national sovereignty over seas and islands

Corps 15 promotes its core role in persuading and mobilising people to obey the law

Corps 15 promotes its core role in persuading and mobilising people to obey the law

Thursday, February 29, 2024, 07:09 (GMT+7)
Accompanying the people, especially the ethnic minorities in remote and border areas, the Corps' officers and soldiers always show pioneering and exemplary manner; actively persuade people to raise awareness of law observance through specific and practical actions, making an important contribution to maintaining political security, social order and safety, and economic development in the localities, which has been highly appreciated by the Ministry of National Defence, local party committees, authorities and people.

Coast Guard Region 1 improves effectiveness in preventing and combating IUU fishing

Coast Guard Region 1 improves effectiveness in preventing and combating IUU fishing

Monday, February 26, 2024, 15:02 (GMT+7)
Firmly grasping its functions, tasks, the characteristics of the area and the situation of maritime security, especially IUU fishing activities, recently the CGR1’s Party Committee and Command have led and directed its agencies and units to synchronously implement solutions to improve the efficiency of task performance, in which, preventing and combating IUU fishing is one of the key tasks.

Quang Binh province focuses on building and improving the operational effectiveness of the militia and self-defence force

Quang Binh province focuses on building and improving the operational effectiveness of the militia and self-defence force

Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 09:10 (GMT+7)
Recognising the challenges, the Provincial Party Committee and the People’s Committee of Quang Binh have deeply embraced the Party’s viewpoint and strategy regarding the building and defence of the Fatherland in the new situation. They have also adopted flexible and innovative approaches, putting forth numerous directives and measures for socio-economic development while effectively implementing defence and military tasks. Among these tasks, the establishment of a strong and extensive militia and self-defence force is a core element in ensuring provincial defence and addressing natural disasters, epidemics, and search and rescue missions at the grassroots level.

Victory of Ha Noi – Dien Bien Phu in the Air in 1972: Vietnamese spirit and wisdom

Victory of Ha Noi – Dien Bien Phu in the Air in 1972: Vietnamese spirit and wisdom

Thursday, December 15, 2022, 13:37 (GMT+7)
The strategic vision of our Party and President Ho Chi Minh was a vital premise and prerequisite for the entire Party, people, and military in general, the military and people in the north in particular to proactively and calmly cope with situation successfully, firmly maintaining and strengthening the offensive posture before and during the historic battle with the U.S’s Strategic Air Forces.

Effectiveness of Signal Brigade 134’s mass mobilisation work

Effectiveness of Signal Brigade 134’s mass mobilisation work

Friday, September 16, 2022, 22:00 (GMT+7)
The Brigade directs agencies and units to thoroughly grasp and strictly implement the resolutions, directives, and regulations issued by the Party and the Central Military Commission on mass mobilisation work, making the contingent of party committees and leaders at all levels deeply aware of the meaning and importance of mass mobilisation work for ensuring the signal system that the Brigade is responsible for.

Humanity via Ho Chi Minh’s saying "war invalids are disabled, but not useless"

Humanity via Ho Chi Minh’s saying “war invalids are disabled, but not useless”

Saturday, July 23, 2022, 08:15 (GMT+7)
War Invalids and Martyrs Day gives us a chance to express gratitude to families with meritorious services to the country and the revolution as well. Our people’s affection is crystallised throughout President Ho Chi Minh’s heartfelt love and considerate care for war invalids and martyrs as well as for their families and relatives.

Quang Binh province focuses on building a solid all-people border defence and a firm "posture of people’s hearts and minds"

Quang Binh province focuses on building a solid all-people border defence and a firm “posture of people’s hearts and minds”

Thursday, April 07, 2022, 09:06 (GMT+7)
As the province holds a position of strategic importance to defence and security of the North Central Coast and the entire country, all-level party committees and authorities across Quang Binh have always considered the building of a solid all-people border defence and a firm “posture of people’s hearts and minds” as a crucial task aimed facilitating the province’s socio-economic development and ensuring the people’s peaceful life

Promoting the No Number Naval Ships’ tradition to build a strong and modern Brigade 125

Promoting the No Number Naval Ships’ tradition to build a strong and modern Brigade 125

Thursday, September 30, 2021, 13:26 (GMT+7)
In the great resistance war against the U.S., for national salvation, together with our military and people, “the No Number Naval Ships” - the present-day Brigade 125 under the Naval Zone 2 achieved brilliant feats of arms to contribute to making up the legendary “Ho Chi Minh sea trail.” Bringing into play that tradition, the Brigade is concentrating on making itself strong and modern on a par with its task requirements

General Vo Nguyen Giap - a political and military genius of the Ho Chi Minh era

General Vo Nguyen Giap - a political and military genius of the Ho Chi Minh era

Friday, August 20, 2021, 14:55 (GMT+7)
Admiring the General’s talent, Cecil B. Currey, an American history Professor ever wrote: “During that time, he became not only a legend, but perhaps the single greatest military genius of the twentieth century and one of the greatest of all time.” According to the Professor, “Throughout the long decades of his career, he devised tactics and strategies that eventually brought his nation to victory over powerful enemies”

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.