Friday, September 20, 2024, 13:21 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 09:10 (GMT+7)
Quang Binh province focuses on building and improving the operational effectiveness of the militia and self-defence force

Due to its geographical position, terrain characteristics, and traditional cultural features, Quang Binh province holds a crucial position in the economic, defence, security, and foreign affairs of the 4th Military Region and the entire country. This is a sacred ground with rich revolutionary traditions, but it also suffers from harsh climate conditions and frequent natural disasters. Its terrain consists of 85% hilly and mountainous areas, with a low population density and incomplete industrial development, posing challenges to population stability. Recognising these challenges, the Provincial Party Committee and the People’s Committee of Quang Binh have deeply embraced the Party’s viewpoint and strategy regarding the building and defence of the Fatherland in the new situation. They have also adopted flexible and innovative approaches, putting forth numerous directives and measures for socio-economic development while effectively implementing defence and military tasks. Among these tasks, the establishment of a strong and extensive militia and self-defence force is a core element in ensuring provincial defence and addressing natural disasters, epidemics, and search and rescue missions at the grassroots level. This is one of the central missions that the Party committees and authorities at all levels concentrate on leading and directing through various determined and coordinated measures.

Firstly, the Province’s leadership emphasises the role of military agencies at all levels in providing counsel to Party committees and authorities in leading and directing the development of the self-defence militia force in line with local characteristics. Adhering to and implementing the Law on Militia and Self-Defence Force, Decree No. 72/2020/ND-CP dated 30 June 2020 of the Government on the organisation and development and policies for the militia and self-defence force, along with related circulars and guidelines, the Provincial Military Command has advised the Provincial People’s Committee to formulate the “Plan for the organisation, training, operation and support policies for the provincial militia and self-defence force for the period 2021 – 2026”. This serves as the foundation for specific directives and plans by the Party committees and authorities at various levels in leading and implementing military and defence tasks. Notably, in compliance with Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW dated 25 October 2017, of the Central Party Committee (12th Tenure) on “Some issues regarding the continued renovation and reorganisation for a compact, effective, and efficient political system”, and Resolution No. 37-NQ/TW on “The merger of administrative units at the district and commune levels”, the Province’s leadership has directed the establishment of 08 district-level military commands by dissolving 16 existing ones. Additionally, a 76.2mm Militia Artillery Company has been established. The province has also reorganised the Female Militia Air-Defence Gun Company (with 37mm anti-aircraft guns) and the Female Militia Section in Lam Thuy commune, Le Thuy district, ensuring close coordination and effective performance of duties at the grassroots level.

Throughout the implementation process of these plans, Quang Binh authority has focused on directing and guiding its subordinate authorities, particularly grassroots agencies to strengthen the leadership of Party cells, leveraging the roles of mass-organisations and the entire population in building the self-defence militia force. The emphasis is on building specialised self-defence units such as the supporting arms militia, coastal militia, and militia units in key areas, remote regions, and border areas. Besides, localities strictly adhere to procedures and regulations in the recruitment and selection of personnel for the self-defence force, with a priority on the political awareness of the recruits. As of now, the self-defence force of the province have been established in all 100% of communes, wards, towns, and the strength of militia units in 260 localities and organisations accounts for 1.72% of the population, in which 37% of militia personnel are Party members.

Training of anti-aircraft gun militia squad

To fulfill its core role in carrying out military and defence tasks at the local level, the Province’s leadership intensifies training and exercises to enhance the quality of the self-defence militia force. Adhering to and implementing Resolution No. 1659-NQ/QUTW dated 20 December 2022, of the Central Military Commission on improving the quality of training for the 2023 - 2030 period and the following years, the Provincial Military Command is focusing on leading and guiding the enhancement of training quality for the militia and self-defence force. This is identified as a breakthrough to enhance the combat strength of the armed forces in the province. Accordingly, the provincial leadership requires localities to proactively consolidate and complete organisational structures, implement effective planning for member training and education, prepare training materials and locations and conduct exercise for militia units at each level.

Training content is concentrated on infantry combat techniques, implementing on-site combat plans, coordinating with other forces in patrolling, monitoring, maintaining political security, social order and safety, natural disaster prevention and response, search and rescue, etc. Training for coastal self-defence militia units focuses on skills such as ship towing, fire prevention and control, using communication tools, satellite positioning, and maritime reconnaissance. To ensure effectiveness, the Province places importance on mobilising the coastal self-defence militia to participate in exercises at all levels, strengthening the organisation of competitions and sports events, and directing a close integration between combat training and political education for the self-defence militia. Particularly, the province is directing the implementation of combat exercises at the commune level in defence zones, considering this as the highest form of training to enhance the overall quality of the self-defence militia, as well as the leadership and management capabilities of Party committees and authorities in handling situations related to defence and security.

Building a corps of military cadres at the grassroots level is a decisive factor in ensuring the quality and effectiveness of the work of building the militia and self-defence force. Bearing this in mind, Quang Binh Provincial Military Command directs its subordinate agencies at all levels to provide counsel to the local Party committees and authorities in developing plans for sending personnel to study at military training institutions of tertiary levels for the standardisation of the corps of communal military commanders. Simultaneously, training classes for communal military commanders, district-level deputy staff officers and militia affairs assistants of all levels are actively organised. Also, districts are directed to conduct training for militia platoon and section commanders and political commissars, deputy political commissars and deputy commanders of communal units.

In tandem with enhancing training quality, Quang Binh places great importance on maintaining and improving the effectiveness of militia and self-defence units at the grassroots level. In line with Government Decree No. 02/2020/NĐ-CP dated 30 June 2020, which regulates the coordination of the self-defence militia with other forces, the Province’s leadership directs self-defence militia units to maintain combat readiness in accordance with regulations. They also collaborate with other forces such as the police and border guard in doing patrol and sentry duties and maintaining political security and social order and safety. Additionally, self-defence militia units engage in forest fire prevention, disease control, and regularly exchange information with other forces to have a thorough understanding of the local situation. Also, they propose timely recommendations to local Party committees and authorities to effectively address complex issues emerging at the grassroots level, preventing security “hotspots” in rural areas. Furthermore, the Province’s leadership directs the self-defence militia force to implement public mobilisation work, propagating and encouraging the people to strictly follow the guidelines and policies of the Parry and the State, especially in key communes and remote areas. To improve the quality of the self-defence militia’s activities, the Provincial Military Command developed plans and directed Lam Thuy commune and the 37mm Anti-Aircraft Female Militia Company to serve as the standard model for regular duty. Also, Hai Phu commune in Bo Trach district is designated for organising the building of the coastal militia and self-defence force, and Hai Ninh commune in Quang Ninh district is to serve as a model for training, and Bac Ly ward in Dong Hoi city is chosen as a model for training and maintaining combat readiness. Simultaneously, Quang Binh Military Command directs self-defence units to strengthen military discipline and the management, utilisation, and storage and weapons and tools in accordance with regulations. Furthermore, surveillance cameras are installed to monitor armouries in 100% of communes, wards, towns, etc. As a result, the capability of the self-defence militia to participate in local social tasks has significantly increased. On average, nearly 30,000 working days are contributed each year for missions such as guard duty, new rural area building, natural disaster prevention and respond, search and rescue, etc., with absolute safety in terms of both personnel and weaponry.

Alongside the aforementioned measures, the Province’s leadership pays close attention to ensuring support for all aspects in the building and operations of the militia and self-defence force. Adhering to the guidance of the Regional Military Command, instructions from relevant agencies, and the specific conditions of the localities, the Provincial Military Command actively advises the Provincial Party Committee and the People’s Committee to direct localities in providing and renovating the headquarters and workplaces of military attachments at the communal level and duty posts for self-defence militia personnel, ensuring that these facilities meet the operational needs of militia units. Besides, coordinating with departments, branches, and the Border Guard, Quang Binh Military Command plan and construct combat posts for the permanent self-defence militia sectors and militia land border defence posts. It also focuses on implementing Project 182/DA-UBND on support for the militia and self-defence force.

In addition, it is essential to properly balance and allocate budgets for localities, ensuring full benefits and support for the self-defence militia in accordance with regulations. Additionally, payments for militia personnel are made flexibly, days on duty are converted into fair commodity products and social organisations are actively mobilised to support and provide additional material and financial assistance for the self-defence militia during training, guard duty, and task implementation. As of now, 100% of the district-level military commands have their own headquarters or offices. Approximately 70% of communes, wards, and towns have duty posts and barracks for the mobile self-defence militia. And 100% of self-defence militia units are equipped in accordance with the regulations, with support tools meeting over 17% of the requirements, contributing to the overall improvement of the quality and effectiveness of the self-defence militia’s activities.

The self-defence militia constitutes one of the primary labour forces in the local economy. Therefore, to build and efficiently utilise this force, in the upcoming period, Quang Binh province will continue reviewing and proposing adjustments to policies that align with the market value of labour. In addition, the Province will suggest raising the age limit for self-defence militia cadres more suitable to the regulations for the personnel organisation of village and commune-level officials and for the common practice of management, utilisation and training of self-defence militia in the Province. Furthermore, there will be efforts to enhance the understanding of migration and labour flows nationwide to provide information on residence, labour, and training for localities within the Province and other provinces, maintaining the readiness of self-defence militia mobilisation for the tasks of building and safeguarding localities.

Senior Colonel DOAN SINH HOA, Member of the Standing Committee of Quang Binh Provincial Party 

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