Friday, September 20, 2024, 06:36 (GMT+7)

Division 308 raises the quality and effectiveness of legal dissemination and education

Division 308 raises the quality and effectiveness of legal dissemination and education

Monday, August 26, 2024, 10:44 (GMT+7)
With its “adept, compact, strong” organisational structure, Division 308 under Army Corps 12 has been orientated towards modernity under the 13th Politburo’s 05-NQ/TW dated 17 January 2022 and the Central Military Commission’s Resolution 230-NQ/QUTW dated 2 April 2022. Due to the development of its tasks, the Division has experienced an increase in the size of its workforce, which has imposed higher, more comprehensive, and more complex requirements on its training, combat readiness, human and material management, and other pieces of work

Evolution of military artistry in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign and contemporary issues of training operational and strategic-level cadres

Evolution of military artistry in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign and contemporary issues of training operational and strategic-level cadres

Friday, May 10, 2024, 09:35 (GMT+7)
In the new revolutionary period, military training needs to focus on nurturing and continually improving comprehensive knowledge, with the central focus being on the military knowledge for the contingent of operational and strategic-level cadres. In combat, the challenge for operational and strategic-level cadres is the ability to assess the enemy situation, flexibility, logical thinking, keen judgment,... “thinking up schemes, devising strategies,” to gradually put the enemy into a passive position.

French generals’ admission of defeat in Dien Bien Phu

French generals’ admission of defeat in Dien Bien Phu

Wednesday, May 08, 2024, 07:08 (GMT+7)
The battle of 1954 Dien Bien Phu took place 70 years ago, about which there have been a lot of books and articles by foreign generals, politicians, scholars and journalists. People around the world continue to wonder why Vietnam, a small, poor, low-tech country which had just successfully carried out the August Revolution with its nascent army, was able to defeat French colonialists. In order to answer this question, the article will briefly relate admissions by French generals who joined the war in Indochina in general, the battle of Dien Bien Phu in particular

The art of force organisation and deployment in the 1954 Upper Laos Campaign

The art of force organisation and deployment in the 1954 Upper Laos Campaign

Saturday, March 30, 2024, 17:27 (GMT+7)
The victory of the 1954 Upper Laos Campaign played a significant role in establishing a favourable position for the Dien Bien Phu front to implement the “firm attack, firm progress” combat principle, achieving a victory “resounding across continents, shaking the world”. The distinctive art of force deployment drawn from the Campaign should continue to be studied and creatively applied in the current mission of national defence.

Division 308 enhances the quality of combat training

Division 308 enhances the quality of combat training

Thursday, June 22, 2023, 08:07 (GMT+7)
Being fully aware of the disadvantages, over the years, the Division’s Party Committee and Command have advocated accelerating the renewal and improvement of the quality of combat training to fit the actual situation, combat subjects, and available weapons and equipment and bring into full play the tradition and combat experience of the Vanguard Corps.

Regiment 102 steps up ideological education, discipline management, and safety assurance

Regiment 102 steps up ideological education, discipline management, and safety assurance

Thursday, January 06, 2022, 10:19 (GMT+7)
Being founded on January 6th, 1947, Regiment 102, aka Capital Regiment, under Division 308 of Army Corps 1 was one of the first main regiments of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA). Immediately after the establishment, in response to President Ho Chi Minh’s Appeal for National Resistance, under the spirit of “sacrificing for the Homeland,” cadres and soldiers of the Regiment courageously fought to pin French troops down during 60 days and nights

Army Corps 1 raises its synergy and combat power

Army Corps 1 raises its synergy and combat power

Monday, December 06, 2021, 19:36 (GMT+7)
Being fully aware of the guidelines on Military build-up, national defence consolidation, and Homeland protection set by the 13th National Party Congress and the 11th Military Party Congress, Army Corps 1’s Party Committee and Command have been focusing their leadership and direction on raising the Corps’ synergy and combat strength to allow the Corps to readily undertake and successfully fulfil all assigned missions

Promoting its heroic tradition, the Capital City of Hanoi focuses on building strong defensive zones

Promoting its heroic tradition, the Capital City of Hanoi focuses on building strong defensive zones

Friday, October 08, 2021, 10:19 (GMT+7)
Bringing into play the tradition of “sacrificing for the Homeland” in the past 75 years of construction, combat, and development, the military and people of Hanoi have been focusing on building the municipality into a solid defensive zone as a favourable condition for making the Capital City increasingly wealthy, civilised, and modern

Division 308’s experience in motorised infantry tactical training

Division 308’s experience in motorised infantry tactical training

Friday, August 27, 2021, 09:31 (GMT+7)
Tactical training is highly significant for motorised infantry units and aimed at providing a solid foundation for improving commanders’ skills in analysing and evaluating situations, and issuing combat determination quickly, correctly, enhancing troops’ capacity to use weapons and equipment as well as bringing into play the effectiveness of tanks and armoured vehicles in joint operations

The Army Corps 1 improves the quality of its logistics work

The Army Corps 1 improves the quality of its logistics work

Friday, February 14, 2020, 14:10 (GMT+7)
Over the years, the Army Corps 1’s Logistics Branch has synchronously taken ideological, organisational, and professional measures for well performing the logistics work. Grounded on the Central Military Commission’s Resolution 623-NQ/QUTW on “the Military’s logistics work towards 2020 and beyond,” on July 5th 2013, the Corps’ Logistics Department formulated the Plan 560/KH-CHC to concretise the basics, goals, and targets of the Resolution

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.