Friday, September 20, 2024, 16:45 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, December 13, 2023, 17:40 (GMT+7)
The Navy promotes pivotal role in the establishment of the all-people national maritime defence

In light of the Party’s viewpoints and strategic policies on national defence, military affairs, and homeland protection, the Navy has implemented various measures to promote its pivotal role in establishing a robust all-people national maritime defence to create a strong position and strength to firmly safeguard the sacred national maritime sovereignty.

Vietnam, being a maritime nation, holds its seas and islands in a position of special strategic importance in terms of politics, socio-economy, national defence, security, and foreign affairs in the cause of national construction and defence. The mission of managing and firmly safeguarding the national maritime sovereignty is a strategic and continuous issue of paramount importance for the country and the nation’s survival and prosperity. Therefore, to accomplish this critical mission, it is imperative to harness the collective strength of the whole Party, people, and the political system, in which, the Vietnam People’s Army, particularly the Navy, plays a pivotal role. By recognising its mission and thoroughly grasping the resolutions and directives of the Party, the Central Military Commission, and the Ministry of National Defence on national defence, primarily the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (11th tenure) on “Strategy for safeguarding the Fatherland in the new situation”, and Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW, dated 22 October 2018, by the Party Central Committee (12th tenure) on “Strategy for sustainable development of Vietnam’s marine economy to 2030, with a vision to 2045”, the Navy has closely coordinated with military regions, coastal localities, and relevant forces to thoroughly grasp the situation and proactively advise and propose policies and measures for building increasingly robust all-people national defence and all-people national defence posture associated with the people’s security posture in maritime areas. Additionally, the Navy attaches importance to its strengthening organisational structure and enhancing combat readiness capacity as well as the quality of training, drills, patrols, control, and assurance of all aspects. Besides, it coordinates with other forces to handle maritime situations flexibly, cleverly, and effectively according to the viewpoints and policies of the Party and State, thus firmly safeguarding the national maritime sovereignty and avoiding being passive or stunned.

Commander of the Navy presents national flag for fishermen operating offshore

Furthermore, the Navy has proactively gathered resources for the construction of economic - defence zones and dual-use infrastructure at sea and on islands. It also enhanced the logistics and technical infrastructure to meet the operational requirements of different forces in these strategically important areas. Simultaneously, the Navy actively collaborated with localities to effectively implement various programmes and projects for coastal and island socio-economic development. It efficiently maintained a coordinated maritime and island propaganda programme with 63 provinces and cities and 16 central agencies and enterprises, aiming to raise awareness and responsibility among officials and citizens nationwide regarding the protection of national maritime sovereignty. Moreover, they implemented the programme entitled “Vietnam People’s Navy acting as a fulcrum for fishermen to venture offshore” and the movement “The Navy sponsors fishermen’s children”, contributing to reinforcing and bolstering the all-people national defence posture, tightening the unity between the army and the people, and providing fishermen with the assurance to venture offshore and exploit marine resources while firmly protecting the national maritime sovereignty.

In the coming years, it is predicted that there will be rapid and complex changes in international and global situations. The East Sea still harbours potential risks of instability and contingencies. Domestically, our people’s revolutionary cause faces both opportunities and advantages as well as difficulties and challenges. This situation poses new and higher demands for the task of national defence in general and the protection of maritime sovereignty in particular. To successfully accomplish this mission, along with focusing on leading the construction of a revolutionary, regular, elite, and modern Service, the Party Committee and High Command of the Navy advocate continuing to promote its pivotal role in building an increasingly robust all-people national maritime defence, creating a new position and strength in the protection of the maritime sovereignty, with a focus on effectively implementing the measures as follows:

Firstly, continuing to promote propaganda and education about maritime sovereignty and the task of protecting maritime sovereignty, building an increasingly solid “people’s hearts and minds” posture. Based on the signed cooperated maritime and island propaganda programme, the Navy continues to closely coordinate with various levels, sectors, and localities to disseminate and enhance awareness among people, especially those in coastal areas and islands as well as maritime forces, about the position, role, and importance of our country’s seas and islands in the cause of national construction and defence. During the implementation process, it is necessary to propagate and clarify the historical and legal bases affirming Vietnam’s sovereignty over seas and islands, the viewpoints and policies of our Party and State on socio-economic development linked with strengthening national defence and security in maritime areas, and resolving maritime disputes; on partners, adversaries, guiding ideology, principles, and countermeasures in handling maritime situations, etc. creating consensus and unity among all forces and people in the task of protecting maritime sovereignty. The Navy continues to coordinate in propagating the protection of maritime sovereignty on mass media platforms while staying proactive and timely in providing information about developments at sea and facilitating journalists as well as literature and arts associations to access, create, and reflect on the sea, islands, and activities of managing and safeguarding maritime sovereignty. It organises visits for delegations of Central and local agencies as well as organisations and units within and outside the Army to the Spratly Islands, DK1 platforms, and the Southwest Sea to encourage soldiers and people living there. Besides, the Navy coordinates with functional agencies to intensify propaganda at international forums, aiming to promote the country’s image, garner sympathy and support from other countries and international organisations for Vietnam’s legitimate rights and interests at sea, as well as to mobilise all resources for economic development and ensure national maritime defence and security.

Secondly, proactively participating in the establishment of the all-people defence posture that is ready to transform into a people’s war posture at sea. To effectively implement this content, the Navy continues to promote its pivotal role in actively grasping, studying, and accurately assessing the national defence and security situations at sea, particularly regarding the strategic and tactical adjustments of the navies of other countries; the characteristics of each maritime region and our conditions to promptly predict potential scenarios, avoiding any passivity and surprise occurrences, especially in key maritime areas and strategic directions. On that basis, the Navy attaches importance to advising and making adjustments to the arrangement of forces, vehicles, and population as well as supplementing and constructing defence structures in different areas, thus forming an interconnected, robust, flexible, and deep all-people national maritime defence posture that is ready to transform into a people’s war posture at sea and on islands when unexpected situations arise. In the immediate term, the Navy should continue to coordinate with ministries, sectors, and coastal localities in constructing economic - defence zones, dual-use infrastructure, and civilian facilities, prioritising remote maritime areas with difficult living conditions. Besides, it should strengthen the construction of a system of defence structures along the coast, on islands, locks, and ports that are interconnected, formidable, and robust. In addition, it should research and advise the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence to propose to the Party and State the development and perfection of the maritime legal system, creating a unified legal framework for the development of the maritime economy and the firm management and protection of sovereignty and sovereignty rights over seas and islands. In this regard, the Navy focuses on advising the enactment of policies to encourage and motivate fishermen to venture offshore as well as attract long-term settlement on islands so that they can be “fishermen during peacetime and soldiers in wartime” who simultaneously develop the economy and fulfil the task of protecting the maritime sovereignty, especially the Spratly Islands - the frontline of the Fatherland.

Along with these efforts, the Navy’s Party Committee and High Command focus on leading and directing the adjustment of the organisation and forces to be “elite, compact, and strong”, in line with accelerating the modernisation roadmap outlined in Resolution No. 230-NQ/QUTW, dated 2 April 2022, of the Central Military Commission on the organisation of the Vietnam People’s Army for the 2021 - 2030 period and beyond. Additionally, they build a strong, high-quality reserve force and maritime militia with high combat capacity. The Navy’s Party Committee and High Command should direct its agencies and units to develop, adjust, and supplement a synchronised and high-quality system of operational documents; maintain strict readiness of forces and means for combat; deploy comprehensive measures to firmly grasp the situation, comprehensively manage and firmly protect the national maritime sovereignty and avoid unexpected situations. They continue to review, supplement, and perfect legal documents, creating a legal corridor and mechanisms, enhancing coordination and synergy between the Navy and other forces, including the Coast Guard, Fisheries Surveillance, and Border Guard to maximise combined strength and handle situations timely, accurately, and effectively, thus maintaining peace and stability in the maritime areas of the Fatherland.

Thirdly, harnessing the role of a “working army”, actively participating in building the local political system while consolidating and enhancing the great national unity bloc to protect maritime sovereignty. The Navy’s Party Committee and High Command attach importance to leading and directing agencies and units to thoroughly grasp and implement the viewpoints and policies of the Party and State on continuing to promote the tradition of great national unity to build an increasingly prosperous, civilised, and happy country in the spirit of the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (13th tenure). They direct agencies and units to actively coordinate with local party committees, authorities, mass organisations, and armed forces to firmly grasp the local situations. Besides, agencies and units should sign and effectively implement twinning programmes and cooperative activities, contributing to the construction of a strong local authority and ensuring safety in military bases and areas. They should also actively participate in implementing movements, campaigns, and programmes regarding socio-economic development, with a focus on the emulation movements entitled “The Army joins hands in build new-style rural areas and civilised urban areas” and “The whole country joins hands for the poor - leaving no one behind”, the “Skilful mass mobilisation” programme, units with “Good mobilisation”, and the programme entitled “Vietnam People’s Navy acting as a fulcrum for fishermen to venture offshore”. In addition, the Navy has proactively coordinated with functional agencies to continue intensifying information dissemination and propaganda about the developments in our country’s seas and the activities of protecting the national maritime sovereignty to our compatriots abroad, thus creating a strong social effect that helps unite people in protecting the national maritime sovereignty.

Fourthly, promoting international integration and defence diplomacy, especially with the navies of neighbouring countries, to create a peaceful and stable environment for national development. Our country, with its long coastline and extensive maritime area, borders many countries and is adjacent to international waters, necessitating the promotion of international integration and defence diplomacy. Building and maintaining a peaceful and stable environment is of paramount importance in building the all-people national defence and protecting the Fatherland on the maritime front. By recognising this, the Navy continues to grasp the situation to advise and propose to the Party, the State, the Central Military Commission, and the Ministry of National Defence regarding defence diplomacy on the maritime front. Besides, it comprehensively and synchronously implements activities in international integration and defence diplomacy on both bilateral and multilateral levels, in line with the actual situation and in accordance with the principles and strategies of the Party and the State as well as the regulations of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence. The Navy also actively participates in negotiations and exchanges to seek comprehensive and long-term solutions to resolve disagreements over continental shelf boundaries and exclusive economic zones with neighbouring countries in the spirit of equality, understanding, and mutual respect, respecting international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Moreover, it continues to maintain and effectively enhance mechanisms for joint patrols, combined patrols, and communication linkages with the navies of countries in the region while expanding interactions between the Vietnam People’s Navy and the navies of other countries, thereby, creating a favourable international environment, building peaceful, friendly, cooperative, and stable maritime areas for long-term development, contributing to the effective implementation of the strategy of “protecting the Fatherland early and from afar, safeguarding the country before dangers arise”.

Establishing a robust all-people national maritime defence is a major policy of the Party, laying the foundation for managing and firmly protecting national maritime sovereignty. It is the responsibility of the whole Party, people, and the Army. Being fully aware of this honourable and significant responsibility, the Navy will continue to uphold its pivotal role, resolutely committed to excellently fulfilling this strategic task, meeting the requirements and tasks of national defence in the new situation.

Vice Admiral TRAN THANH NGHIEM, Member of the Party Central Committee, Member of the Central Military Commission, Commander of the Vietnam People’s Navy

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Artillery Corps in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign - lessons for today
After 56 days of fighting, the VPA’s fledgling Artillery Corps accomplished successfully its mission to suppress and destroy the enemy’s artillery sites, controlled the airfields, destroy its headquarters and installations, disrupt logistic lines of communication, and effectively support the infantry to surround and destroy every fortification and the whole fortified complex of Dien Bien Phu, making important contribution to a world-shaking victory