Friday, September 20, 2024, 03:19 (GMT+7)

Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 00:06 (GMT+7)
Party’s new thinking in the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (13th Tenure) on the Strategy for Fatherland Protection in the New Situation

The Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (13th Tenure) on the Strategy for Fatherland Protection (hereinafter the Strategy) in the new situation is a synthesis, continuation, and development of the viewpoints, ideologies, and experiences drawn from previous Party Congresses, as well as the Vietnamese peoples’ principle: “national construction goes hand in hand with national defence”. At the same time, it reflects the Party’s new and creative thinking regarding the cause of Fatherland protection in the new context. The Resolution needs to be thoroughly understood and effectively implemented by the entire Party, people, and Army.

Cadres and soldiers of the Navy during training (photo:

Perspectives and Objectives

With 5 concise and clear perspectives, the Party’s thinking in the Strategy is developed to a new level by placing perspectives before objectives, demonstrating a more logical approach. The conception and perspectives on Fatherland protection must be placed at the forefront as a basis for determining the objectives of the cause of Fatherland protection.

Accordingly, the principal idea of the Strategy’s perspectives is the affirmation of the Party’s leadership role and the State’s management with an emphasis on the principle of relying on the people, and “taking the people as the root”, the core and the subject. In particular, the Strategy highlights the spirit of patriotism and promotes the strength of the bloc of great national unity, the self-reliance, and resilience of the Vietnamese people, especially the young generation and the building of a firm “people’s hearts and minds posture”; ensuring the people’s well-being is the decisive factor for the success of the cause of national construction and defence. “Relying on the people”, “taking the people as the root”, and promoting the role of the young generation are not new ideas in the Party’s documents, but this is the first time ever they have been enshrined in the official perspectives of the Strategy. This reflects our Party’s deep understanding of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, and the nation’s long-standing traditions and hard-earned lessons drawn from the role of the people and the young generation over thousands of years of building and defending the country. The idea of placing the young generation at the centre as the main subject of the cause of Fatherland protection demonstrates the recognition and high evaluation of the role of the youth in defending the country. This demonstrates the Party and the people’s aspirations and trust in the young generation - the future masters of the country.

The Party’s prominent thinking in the Strategy focuses on highlighting some features that are “steadfast, resolute, and persistent”. It is essential to be steadfast in not only following Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s thought and the goal of national independence and socialism, but also in pursuing the Party’s viewpoint on all-people national defence and all-people war policies. At the same time, it is crucial to resolutely and uncompromisingly fight against any actions that violate or threaten to violate, and undermine the independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity of the Fatherland and national interests; to protect the Party, the State, the People, national culture, revolutionary achievements, and the peaceful and stable environment for the rapid, comprehensive and sustainable development of the country. Also, it is a must to resolutely combat and prevent “peaceful evolution” and subversive activities, any acts of law violations, corruption, wastefulness, frauds, political opportunism, factionalism, group interests, and the deterioration of political ideology, ethics, and lifestyle, as well as “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” from within.

Additionally, it is crucial to be persistent with strategic interests and the “four no’s” defence policy, maintain cooperation and struggle simultaneously, and address disputes, conflicts, and disagreements through peaceful means in line with international law. In addition, there must be a persistent focus on practical realities, local areas, and grass-roots level organisations to detect, prevent, and eliminate the risks of conflicts and wars from early and afar. Furthermore, it is imperative to stringently punish violations of the law and acts of sabotage against the country. Also, it is vital to avoid impatience and complacency when handling issues related to national interests.

Based on the established perspective, the Party’s thinking regarding the objectives of Fatherland protection is articulated more clearly in the Strategy. It emphasises the preservation of the interests of the nation and people at the highest level by firmly defending national independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity; protecting the Party, the State, the people, the socialist regime, the cause of Doi Moi, and the national culture.

Additionally, the Strategy includes new elements such as “protecting the country’s international reputation and status, national security, human security, economic security, cyber security”, and the determination to eliminate factors that cause internal political instability and risks of military conflict and war. This indicates that the Party’s thinking on the objectives of Fatherland protection is becoming increasingly comprehensive, inclusive, and well-defined.

Regarding specific objectives, especially the building of the Party, State, and political system, the Strategy emphasises the need to continually enhance the leadership capability, governance capacity, and combat strength of the Party for the purpose of building a clean and comprehensively strong Party and political system. In this objective, the Strategy has added “the contingent of cadres and the political system” as a new element, reflecting a more comprehensive approach that is commensurate with the single leadership and ruling role of the Party in the new context.

Regarding the objective of enhancing the Fatherland protection strength, the Strategy particularly emphasises the power of the people, the element of socialist democracy, the people’s trust, and social consensus. It highlights the goal of improving the material and spiritual lives of the people and underscores unity within the Party as the core to reinforce the great bloc of national unity. This objective demonstrates a profound understanding of the principle that “the people are the root”, positioning them at the centre of the cause of Fatherland protection. It concretises the ideas of “ensuring the people’s well-being”, establishing a solid “people’s hearts and minds posture,” and the core role of unity within the Party - the decisive factor for the success of building and defending the nation in the new situation.

Regarding the objective of economic development, the Strategy identifies it as the central element and the material foundation of Fatherland protection capability and the strength of the all-people national defence. Accordingly, alongside discussions on reforming the growth model and restructuring the economy, our Party advocates accelerating “digital transformation and comprehensive industrialisation and modernisation of the country in a rapid, comprehensive and sustainable manner”. The comprehensiveness of the economy probably encompasses all sectors, components, field structures, regions, and areas - both macro and micro levels, domestically and internationally, as well as the knowledge economy and the digital economy with all four stages, including production, distribution, trading, and consumption.

Cultural development is one of the important objectives of the Strategy and is discussed in depth with new points and a focus on stimulating patriotism and comprehensively, synchronously developing various aspects of Vietnam’s culture and people. The Strategy aims to ensure that traditional values of the nation are both promoted and integrated with the cultural quintessence of humanity, creating a driving force for socio-economic development and international integration.

Guiding Principles

Inheriting resolutions on defence and security strategy, our Party identifies the principle of “taking the constant to deal with the ever-changing” as an overarching one in the Strategy. The officially stated principles include maintaining “internal stability and external peace”, the “four no’s” defence policy, combining cooperation with fighting, balancing and harmonising interests in relations with other countries, and defending the Fatherland from early and afar. The new thinking in this Strategy demonstrates the Party’s proactive approach to establishing defence lines and creating security belts from afar to firmly protect the Fatherland. This reflects the continuation and development of the Party’s thinking on the role of national defence, civil defence, military region defence, and provincial-level defensive zones. It also involves leveraging the potential and position of foreign affairs and mobilising international resources to safeguard the country from early and afar.

Tasks and Solutions

The Resolution identifies the adjustment of six primary tasks and solutions in a new order with the elevation of the objective of and solution to “Promoting the strength of the great national unity, socialist democracy, and the people’s right to mastery in building and defending the Fatherland” to the second position. This reflects the Party’s increasingly profound thinking on the role of the strength of the great bloc of national unity, socialist democracy, the people’s right to mastery, and the principle of “ensuring people’s well-being” in the cause of Fatherland protection.

Furthermore, this highlights the consistency and systematic logic in the Party’s thinking, from perspectives to objectives, principles, tasks, and solutions regarding the role of the people in the cause of Fatherland protection in the new era.

Regarding the first task and solution: building the Party, State, and political system, the Strategy clearly focuses on building and rectifying the Party comprehensively, particularly in terms of politics, ideology, morality, organisation, and personnel. It also aims to enhance the Party’s leadership, governance capacity, combat strength, and the State’s management efficiency. Additionally, it emphasises developing and perfecting policies for identifying, attracting, and utilising talents, establishing mechanisms to protect, nurture, and train cadres who dare to think, speak, act, take responsibility, innovate, confront difficulties and challenges, and work for the common good. This ensures that genuinely virtuous and talented cadres are not overlooked and that individuals who do not meet the standards and conditions are not placed in leadership and management positions at any levels.

The details of the remaining tasks and solutions also update and develop specific tasks in different fields of social life, aligning more closely with the domestic situation and the increasingly deep and broad context of globalisation and international integration.

How new points are applied in realities

A breakthrough in the Party’s new thinking is that only three days after the issuance of the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (13th Tenure) on the Strategy for Fatherland Protection in the New Situation, the Politburo initiated its Action Plan as a foundation for Party committees and organisations to thoroughly grasp, develop their own action programs, and bring the Resolution into practice. Consequently, Party committees and organisations need to firmly understand the strategic environment, perspectives, objectives, principles, and key tasks and solutions. They must also base their actions on the functions and duties of central and local agencies, departments, and units to identify regular, focal, core, long-term, medium-term, and short-term goals, requirements, and tasks, along with appropriate timelines and steps for the successful implementation of the Resolution.

The 8th Central Resolution (13th Tenure) on the Strategy for Fatherland Protection in the New Situation is a product of intellectual effort, reflecting our Party’s new and creative thinking amid significant international and domestic changes. These are fundamental, important, and long-term issues that provide significant directions for the entire Party, people, and Army in the cause of Fatherland protection in the new era. Thoroughly understanding the Resolution, developing feasible action programs/plans, and drastically, effectively executing them are crucial foundations for the successful realisation of the cause of Fatherland protection in the new situation.

Senior Colonel LE VAN HUONG

Institute for Defence Strategy

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