Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:32 (GMT+7)

Monday, July 22, 2024, 20:28 (GMT+7)
Nam Tu Liem district enhances its military - defence work

Located in the West of Hanoi Capital with a lot of modern constructions where national and international political, cultural, and sport events usually take place, the district of Nam Tu Liem, therefore, holds a position of importance in political, economic, defence, security, and diplomatic terms. Under the general planning towards 2030, with a vision towards 2050, the district will become one of the core urban areas and administrative, service, and commercial centres of Hanoi Capital. Being fully aware of its position and exploiting its potential and advantages, over the years, the district has fostered comprehensive development in economy, culture, society, and urban and environmental planning, the people’s life has considerably improved, the urban face has been positively changed day by day. However, due to the rapid urbanisation and increasing population density, the district has been faced with many complex elements and threats to its political security, social order and safety, socio-economic development, and military - defence tasks.

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Grasping resolutions and directives by the Party, Central Military Commission, and Ministry of National Defence, particularly the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal People’s Council, Municipal People’s Committee and Hanoi Capital Military Command, the District Military Party Committee and District Military Command (DMC) have actively advised the District Party Committee, District People’s Council, and District People’s Committee to lead and direct the performance of military - defence  work, thus obtaining significant results. First of all, the district has proactively designed and issued documents on leading and directing military - defence work synchronously, sufficiently. Importance has been attached to disseminating the Party’s lines and the State’s laws and policies on military - defence work as well as knowledge of defence and security. Call-up work has been carried out in a close, procedural, open, democratic, orderly, and effective way. Due attention has been paid to organising training and exercises, building the armed forces, and stepping up a reform in programs, content, and methods for performing those tasks. As a result, the armed forces’ synergy and combat strength have been unceasingly improved; the armed forces have always been ready to undertake and successfully fulfil all assigned tasks.

To obtain those good results, the DMC has attached significance to advising local party committees and authorities to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of their leadership and direction over military - defence tasks. Emphasis has been placed on advising the District Party Committee, District People’s Council, and District People’s Committee to design, promulgate, and sufficiently implement resolutions, directives, and plans on enhancing party committees’ leadership and authorities’ direction at all levels over military - defence tasks in accordance with local particularities. Great value has been attached to proposing measures to realise Program 05-CTr/QU dated 4 June 2021 by the District Party Committee on strengthening defence and security and ensuring social order and safety in the period of 2021 - 2025. The DMC has proactively given advice on consolidating councils and steering boards at all levels, such as Military Service Council, Defence and Security Education Council, and Steering Boards for defensive zone building, people’s air defence, and civil defence.

Due to the rapid urbanisation and infrastructural development with many tall constructions and apartment buildings impacting on defence and security, the DMC has closely cooperated with competent committees and sectors in appraising socio-economic development projects and giving advice to the District People’s Committee on approving those projects under regulations, thereby sustaining a balance between economic development and defence - security tasks. At the same time, consideration has been given to executing dual-purpose projects, aligning urban infrastructural and traffic development with the construction of defensive works and roads for defence - security tasks when necessary, ensuring that socio-economic development would help improve defence - security potential and strength and vice versa.

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To achieve a high level of uniformity in both perception and action for the sake of successful fulfilment of military - defence tasks, the district has attached much importance to raising the quality of defence and security education. As the Standing Agency of the District Defence and Security Education Council, the DMC has advised the Council to actively renew its operational methods, delegate responsibilities to each Council member for directing this work within wards and offices, review and classify groups of learners of defence and security education for training courses held by higher echelons and within the district, inspect and grasp the results of defence and security education for pupils and students by high schools, universities, colleges, and vocational schools under regulations. In the process, the district has focused on rendering learners fully aware of the Party’s viewpoints and lines and the State’s laws and policies on military - defence  work, particularly the building of all-people national defence and people’s security, hostile forces’ plots and artifices, legal documents (the Law on Militia and Self-Defence Force, the Law on Military Service, the Law on National Defence), as well as higher echelons’ resolutions, directives, and guiding documents on defence - security work.

To raise the effectiveness of defence and security education, a part from education in each area, the DMC has closely cooperated with committees, sectors, organisations, and media agencies in further renewing and diversifying the content and forms of education and propagation, combining regular and topics-based education in tandem with traditional history education, and bringing into play the role of organisations, forces, and cultural institutions. Consequently, public awareness and a sense of responsibility among cadres, party members, pupils, students, and citizens towards the tasks of defence, security, and Fatherland protection have been unceasingly raised as a significant contribution to building all-people national defence and the posture of all-people national defence associated with the postures of people’s security and “people’s hearts and minds”, maintaining political security and social order and safety right at grass-roots level.

Building strong local armed forces with a high level of synergy and combat strength plays a decisive role in the performance of military - defence tasks. Therefore, the DMC has given advice on consolidating and adjusting the armed forces’ organisational structure to ensure a balance between forces. Emphasis has been placed on building an “elite, compact, strong” standing force, improving its synergy, combat power, and task performance, and promoting its core role in guiding and carrying out military - defence work. Due attention has been paid to building a “powerful, extensive” reserve force, closely managing its staff members, and maintaining inspection work to keep this force ready for mobilisation. Meanwhile, the militia and self-defence force has been made “strong and extensive” with sufficient components under regulations.

A part from the streamlining of their organisational structure, all-level military agencies have actively renewed and improved forces’ training quality and combat readiness. On a yearly basis, the district has always fulfilled training programs for groups of troops and strictly adhered to the training motto for each group of troops in accordance with the armed forces’ functions, tasks, art of war, and equipment as well as the area’s particularities and the district’s defensive zone. Offices and units have sufficiently developed combat documents and plans, adjusted force disposition, and closely organised training and exercises under regulations. At the same time, they have stringently maintained duties of combat readiness, air defence, search and rescue, and military policing to ensure security and safety for national holidays and major political events of the country, Army, and City within the district. In 2023, the district organised training and refresher courses for 46 cadres from different offices and over 2,000 members of the militia and self-defence force as well as absolutely safely held exercises on civil defence, natural disaster mitigation, and search and rescue, which was highly appreciated by higher echelons.

In addition to those above-mentioned measures, the DMC has given sound advice on carrying out call-up work in a close, open, democratic, lawful manner. Prior to performing this important work, offices and units have focused on grasping the number of citizens at the age for military service, formulating plans on conscription and guiding documents as the basis for wards’ implementation, and stepping up propagation to raise citizens’ awareness and responsibility towards the execution of the Law on Military Service. In the process, the DMC has assigned its cadres to proactively cooperate with committees, sectors, and unions in giving advice to party committees, authorities, and Military Service Councils of all levels on closely carrying out call-up work, guaranteeing transparency in all steps, namely registration and management of citizens at the age for military service, medical check-up, political background screening, the fixing of the number of conscripts, issuance of call-up papers, and handover of new conscripts. The District Party Committee, District People’s Council, and District People’s Committee have paid due regard to implementing policies for conscripts and soldiers fulfilling their military service. They have organised meetings to give encouragements, gifts, and career counselling to discharged soldiers and newly-conscripted citizens. As a result, the district has always achieved all targets of call-up; conscripts from the district always have proper health, educational level, and political background, which is highly appreciated by Hanoi Capital Military Command.

Those above-mentioned significant results provide a solid foundation for the armed forces of Nam Tu Liem district to continue to better perform military - defence work in the upcoming time and make contributions to building a strong district in political, economic, cultural, social, defence, and security terms.


Member of the District Party Committee Standing Board

Commander of the DMC

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