Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 01:30 (GMT+7)

Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 06:56 (GMT+7)
Hanoi armed forces strengthening technical work

Because of the strategic and crucial location of the capital and the increasingly high requirements of the mission of Fatherland protection, in recent years, there has been an increasing demand for the support, repair, maintenance, upgradation of weapons and technical equipment among units of the Capital armed forces. Meanwhile, the existing ones vary in types; they mostly have been in used for a long time, and potentially dangerous to users; the organisation of the technical sector and the capability of logistical system are somewhat inadequate; budget allowed for technical sector is limited, etc.

Against this backdrop, the Technical Department under the Hanoi High Command has thoroughly grasped the directives and resolutions of upper echelons on technical work, particularly the Resolution No.382-NQ/DUQSTW of the Central Military Commission and stick to the tasks of the Capital armed forces; actively given advice and proposed to its Party Committee and Commandant on the guidelines and solutions to lead, direct the improvement of technical work. In particular, emphasis has been placed on the implementation of the Program No.925-Ctr/DU of the Party Committee of the Hanoi Capital High Command on the implementation of the Resolution No.382-NQ/DUQSTW; the Directive No.984-CT/DU on strengthening the leadership over the maintenance of road traffic order and safety and alleviating traffic congestion and the Drive of “Effectively, sustainably and safely manage and exploit weapons and Traffic safety (the Drive No.50). To meet the stated goals and requirements, the Department has counselled the Party Committee and Commandant of the High Command to direct the party committees and commanders of the units and local military commands to strengthen their technical work; to review, supplement and perfect the system of regulations on technical work to fit the reality as ground for the regularity of technical work, and uphold the key role of technical offices at all levels during the implementation process. The Department has proactively studied and proposed measures for renewing the methods of technical maintenance, especially for decentralising the technical support and management and planning the exploitation and synchronisation of the available weapons and equipment; while actively mobilising and exploiting the local budget for technical work, etc, thereby enhancing the supporting capability of the technical sector at all levels. Besides, units and local military commands have also been asked to strengthen their education to raise awareness and responsibly of troops of the technical work, focus their leadership over the thorough implementation of the central tasks, and completely deplete shortcomings and limitations in technical work.

As shown in reality, the system of workshops and repair stations serve as the key to the technical support for the Capital armed forces, and the quality and effectiveness of technical support are decided by the implementation capability and quality of these technical facilities. Fully aware of this, the Department has proposed to the High Command the Plan of technical workshop system in the 2015-2020 period and the Plan of station system at all levels in accordance with the Implementation program of the Resolution 382-NQ/DUQSTW which ensure the regularity, conformity and continuation from the High Command to units as well as the relevance to the district and capital level defensive zones. To make it highly effective, the Department carried out focal investments in each unit, and prioritised essential parts for technical support of units and technical institutions in charge of central directions and areas in accordance with defensive combat plan. By adopting a number of synchronous measures, combining internal resources with the help of the city and districts, up to date, its system of workshops has been upgraded significantly; many of which have been relocated and rebuilt, meeting the technical standards. The operational facilities have been invested and upgraded in both technology and equipment with thousands of square metres being rebuilt, and hundreds of pieces of equipments, including specialised and modern ones, being supplemented. Notably, in 2016, the Department has suggested and involved in the building of the Program and goals of the implementation of the Resolution No.382 in the 2016 – 2021 period; developed draft plan for building the weapon and equipment depots in accordance with the unified form of the whole Army; made in-depth investments in technology; upgraded the workshops of the High Command and the Division 301; built and upgraded the Inspection Station into Inspection Centre so that it would gradually master the technical maintenance of modern vehicles. Moreover, priorities have also given to the distant facilities to enhance the mobile repair capability, etc. Thereby, improvements have been recorded in the capability, technological standard of repair and maintenance; decentralisation in the repair of weapon and equipment has been done thoroughly; on-the-spot technical maintenance has been combined with mobile one to meet the requirements and combat readiness tasks and the implementation of the assigned tasks.

Together with the upgradation of the depots and workshops, attention has also been paid to the building of a qualified technical staff. The Department has actively worked with the personnel offices to review and evaluate the quality and quantity of the technical staff and make plans for employment and training. To alleviate the short-term difficulties, recently, it has suggested the employment of soldiers who have graduated from vocational colleges to fill in the vacancies in repair stations, particularly those under the control of the High Command; enhance the capability in exploiting and mastering modern equipment as well as in maintaining and repairing the cutting edge vehicles.

To improve the standard for technical staff, over the past years, together with sending the staff to training institutions, importance has also been attached to the annual technical training courses. Furthermore, technical exercises have also been held to improve the all-round quality of the staff at all levels, particularly the standard and capability in commanding and holding technical support in combat. Besides, favourable policies have also been established for the staff. Those with high achievements are praised and awarded. All of these aim to create a good working environment so that technical staff  keep their mind on their job and work wholeheartedly, particularly highly qualified ones.

In order to sustain and recover the features of weapons and equipment and reduce the adverse impact of climate, environment and usage, attention has been paid to the enhancement of the technical maintenance, with a focus on the repair and synchronisation of weapons and equipment, and the improved quality of maintenance and repair in units; station-based repair is combined with mobile repair. Besides, the storage and maintenance of weapons and equipment have also been done in a serious manner and on regular basis with emphasis placed on employing new material technology, especially for specialised weapons and equipment. To improve maintenance quality, technical contests have been held; initiatives and innovations have been encouraged and boosted at all levels and sectors.

Last but not least, the Department has also fostered the implementation of the Drive No.50 to create motivations for improving the quality of technical work. It has been proactive in advising and assisting the Steering Committee of the Drive No.50 at all levels in propagation and education work to raise the awareness, responsibility and self-consciousness of all troops; while directing offices and units to build detailed plan for implementing the Drive No.50 with guidelines and measures suitable with their circumstances. Since 2009, the Department has advised and assisted the High Command in the building of “Plan for maintaining traffic order and safety among Army units stationed in Hanoi” and acted as the coordinator of the implementation of the plan, contributing to significantly reducing traffic accidents, which was applauded by the city’s authority and the MND’s Steering Committee of the Drive.

Upholding the achievements and experience, the Capital armed forces will continue to strive and ceaselessly enhance the quality and effectiveness of technical work, meeting the requirements and missions in the new situation.

Senior Colonel Nguyen Xuan Quang, Director of the Technical Department under Hanoi Capital High Command

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