Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 20:39 (GMT+7)

Monday, August 19, 2024, 13:47 (GMT+7)
The August Revolution - A defining truth shining through dark rhetoric

The success of the August Revolution in 1945 was a monumental turning point, leading our country to become independent, free and democratic, and ushering in a new era in the history of the Vietnamese people. The enduring values of the August Revolution remain a shining truth that continues to illuminate and inspire us. This truth not only guides us through challenges on the path to building socialism but also dismantles the false narratives propagated by hostile and reactionary forces.

General uprising during the August Revolution of 1945 in Hanoi (file photo)

The entire Party, People, and Military are actively commemorating the 79th anniversary of the August Revolution of 1945. This is a glorious chapter in the history of the Vietnamese nation that fulfilled the long-standing aspirations of our people for national independence and a prosperous, free nation. However, some social media platforms are now witnessing the rise of dark rhetoric that seeks to undermine and distort the noble ideals and significance of this revolution. These narratives, maliciously crafted to misrepresent history, portray the August Revolution as a mere fluke, devoid of the intense struggle and sacrifice that defined it. By denying the bloodshed, bombs and gunfire, they aim to erase the revolution’s legacy. Such distortions are a blatant ploy by adversaries seeking to sow discord and obscure the truth. However, their deception is futile. The August Revolution remains an enduring symbol of our nation’s indomitable spirit, revered both at home and abroad.

History has unequivocally validated the August Revolution of 1945 as a singular political triumph that showcased the indomitable spirit of the Vietnamese masses under the Communist Party’ resolute leadership. The success of the August Revolution of 1945 and the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam) were the culmination of continuous revolutionary movements over the 15 years following the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam (03/02/1930). The Nghe Tinh Soviet uprising, the Democratic Movement (1936 - 1939), and the National Liberation Movement (1939 - 1945) were pivotal chapters in this epic saga. The passage of nearly eighty years has only solidified the factors that affirm the August Revolution of 1945 as an unparalleled historical achievement. It was not only a pivotal moment in our nation’s annals but also a transformative event that resonated deeply within the broader context of 20th-century revolutionary struggles. This seismic shift, contrary to the distorted narratives of our adversaries, was far from an ordinary occurrence. Instead, it served as a radiant exemplar, galvanising national liberation movements across continents, ranging from Asia, Africa, to Latin America.

The miraculous success of the August Revolution of 1945 can be attributed to the following key factors:

Firstly, the Revolutionary Command‘s uncanny accuracy in reading the tea leaves of history. A correct assessment of the situation is at least half the battle. Two specific examples can be cited to illustrate the excellence in the assessment and guidance of President Ho Chi Minh and our Party. First, entering the 1940s, the world underwent rapid changes that significantly impacted our country. During this time, leader Ho Chi Minh returned to the homeland after 30 years abroad and, together with the Party Central Committee, directly led the revolution. He convened and chaired the 8th Central Committee Conference in Pác Bó (May 1941). This important conference analysed the new developments in the global situation, especially since France’s surrender to Germany and Japan’ invasion of Indochina. It pointed out that: “At this juncture, the interests of any particular group or class must be subordinated to the survival and existence of the nation. If we cannot resolve the issue of national liberation and achieve independence and freedom for the entire nation at this time, not only will the entire nation remain enslaved, but the interests of any particular group or class will never be recovered”.

Second, on the night of 9th March 1945, Japan launched its invasion of French Indochina, and almost immediately after, on 12th March 1945, the Party Central Standing Committee met in Đình Bảng, Bắc Ninh and issued the directive: “French - Japanese fighting and our actions”. This directive was critical document of the Party, demonstrating strategic vision throughout the pre-uprising period, with an absolutely accurate assessment that: the French would fail due to a lack of fighting spirit, sophisticated weapons, and unified action with anti-Japanese forces in Indochina. Indeed, France subsequently lost and surrendered to Japan. From then on, the directive oriented the action slogan to “Drive out Japanese fascists” instead of the slogans “Drive out the Japanese and French”, opposing both the Japanese authority and the puppet government of the pro-Japanese traitors. This famous directive truly served as a compass for communist fighters and members of the Việt Minh Front, enabling them to apply and orient their struggle to suit the specific conditions of each locality. This was a manifestation of the Party’s excellent scientific intellect in accurately assessing the situation, rather than being a matter of luck as hostile forces have claimed.

Secondly, the Party’s ability to seize and utilise opportunities. It must be affirmed that the conditions for the August General Uprising in 1945 were ripe for the launching of a successful revolt. This opportunity presented itself for only a very short time, akin to a flying arrow or even faster, like a lightning bolt. The directive “French - Japanese fighting and our actions” confirmed the quickly maturing opportunities for the uprising, which were: (1) Political crisis (the enemy was too preoccupied to deal with the revolution); (2) Severe famine (the masses detested the invaders); (3) The war reaching a critical stage (the Allies would land in Indochina to fight Japan). Seizing upon these opportunities, our Party initiated a vigorous nationwide anti-Japanese salvation movement as the prelude to the General Uprising. This was a period of vibrant and powerful mobilisation of the masses, developing political forces extensively in all rural, urban, plain, and mountainous areas, closely combining different forms of struggle including guerrilla warfare and mass uprisings. Actions such as raiding rice warehouses to alleviate the famine and eliminating Japanese forces and collaborators, pushing the enemy into a state of confusion and disarray, were all part of this strategy. Due to both subjective efforts and objective factors, the time for action was ripe. Our Party issued the Order for the General Uprising. The uprising commenced when our forces were well-prepared and motivated, while the Japanese troops, although still intact, had lost their will to fight. Simultaneously, the Allied forces had not yet entered our country to disarm the Japanese troops. The General Uprising harnessed the strength of the people to overthrow the central ruling apparatus of the enemy government in Hanoi, Hue, Saigon, and other cities, provincial capitals, villages, and hamlets, bringing the government entirely into the hands of the people. The August General Uprising of 1945 was indeed a remarkable demonstration of selecting the right moment and seizing opportunities to achieve victory.

Thirdly, the perfection of the victory. The success of the August General Uprising in 1945 was truly spectacular and could not have been more complete. In a short period, with revolutionary fervour surging like a breaking dam, the General Uprising achieved four very fundamental and complex objectives: ending the thousand-year-old feudal regime; ending nearly 100 years of French colonial rule and 5 years of Japanese occupation; unifying the country, bringing the nation together; and securing freedom and democracy for the working masses, establishing the first Republic in the history of Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Thorough preparation, timely uprising, and tailored methods of action combined with overwhelming strength enabled us to seize power almost without bloodshed. The revolution erupted like a storm, yet without the loss of life, a rare historical event and a valuable lesson. Moreover, the success of the August Revolution of 1945 contributed to the global national liberation movement by providing a new method to break the chains of old-school colonialism, inspiring nations to rise up and liberate themselves.

The success of the August Revolution in 1945 was even more complete as it proved to be a revolution of the people, by the people, and for the people under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam. This revolution harnessed the collective strength of the nation and the era, and upon its success, it established a new power that enabled the Vietnamese people to continue the fight against imperialist invaders and hostile forces and their collaborators. Today, the process of renovation and development of the country along the socialist orientation, under the leadership of the Party, continues to build upon the spirit of the August Revolution of 1945. This has led our country to achieve significant and historic accomplishments in various fields, including the economy, politics, culture, society, national defence, security, and foreign affairs. As a result, from an underdeveloped nation, Vietnam has evolved into a developing country with a middle-income status, vigorously pursuing industrialisation, modernisation, and proactive, deep international integration. The country’s image and the people’s lives have seen many positive and progressive changes. Socialist democracy has been promoted and increasingly expanded, the great national unity bloc has been strengthened, and the work of building the Party, the socialist rule-of-law state, and the political system have been enhanced. Foreign relations have been broadened and deepened, while the country’s potential, position, and international prestige have been continuously elevated. This progress was affirmed by the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress: “Our country has never had the fortune, potential, position, and international prestige that it has today”.

Therefore, the August Revolution of 1945 marked the glorious beginning of the subsequent stages of the Vietnamese revolution. This remains a shining truth deeply etched on the memory of Vietnamese people both present and future. Its enduring legacy continues to illuminate the path forward, thwarting the attempts of hostile and reactionary forces to distort and deny the significance of the August Revolution of 1945.


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