Friday, September 20, 2024, 03:06 (GMT+7)

Monday, July 22, 2024, 20:24 (GMT+7)
Practical experience refutes distortion of “Vietnamese Bamboo Diplomacy”

To undermine Vietnam’s position and reputation on the international stage, hostile and reactionary forces have been distorting “Vietnamese Bamboo Diplomacy”. However, practical achievements in our country’s foreign affairs have refuted all such distortions.

In recent years, the term “Vietnamese Bamboo Diplomacy” has been frequently mentioned when referring to the foreign activities of our Party and government. This term summarises and symbolises the foreign policy that the Communist Party of Vietnam has been persuing, based on President Ho Chi Minh’s diplomacy motto of “firm in objectives, flexible in strategies and tactics”.

The term “Vietnamese Bamboo Diplomacy” was first used by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the 29th Diplomatic Review (22th August 2016). At the National Foreign Affairs Conference for the implementation of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress (14th December 2021), General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong reaffirmed: “It can be summarised that, over more than 90 years, under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, based on the creative application of the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism, inheriting and promoting the traditions and identity of our nation's foreign relations, diplomacy and our country's culture, selectively absorbing the world's cultural essence and progressive ideas of the era, we have developed a unique and distinctive school of foreign relations and diplomacy in the Ho Chi Minh era, characterised by the “Vietnamese Bamboo”, with “strong roots, firm trunk, and flexible branches”, imbued with the spirit, character, and the resilience of the Vietnamese people. That means being gentle and tactful, yet very resilient and determined; flexible and creative, yet very courageous, steadfast, and brave in the face of all challenges and difficulties for the sake of national independence, the freedom and happiness of the people. Unity and compassion, yet firm and persistent in protecting national interests. Knowing when to be soft and when to be firm; understanding the timing and the situation; knowing oneself and others; knowing when to advance and when to retreat”. That affirmation has clarified the origin and characteristics of the foreign policy of the Ho Chi Minh era, imbued with the identity of the “Vietnamese bamboo” school of diplomacy.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the 32nd National Diplomatic Conference in 2023

The foreign policy following this school of diplomacy has earned the trust of our people and high praise from the international community; garnering support and respect from international friends. However, to deny the achievements of the Vietnamese revolution, the leadership role alongside with the independent, self-reliant foreign policy of our Party, hostile and reactionary forces have deliberately distorted the foreign policy school of “Vietnamese Bamboo” with various provocative, negating, and defamatory arguments. They have distorted the “Vietnamese Bamboo Diplomacy” as being “two-faced”, “going with the flow”, “lacking a consistent and stable stance”, and “trying to catch fish with both hands”, claiming that it cannot be trusted(!). They argue that in the era of globalisation and international integration, countries and nations are closely interdependent; meanwhile, the “Vietnamese Bamboo Diplomacy” continues to pursue an independent and self-reliant foreign policy, which they label as “conservative”, “stagnant”,”isolating itself from the flow of history”, and inappropriate(!). They criticise Vietnam’s “Four No” policy in national defence diplomacy as “foolish” and “self-isolating”. Therefore, they “advise” Vietnam to align with one country to oppose another and vice versa(!).

It should be reaffirmed that the above arguments of hostile and reactionary forces are completely wrong and must be resolutely rejected. From a theoretical perspective, the use of the term “Vietnamese Bamboo diplomacy” is a highly comprehensive theoretical summary by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, based on synthesising historical practice and the unique identity of Vietnam's revolutionary diplomacy - a diplomacy built and developed on the foundation of creatively implementing and inheriting Ho Chi Minh diplomatic thought, style, and art, as well as the cultural and diplomatic identity of the nation that has endured thousand years of building and defending the nation. The image of the “Vietnamese Bamboo” vividly yet simply reflects the core contents and unique identity of our country's diplomacy. Accordingly, “Strong at the roots” refers to the steadfast commitment to the goals of national independence and socialism, with national interests as the foremost, “unchanging”; it is an independent and self-reliant foreign policy, grounding in true strength as the basis, the pursuit of multilateral and diversified foreign relations and international integration to create strategic opportunities, and taking the Marxist-Leninist methodology and Ho Chi Minh’s thought as the ideological foundation to light the way and show the way. “Firm in the trunk” encompasses the methods that generate strength, implementing the principle of combining national strength with the strength of the era; in which, the strength of great national unity is the fundamental, vital, and decisive factor, while international unity serves as an extremely important supplementary one; it involves upholding the banners of justice, humanity, loyalty, law, and alignment with the development trends of the era. “Flexible in the branches” refers to the style and art of flexible behaviour based on the principle of “firm in objectives, flexible in strategies and tactics”, especially in difficult situations where there are conflicts between different trends, requiring the harmonisation between the common and specific interests in order to maintain the country's identity and values while ensuring the highest national interests of Vietnam, in line with the common values of humanity. That is the behaviour of “knowing oneself and others”, “knowing the time and the situation”, “knowing when to advance and when to retreat”, “knowing when to stop and when to change” and “knowing when to be soft and when to be firm”, as guided by Ho Chi Minh's diplomatic thought.

From the practical perspective, our country's revolution over the past 90 years, since it was led by the Communist Party of Vietnam, clearly demonstrates that foreign affairs activities of our Party and government under the “Vietnamese Bamboo” school of diplomacy have contributed to regaining and firmly consolidating the independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of our country; effectively and efficiently served the socio-economic development, improved the quality of life for the people; strengthened the position and power, position and prestige of our country in the international arena, contributed to building a world of peace, cooperation, and development. From being a country that was besieged and embargoed in various aspects, with a correct and humane diplomatic policy, Vietnam has earned the trust of organisations and countries around the world. Up to now, on a bilateral level, we have expanded and deepened relations with 193 countries and territories, including 3 countries with special relations, 7 countries with comprehensive strategic partnerships, 11 countries with strategic partnerships, and 12 countries with comprehensive partnerships. Our Party has established relations with 253 parties in 115 countries worldwide, including 92 communist parties, 63 ruling parties, and 38 parties participating in ruling coalitions or government. Our country's National Assembly also has relations with the national assemblies and parliaments of over 140 countries. The Vietnam Fatherland Front, various mass organisations and people's friendship organisations have relations with 1.200 foreign non-governmental and people's organisations. Since the beginning of the 13th National Party Congress, Vietnam's foreign activities have been vibrant, continuous, synchronised, and effective, further solidifying the foreign relations landscape, maintaining a peaceful and stable environment, contributing to mobilising external resources for socio-economic development and enhancing the country's position. Key national leaders have conducted 45 visits to important countries, partners, and traditional friends. Our country has also welcomed nearly 50 delegations of leaders from other countries and international organisations. Notably, the visits of General Secretary and President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping and the visit of the U.S. President Joe Biden in 2023 have marked new qualitative developments in the country's foreign relations and international integration. Along with these visits, relations with many partners have been elevated to new heights, with increased political trust and expanding, substantive, and effective cooperation. On the multilateral level, our country is an active and responsible member of more than 70 important international organisations and forums, such as the United Nations (UN), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and the World Trade Organization (WTO), and others.

Through “Vietnamese Bamboo Diplomacy”, our country's foreign relations in national defence and security have also continuously expanded. Vietnam has established official national defence relations with over 100 countries, including 5 permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and all major countries; established defence attachés in 33 countries, concurrently serving in 41 countries and at the United Nations. Additionally, 52 countries have defence attachés or military attachés stationed in Vietnam. On a multilateral level, our country is an active participant in various cooperation mechanisms, such as the ASEAN Regional Forum, the Shangri-La Dialogue, the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM), and ADMM+, etc. Since 1991, Vietnam has become a member of the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol), and in 2014, we began participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions. Up to now, Vietnam has deployed over 800 officers and personnel from the People's Army and People's Public Security to United Nations peacekeeping missions in South Sudan, the Central African Republic, the Abyei area, and the Department of Peace Operations at the UN headquarters, demonstrating our commitment to global peace.

“Vietnamese Bamboo Diplomacy” has also played a significant role in promoting the country's economic growth. In 1991, Vietnam only had economic and trade relations with nearly 30 countries and territories. Today, we have economic and trade relations with more than 230 countries and territories, attracting more than USD 400 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI). In 2023, our country's total import and export turnover reached over USD 680 billion, 120 times that of the early years of renovation, with exports reaching over USD 354 billion; FDI attraction reached USD 36.6 billion, an increase of 32.8%; many leading global technology corporations have committed to long-term investments in Vietnam. Our country has also signed and become a member of 17 free trade agreements (FTA), including 3 high-standard new-generation FTA: the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the European Union–Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and others.

“Vietnamese Bamboo Diplomacy” has not only gained consensus from domestic public opinion but has also been acknowledged and supported by international friends. Mr. Han Fangming, Vice Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, affirmed, “This is the diplomatic foundation that allows Vietnam to continue developing stably and healthily despite facing a very complex global situation”. Mr. Amiad Horowitz, Member of the International Committee, Member of the Peace and Solidarity Committee of the American Communist Party said: “Diplomacy imbued with the identity of “Vietnamese Bamboo” is a unique diplomatic approach that has received much praise,... Anyone interested in peaceful coexistence must study this school of diplomacy to learn important lessons”. Former Japanese Prime Minister Murayama Tomoichi emphasised: “In the context of an increasingly complex global situation and the trend of globalisation, the flexible and persistent “Vietnamese Bamboo” diplomatic approach initiated by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has led Vietnam with the inherent qualities of bamboo: “soft” yet “strong”, “resolute to unwavering”. This ideology not only serves the peace of Vietnam but also contributes to the peaceful coexistence with Asian countries and other nations around the world”.

These mentioned practices affirm the undeniable value of the “Vietnamese Bamboo Diplomacy”. This policy contributes to enhancing the strength, potential, position, and prestige of our country on the international stage while also playing a crucial role in building a world of peace, cooperation, and development. These are vivid proofs that refute any distortions and fabrications of hostile and reactionary forces against “Vietnamese Bamboo Diplomacy”.


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Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.