Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:45 (GMT+7)

Monday, November 27, 2023, 15:45 (GMT+7)
Ninh Thuan Provincial Military Party Committee strengthens leadership on the military and defence tasks

Bringing into play the results in the first half of the 2020-2025 term, Ninh Thuan Provincial Military Party Committee has strengthened its leadership on well implementing the military and defence contents and targets, contributing to the stability and creating favourable conditions for the Province to develop the economy and society.

Thoroughly grasping the seniors’ resolutions and directions, in recent years, Ninh Thuan Provincial Military Party Committee has well advised the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council and People’s Committee to lead and direct the comprehensive and effective implementation of the military and defence tasks, helping the Province to become one of the spotlights in its first half of the 2020-2025 term. Despite facing many difficulties and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the defence and security education for participants has been still conducted seriously and effectively. The leadership on building the all-people national defence associated with the strong people’s security posture, all-people border guard posture and the “people’s hearts and minds posture” has gained good results. Despite the limited sources of public investments, the Province has still considered prioritising the investment for defence. The projects in the defence zones have been built on schedule, including the completion of Sh02 and the 1-stage start of Sh03 construction works, and the simulated combat base for the Province. The Province has coordinated with other offices to measure and check 100% defence land and combat work in the Province; conduct the detection and disposal of unexploded ordnance, bombs and explosive remnants of war, and ground clearance for 06 projects. The localities have attentively disbursed to build and repair the barracks, training grounds, purchase military supplies and equipment for the armed forces in communes and districts. At the same time, the Province has paid attention to leading and directing the construction of the comprehensively strong armed forces to meet the task requirements. There has been much improvement in the quality of provincial and district defence zone exercises, and the communal combat exercises. In 2023, the Province successfully held the exercise of defence zones combined with the civilian defence according to the plans, gaining good results and ensuring safety in terms of humans and weapons; directed the defence zone exercises for districts and cities; the combat exercises in the communal defence zones with 100% of the annual schedule, concurrently, directed the mobilisation of forces and vehicles to prevent natural disasters, search and rescue; timely advised to deal with situations, avoid the “hot spots”, contributing to the maintenance of political security, social order and safety, and creating the favourable conditions for the socio-economic development.

Holding live-firing exercise

Presently, the cause of building and safeguarding the Fatherland according to the 8th Central Resolution (13th tenure) has defined new and higher requirements. Ninh Thuan, which is one of the gateways to the East-West corridor connecting the South-Central coast to Southern Highlands, has an important strategic position in the defence posture of the Military Region 5 and the whole country; though the political security and social order and safety in the province has been basically stable, there have existed the unpredictable factors, the complex situations of the hostile forces’ sabotage, etc. Hence, the good execution of the military and defence tasks has played an important role in the stability and development of the Province in particular, the region in general. Clearly understanding the situation, the Provincial Party Committee has strengthened its leadership on well implementing the military and defence tasks with synchronous policies and solutions, focusing on the main contents as follows:

Firstly, enhancing the leadership and direction by the party committees and governments, the Fatherland Front and other socio-political organisations in executing the military and defence tasks. This is both the experience and solution defined by the Province to carry out in the coming time. To do it, the Provincial Military Party Committee has proactively advised the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council and People’s Committee to issue documents on leading, directing and instructing departments, agencies and unions to comprehensively and effectively do this important task. The all-level party committees, governments, and unions have continued to grasp and implement the military and defence tasks for all cadres and party members; concretised into resolutions, programmes and plans; attentively led, directed and instructed the consistent, synchronous and effective implementation; periodically and suddenly inspected, checked, summarised, learnt from the experience and timely corrected the shortcomings and weaknesses, set the tasks and suggested feasible solutions to make progress in all fields, contributing to the successful accomplishment of the local military and defence tasks.

Secondly, leading the consolidation of the all-people national defence associated with the people’s security posture to build the firm defence zones. Basing on the thorough grasp of the seniors’ resolutions and directions on the military and defence tasks, especially Resolution No. 13-NQ/ĐU, dated 26 April 2022 by the Provincial Military Party Committee on leading the task of building the Provincial defence zone in the new situation, the Provincial Military Command has attentively led and directed effectively the combination of socio-economic development, the implementation of national programmes and targets with strengthening the defence and security, making the foundation for the construction of the strong all-people national defence. Accordingly, the Province has paid attention to the field search, rightly evaluated the defence and economic potentials of each region in order to make research and projects on areas for defence, defence combined with economy, and for economic development. On this basis, the Province has made the general project on the socio - economic development associated with defence and security in the 2020-2030 period and the following years; integrated the project of the national sea space on defence in the 2021-2030 period with a view to 2050; coordinated with services and departments to strictly and timely assess the defence-related socio-economic projects under the authority; every year and after each period, directed the construction of the defence zones in the province and in suitable districts, which are in agreement with the defence plan of the Military Region; brought into play the general strength of the whole political system to build and consolidate the potentials in the defence zones, of which, taking the building of political potentials as the core, the economic, cultural and social potentials as the centre, the defence and security potentials as the key, and the building of the strong communes as the foundation; led and directed the addition and completion of the regulations on building and activities of the defence zones, the state management of defence as the basis for implementation; continued to effectively implement the Project on the staff organisation, training, activities and ensuring the policies for the militia in the period of 2021-2025, Project on military intermediate-level and tertiary training for cadres in the Communal Military Command to 2025 and the following years, Project on addressing the post-war consequences according to Programme 504 by the Government in the 2nd period (2021-2025); led and directed the levels and departments to coordinate in doing the annual selection and enlistment, made surveys, managed the staff and vehicles of ships and boats, and organised the training for fishermen, militia and local soldiers to be ready to take part in any struggles at sea when emergency  situations occur.

Thirdly, attentively leading the task of combat readiness, making breakthrough in training and exercise; proactively preventing natural disasters, doing search and rescue. These are important solutions to create motives for the Provincial armed forces to improve the general strength, combat power and successfully accomplish the local military and defence tasks. Therefore, together with well doing the ideological education for cadres and solders, the Province has required offices and units to regularly build, adjust and timely complement the system of combat documents, and organise the on-site practice of combat plans at all levels; directed the reinforced forces to hold the situations, effectively coordinate and exchange defence information with bordering provinces, timely discover and advise to accurately and effectively solve all situations, avoid falling into perplexing situation. At the same time, the Province has led the breakthrough in improving the training quality for all participants in accordance to the training viewpoints, principles and combinations; organised the training in right and enough contents, programmes and assigned time; implemented the training in echelon, actively reformed the staff and training management, assuring the unity, synchronicity and non-overlapping; attentively trained and retrained to improve the skills and training methods for cadres at all levels, especially the ones directly doing the training; grasped and strictly implemented the directions, orders and plans on the exercises of the provincial and district defence zones and the exercises of communal defence; organised the forces and vehicles to readily take part in preventing natural disasters, helping the people overcome the natural consequences, search and rescue.

Fourthly, paying attention to leading the construction of the comprehensively strong, “exemplary, typical” Provincial armed forces. Grasping Direction No. 79/CT-BQP, dated 22 July 2022 by the Defence Minister; Resolution No. 17-NQ/ĐU, dated 07 November 2022 by the Military Region’s Party Committee; Resolution No. 19-NQ/ĐU, dated 01 March 2023 by the Provincial Military Party Committee on building the comprehensively strong, “exemplary, typical” units, the Provincial Military Party Committee has attentively led the construction of the politically-strengthened armed forces as the basis to improve the overall quality and combat power, with the focus on improving the ideological work; enhancing the work of building the pure and strong Party and party cells; well implementing the emulation and reward, and the Emulation Movement connected with the Campaign of learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style to create the strong motives in task performance; effectively implemented the guidelines of the Party, State, Military and localities on the public relations in the new situation; continuously reformed and enhanced the special propaganda; well implemented the Democracy Regulations at the grassroots; improved the quality of the party and political work in all tasks, especially in the combat readiness, training, exercises, etc.

Together, the Provincial Military Party Committee has led the strict observance of regulations on organisation and staff; properly arranged and used the personnel, correctly assigned them as the policies, prioritised the units doing the tasks of combat readiness; built the “strong and extensive” militia with proper organisation and high political quality; 100% of the reserve forces have been consolidated with high readiness; strictly implemented the directions and instructions on regularity building, discipline observance and safety in all activities of the units, at the same time, well led the logistics and technical support work for both regular and sudden tasks, making sure the Provincial armed forces could be ready to receive and successfully accomplish all assigned tasks.

Senior Colonel TRUONG THANH VIET, Political Commissar of the Provincial Military Command

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Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.