Exercising the soldiers' mastery is not only a goal and motivation to build the Army in politics but also a condition to ensure solidarity and unity in agencies and units and promote the intelligence and abilities of each soldier and collective to create overall strength in the performance of tasks. Recognizing that, Naval Region 3 Party Committee and Command have always focused on solutions to promote grassroots democracy.
A conference on Party supervision and checking of the region |
To fulfill the task of firmly managing and protecting the sovereignty of strategic seas and islands of the Central region, Naval Region 3 has always focused on making it strong in politics to serve as a basis for improving the overall quality and combat power. In particular, promoting grassroots democracy and building solidarity and unity within the Unit are very important factors. Thoroughly grasping the superior’s directives, resolutions, regulations, and instructions on the formulation and implementation of the Grassroots Democracy Regulations (the Regulations), the Region Party Committee and Command have strengthened the leadership and direction in the implementation of the Regulations. The Party committees at all levels have reviewed and supplemented the rules and regulations after each congress. The contents of the implementation of the Regulations have been included in the leadership resolutions, concretized into the rules, regulations, and plans of the Party committees and commanders at all levels, and then applied closely to the practical requirements and tasks of the agencies and units. The Region has attached great importance to the propagation and education of all soldiers and officers to raise awareness of the position and great significance of the implementation of the Regulations. Agencies and units have applied several forms of communication to fully publicize all regimes and policies related to the interests of soldiers. The rules and regulations on the performance of tasks, leadership and direction documents, and results of the formulation and implementation of the Regulations have also been made public.
To have good democracy, firstly, democracy in leading and commanding must be well exercised. Therefore, the Region Party Committee has requested the Party committees at all levels to well exercise democracy in leadership activities in strict observance of the principles of democratic centralism, collective leadership, and assignment of individuals in charge and improve the quality of self-criticism and criticism. The Party committees at all levels have fully prepared leadership resolutions, internal rules as decentralized and strictly observed the regimes and regulations. Activities and conferences of the Party committees at all levels have promoted democracy and collective intelligence, promoted the role and responsibility of individuals and presiding cadres, and assigned tasks closely to the functions and duties of each level of Party committee member to avoid overlapping. Leadership resolutions and policies have been discussed and decided by the majority. Commanders at all levels have followed closely the superior’s directives, resolutions, regulations, and instructions and those of their own levels; strictly observed the leadership mechanism; and well handled relationships with political commissars, secretaries, and Party committee members in performing tasks. All levels have actively reviewed, amended, supplemented, and perfected rules and regulations, developed plans, and assigned to effectively implement resolutions of the Party committees and cells. At the same time, other measures have been also done, including: Actively innovating working style, strictly implementing the working as regulated; always paying attention to handling relationships within the units; and strengthening inspection, grasping the situation, listening to reports, and drawing experience from the Military Councils on the exercise of democracy at the units. As a result, the observance of disciplines and quality of task performance of agencies and units has made positive and solid changes. The encouragement of soldiers to participate and well implement the Regulations have been respected, that have promoted the role and responsibility of cadres at all levels in grasping and settling the thoughts and aspirations of cadres and soldiers and promptly rectified signs of democratic violations and false democracy to build solidarity and unity within the units.
Reality shows that the organization of democratic dialogue and Political Day and spiritual culture activities in a number of agencies and units are only formal, and the contents of activities are not rich and lively enough to ignite the activeness and initiative of cadres and soldiers in performing activities as well as tasks. It has not really promoted all the roles, functions, and tasks of the Military Councils and the mass organizations. To overcome, the Region Party Committee has directed agencies and units to focus on promoting the core role of the Military Councils and mass organizations in raising the effectiveness of grassroots democracy exercise. This is a very important bridge to put the Regulations into practice to realize the democratic goals of the units. The Region Party Committee and Command have frequently paid attention to leading and directing the consolidation of the Military Councils at all levels under Circular No.165/2018/TT-BQP issued on December 1st, 2018 by the Ministry of Defense on organization and activities of the Military Councils in the Vietnam People's Army; promulgated the operating rules, maintained in a orderly manner, and improved the operational quality of the Military Councils at all levels; and incorporated the activity plan of the Military Councils into the regular work plan of agencies and units directly run by the commanders. As a result, the quality of exercise of the democratic contents at grassroots level has many positive changes, while the role and responsibility of cadres and soldiers in the performance of tasks and unit construction have been significantly improved.
In parallel with that, the Party committees, commanders, and political agencies at all levels have always paid attention to leading and directing the building of the Military Councils, Youth Union executive committees at all levels, and the Women's Union at the grassroots level and promoting the role in contributing critiques to organizations, cadres, and Party members in commenting, assessing, and proposing for commendation, inspecting and supervising Party organizations and members. Mass organizations and Military Councils at all levels have actively innovated forms and methods and improved the quality of activities. At the same time, the organization of educational activities, cultural movements, physical training, and sports and participation in contests and competitions have been regularly well coordinated to pioneer in emulating to perform the key political tasks of the units. Thereby, mass organizations and Military Councils at all levels have well promoted democracy and the role of criticism to contribute to building clean, strong Party committees and comprehensively strong organizations, agencies and units. To effectively promote cultural institutions and seriously implement the democratic dialogue, Political and spiritual cultural days to listen to the opinions of subordinates and the masses; to promptly deal with problems and legitimate aspirations and create conditions for cadres and soldiers to exercise their rights to know, discuss, inspect, and supervise all activities of the units.
Promoting democracy is always associated with strengthening disciplines. Therefore, the inspection and supervision work is always respected and highly appreciated by the Region Party Committee and Command in accordance with the principles, procedures, and regulations of the Politburo, the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of Defense, and the Navy; to incorporate regular inspection with thematic supervision; between the inspection and supervision of the Party organizations and the inspection and examination work of the commanders. To proactively monitor the grassroots level to detect and examine Party organizations and members showing signs of violations. To promptly settle complaints and denunciations associated with handling violations of the Military discipline under competence. To strengthen the inspection and evaluation of the implementation of the Regulations upon agencies and units, especially in areas where there are signs of democratic violations, loss of internal solidarity and cases of serious violations. To promote the role of all organizations, forces, levels, and branches in close combination of mass mobilization with the implementation of the Regulations; to integrate the implementation of the Grassroots Democracy Regulations with organizing emulation movements, drives, and political duties of the units to create democracy, solidarity, and unity throughout the Region.
Effectiveness of solutions to promote democracy at the grassroots level is the “key” to effectively carry out the ideological work to contribute to building the Region clean and strong Party Committee and comprehensively strong Region to fulfill all assigned tasks.
Rear Admiral MAI TRONG DINH, Region’s Political Commissar