Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:38 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, August 07, 2024, 11:54 (GMT+7)
Naval Region 1 harnesses political and spiritual elements in “winning the first battle” to secure maritime sovereignty

Sixty years ago, on 02 August 1964, a fleet of three torpedo ships from Naval Battalion 135 (now the Fleet, Brigade 170, Naval Region 1) valiantly defended against and drove the American destroyer USS Maddox out of northern waters, downed one aircraft, and damaged another. On 05 August 1964, the Battalion 135, Patrol Zone 1, and the Bai Chay Naval Base, in coordination with air defence forces, shot down eight modern American jet fighters, inflicted damage on several others, and captured enemy pilots. This victory marked the beginning of a resounding epic for the Vietnam People’s Navy, showcasing the valour of our armed forces and people in countering the U.S. imperialists’ destructive warfare in the North. This triumph laid the foundation for our Party to build resolve, inspire, and motivate the nation’s collective fighting spirit, ultimately defeating all nefarious war strategies of the U.S.-puppet regime. It safeguarded the Northern rear, significantly contributing to the Southern front’s efforts in the liberation and unification of the nation.

The initial victories on 02 and 05 August 1964 epitomise the culmination of multiple strength factors, symbolising the prowess and intellect of the Vietnamese people under the astute and visionary leadership of the Party and the strategic doctrine of people’s war. Primarily, these victories embody the political and spiritual strength of the Naval Force, deeply imbued with the determination and resolve to engage, confront, and triumph over the American invaders. This indomitable spirit has been inherited by successive generations, becoming the illustrious tradition of “winning the first battle” within the heroic Naval Force, offering valuable lessons that remain pertinent in safeguarding the nation’s maritime sovereignty.

Today, Naval Region 1 is tasked with managing and protecting the northeastern maritime and island territories of the Fatherland under new, high, and comprehensive demands amidst rapidly evolving, complex, and unpredictable global and regional situations. The strategic competition among major powers and territorial and maritime sovereignty disputes in the region are intensifying, harbouring the potential for instability. Hostile forces continue to pursue “peaceful evolution,” fostering “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” from within, and attempting to depoliticise the Military through increasingly sophisticated and insidious tactics. This situation necessitates that the Regional Party Committee and Command focus on implementing comprehensive policies and solutions, continuously leveraging the political and spiritual element of the “winning the first battle” across all tasks and operations, thereby enhancing overall quality and combat strength to steadfastly protect maritime sovereignty in all circumstances.

Leader of Naval Region 1 encourages troops of Naval Briage 169

To strengthen the political and spiritual foundations, the Region continues to improve the quality and effectiveness of political and ideological education, aiming to cultivate a robust political will, unwavering belief, and determined resolve among cadres and soldiers to defend maritime sovereignty in all circumstances. Accordingly, the Region directs agencies and units to intensify the dissemination and education of cadres and soldiers to deeply understand key resolutions and directives, especially the 8th Central Party Committee’s Resolution (the 13th tenure) on the “Strategy for National Defence in the New Situation”; Resolution No.36-NQ/TW dated 22 October 2018, on the “Strategy for Sustainable Development of Vietnam’s Marine Economy by 2030, with a Vision to 2045”; and Resolution No.33-NQ/TW of the Politburo (the 12th tenure) on the “National Border Protection Strategy.”

Additionally, efforts are made to enhance awareness among troops about the schemes and tactics of foreign forces, clearly identifying the targets and partners of the Vietnamese revolution, the combat objectives of the Naval Force, and the requirements and tasks of protecting maritime sovereignty in the new context. To achieve effectiveness, agencies and units strictly implement Directive No.2423-CT/QUTW dated 09 November 2023, by the Central Military Commission’s Standing Committee on “Renewing and Improving the Quality of Political Education in the New Era.” This involves innovating the content, form, and methods of political education, closely combining political education with legal dissemination and propaganda, and effectively managing, forecasting, and resolving the troops’ ideological issues. The emphasis is on learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, ethics, and lifestyle, linked with the drive entitled “Promoting Tradition, Dedicating Talent, and being Worthy of the Title of Uncle Ho’s Soldiers - Naval Soldiers”. The Determination-to-Win Emulation movement is tied to nurturing, building, and expanding exemplary models, creating motivation for each individual and collective to strive to fulfil their assigned tasks excellently. Through these measures, cadres and soldiers are nurtured with steadfast political resolve, high morale, and a strong sense of responsibility, readiness to think innovatively, take action, and assume responsibility, willing to endure hardships and sacrifices, and steadfastly protect the sacred maritime sovereignty of the nation.

As we know, the political and spiritual factors that contributed to the “winning the first battle” are embodied in each cadre and soldier, characterised by high alertness and readiness to fight, thorough tactical training, mastery of, and confidence in their weapons and technical equipment, as well as strict adherence to orders and battlefield discipline. Building on and promoting this tradition, the Region focuses on improving the quality of training and the combat proficiency of the unit, mastering weaponry and honing technical and tactical skills, and maintaining strict combat readiness. Agencies and units are instructed to adhere to the principles of “Basic, Practical, and Firm,” conducting comprehensive, in-depth training aligned with their missions, scenarios, combat plans, adversaries, organisational structure, equipment, and operational areas, with the primary objective being the protection of maritime sovereignty. There is a continuous push to master, operate, and maintain new and modern weaponry and equipment. This is closely combined with political education, building standardised practices, and maintaining discipline, while emphasising physical training and the ability to endure harsh maritime conditions to enhance troop mobility in complex weather scenarios. Commanders and agencies at all levels are to increase inspections before, during, and after training sessions, resolutely opposing any superficiality or credit mania. Regular reviews, completions, and thorough rehearsals of combat readiness plans, especially joint operation plans between units and forces within the area, are mandated. Realistic combat drills under conditions simulating high-tech enemy weapons are enhanced to improve command capabilities and the courage of officers and soldiers, promoting the spirit of “daring to fight, knowing how to fight, and determined to win.” Furthermore, collaboration with coastal localities and other forces to consolidate and build a robust continuous land-sea-island defence posture is prioritised. There is a proactive approach to understanding maritime developments, enemy schemes, and tactics, maintaining high vigilance, and improving combat readiness to handle all situations effectively and avoid surprises.

Building a strong Party organisation in terms of politics, ideology, ethics, structure, and personnel is a crucial, decisive solution for strengthening the political foundation of the Region - essential for enhancing overall quality and combat strength. Therefore, in promoting political and spiritual elements in Party building work, the Regional Party Committee and subordinate Party organisations earnestly implement and decisively execute the resolutions of Party congresses at all levels through specific programmes and plans. Effective implementation of Party and Central Military Commission resolutions, directives, and conclusions is continued, focusing on tasks, solutions, and action programmes to implement the 13th Central Committee’s 4th Resolution on Party building and rectification; Conclusion No.111-KL/QUTW dated 12 February 2019, of the Central Military Commission on enhancing leadership capacity, combat strength of grassroots Party organisations, and the quality of cadres and Party members in the new period. There is an active renewal and improvement of Party meetings, especially at the Party cell level on combat ships, emphasising the quality of leadership activities, capability to formulate, communicate, and implement resolutions, promoting self-criticism and criticism, and maintaining unity within the unit. Concurrently, strict adherence to the Politburo’s Regulation No.144-QĐ/TW dated 09 May 2024, on the ethical standards of cadres and Party members in the new period and regulations on responsibility and exemplary behaviour is mandated, following the motto: “self-reflection, self-correction,” “superiors’ exemplary conduct, and subordinates’ active following.” The oversight and supervision work is strengthened under the principle: “Broad oversight, focused inspection,” proactively inspecting Party members and organisations showing signs of violation, and strictly handling violations by Party organisations and members according to regulations, principles, and authority. Through these measures, leadership capacity and combat strength are continually enhanced, building clean, strong, exemplary Party committees and organisations at all levels to meet mission requirements.

Building on the experience of leveraging political and spiritual factors to create comprehensive strength in winning the first battle, Naval Region 1 continues to lead and direct effective communication on maritime and island issues, as well as civil-military relations in the stationed areas. This fosters a close-knit bond with the people, establishing a “people’s defence posture” to firmly protect the sacred maritime sovereignty of the Fatherland. To achieve this, the Region mandates that all agencies and units thoroughly grasp the directives and resolutions of the Party and higher authorities to focus their communication efforts. The content of the communication revolves around the consistent viewpoints and policies of the Party and the State of Vietnam in exercising national jurisdiction over maritime zones, islands, archipelagos, and exclusive economic zones based on historical evidence and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS); the Central Party Committee’s Resolution No.36-NQ/TW dated 22 October 2018; and effective models and practices in socio-economic development, defence, and security in maritime areas. It also involves exposing the schemes of hostile forces exploiting maritime and island issues to distort, incite, and destabilise the area. To achieve effectiveness, units must actively innovate and diversify their communication methods, ensuring they are suitable for different audiences, times, scales, levels, and specific areas. Special attention is given to leveraging the advantages of modern media with widespread reach. Simultaneously, robust mass mobilisation work is conducted, actively assisting fishermen, particularly in maritime rescue operations, ensuring that every ship, station, and post at sea serves as a solid support for the people, encouraging them to venture offshore and cling to the sea, acting as sovereignty markers. Through these efforts, the qualities of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers - Naval Soldiers” are further illuminated in the hearts of the people, enhancing solidarity and determination to protect the sacred maritime sovereignty of the Fatherland.

Following the tradition of its predecessors who won the first battle, Naval Region 1 intensifies traditional education, fostering belief and the determination to fight and win among its troops. It vigorously trains them to master new, modern technical weaponry, refine their tactics, and enhance overall quality and combat strength to firmly safeguard the northeastern maritime regions of the Fatherland.

Rear Admiral TRAN XUAN VAN, Commissar of the Region 

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Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.