Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:37 (GMT+7)

Monday, November 20, 2023, 19:45 (GMT+7)
Exploiting the fight against corruption and negativism to promote “peaceful evolution” - a cunning tactic

Promoting internal “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” is a common trick in the “Peaceful evolution” strategy of hostile forces and reactionaries. Currently, using corrupt and negative behaviours of cadres and Party members, as well as the results of combating this issue, to sabotage is a very cunning and dangerous tactic. Therefore, identifying and resolutely combating these tactics, contributing to maintaining the Party’s leadership role and political stability of the country, and consolidating the people’s trust, is an urgent and important task.

Corruption, negativism, and “peaceful evolution” are two of the four risks identified by our Party since the middle of the 7th Congress (January 1994) and remain “among the threats to the survival of the Party and the regime.” Although these two risks originate from different entities - one from the reactionary strategy of external hostile forces and the other from the “internal enemy” - they are closely related. A focal point of the “Peaceful evolution” strategy is to promote the decline in political thoughts, ethics, lifestyle, “self-evolution,” and “self-transformation” internally, of which corruption and negativism are manifestations. At the same time, hostile forces exploit the behaviours and results of the fight against corruption and negativism to conduct subversive activities in their strategy. This is truly a highly cunning tactic of hostile forces against our revolution.

To implement this scheme, they present distorted arguments such as “Corruption is an inherent issue of the one-party system in Vietnam” or “Vietnam cannot successfully combat corruption. The more Vietnam fights it, the worse it becomes as it is a chronic disease of the sole-party regime.” They also claim that the current struggle against corruption in Vietnam is “purging factions,” “internal fighting,” “mutual suppression” within the Communist Party of Vietnam, etc. They attack the regime, calling for Vietnam to change its political system, implement multi-party systems, separation of powers, etc., to effectively combat corruption and negativism.

It is essential to assert that these arguments are extremely cunning, deceptive, and reactionary to distort the efforts to combat corruption and negativism, aiming to divide the Party and the political system, causing division in society, reducing the will and trust of the people in the Party, and gradually undermining the credibility of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Their goal is to progressively deny and eliminate the leadership role of the Party and the socialist regime in our country.

Why do hostile forces exploit and delve into the issues of corruption and negativism? It is because this is always a “hot” issue that public opinion is extremely concerned about. It is also the most concentrated and clear expression of the decline in political thoughts, ethics, and lifestyle - the “material,” “fertile ground,” and “excuse” for hostile forces, opportunists, and those who are dissatisfied with the regime to utilise to inflate shortcomings and smear and distort the essence of the socialist system, the nature of the working class, and the role of the Communist Party of Vietnam. On the other hand, the struggle to eliminate corruption and negativism is already difficult, long-term, challenging, and fierce. As President Ho Chi Minh pointed out. It is an “internal enemy,” and the task of fighting it “must be as timely as fighting enemies on the front line.” Therefore, these arguments make the fight against corruption and negativism even more difficult, complicated, and chaotic among the people, creating internal division and suspicion within the cadres and Party members. If we are not vigilant, do not distinguish between right and wrong and truth and falsehood, we will easily fall into the traps of the enemy. Then, the consequence will be economic and political instability, even turmoil, leading to the loss of the Party’s leadership role and the collapse of the regime. Hence, it is necessary to correctly identify and resolutely fight against these distorted arguments, exploiting our fight to implement the “peaceful evolution” of hostile forces and reactionaries.

We all know that corruption is a social phenomenon linked to power, an “inherent defect” and degeneration of power that any social system in the world confront. Therefore, corruption is not a unique product of the “sole-party” regime or the “nature” of the political system, as distorted by international reactionary forces and political opportunists. Reality has proven that, whether in developed or developing countries, multi-political systems, multi-party oppositions, such as Japan, South Korea, or unitary political ones like China, or countries with highly developed economies implementing separation of powers in Europe and North America, corruption has been cause to social turmoil,  political unrest, or even the fall of the governments in some countries worldwide.

Currently, although there are different interpretations and expressions, in essence, they all agree that corruption is always associated with power and personal interests. Corruption and embezzlement have a nature and origin - the actions of those in positions of power and authority colluding to embezzle, accept bribes, and intentionally violate the law for personal gain, taking “public property for private use,” or siphoning off the state budget or collective property for personal gain or for a group of people. Transparency International publishes the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) annually, showing that corruption occurs in countries worldwide. In 2020, more than 2/3 of the 180 countries and territories assessed scored below 50 out of 100 on the CPI scale. In 2022, despite progress in many countries, the outlook remained unfavourable. According to the scale from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean), no country has reached 100 points, with the highest being 90 points (Denmark). In many multi-party regimes, often ranked high globally in anti-corruption, such as Finland, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden, Norway, Australia, or Canada, considered democratic and transparent with very strict regulations on corruption prevention, corruption still exists, even more severe than in many other countries. In reality, many high-ranking officials, even heads of state in some developed countries, have been “involved” in corruption and faced legal proceedings.

Therefore, corruption is a global economic and social phenomenon, considered an “international epidemic,” a “congenital defect” of power occurring in all countries, regardless of the political system, whether it is a sole-party or a multi-party system. It occurs in all areas of social life and negatively affects the development of all countries worldwide. If there is any difference, it is only in the degree and the extent of its impact.

For Vietnam, our Party and State have always considered embezzlement, corruption, and waste as “internal enemies.” Immediately after the country gained independence, President Ho Chi Minh clearly stated that “Embezzlement, waste, and bureaucracy are enemies of the people, the armed forces, and the government.” Therefore, it is very dangerous, even more dangerous than external invaders because it arises, exists, and develops silently within our organisation, occurring daily, every hour, in all areas, and closely associated with power and positions" mostly held by Party members.” In recent years, especially since its establishment, the Central Steering Committee for Corruption Prevention and Control, headed by the General Secretary, has led, directed, and implemented drastic and synchronous solutions to fight against corruption and negativism. During 10 years (from 2012 to 2022), the Party committees and inspection councils at all levels disciplined 2,740 Party organisations and more than 167,700 cadres and Party members, of which 7,390 Party members were disciplined due to corruption. 170 cadres under central management, including many high-ranking officials of the Party, State, and armed forces, were disciplined. From the beginning of the 13th Congress to May 2022 alone, nearly 4,200 cases/7,572 defendants were prosecuted and investigated for corruption, position, and economic crimes (of which, corruption crimes prosecuted and investigated were 455 cases/1,054 defendants). In the first six months of 2023, a total of 452 cases/1,409 defendants were initiated and investigated, marking an increase of 155 cases/727 defendants compared to the same period in 2022.

The outcomes of anti-corruption and anti-negativism practices affirm the determination to create a scenario of “no forbidden zones, no exceptions, regardless of the individual’s status, and not yielding to any pressure.” This approach rejects the existence of any “factionalism” or “internal strife and purges” and emphasises that all violator, whoever they are, will be rigorously handled. The resolute, persistent, systematic, cautious, and effective actions of Vietnam have yielded tangible results. In the Transparency International report of 2022, Vietnam’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) increased by 3 points compared to 2021, rising from 39 to 42 on a scale of 100, and advancing 10 positions in the global ranking from 87th to 77th out of 180 countries and territories. This progress places Vietnam among the countries making remarkable advancements in the fight against corruption, showcasing the substantial efforts and strong determination in this regard.

Countries and international organisations highly appreciate Vietnam’s endeavors and achievements in combating corruption and negativism. They acknowledge that Vietnam’s current efforts are “stronger than ever” and that “the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnamese Government are resolutely and systematically combating corruption and negativism.”

Thus, the Communist Party and the State of Vietnam have recognised the detrimental nature of corruption and negativism. Consequently, they have pursued a course of resolute, persistent, and determined action with a high sense of responsibility. The unwavering commitment, determination, and high sense of responsibility align with the continuous and unremitting spirit, as directed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. To date, the anti-corruption efforts have seen resolute and effective leadership from the Central Party, progressively advancing with significant achievements. This has left a positive and comprehensive impact, creating a strong ripple effect throughout society, truly becoming “an irreversible trend” supported and appreciated by Party members, cadres, and the general public, as well as recognised by international friends. This is vivid proof to refute the distorted arguments of hostile, reactionary forces who take advantage of this fight to promote “peaceful evolution” and sabotage the Vietnamese revolution.

Senior Colonel, Associate Professor, Doctor NGUYEN VAN THANH, National Defence Academy

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Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.