Friday, September 20, 2024, 17:36 (GMT+7)

Monday, August 28, 2023, 09:18 (GMT+7)
Countering the distortion and denial of the Party's principles of self-criticism and criticism

Self-criticism and criticism represent a basic principle in the operation and the rule of existence and development of the Communist Parties. Therefore, hostile forces always try to distort, undermine its position and role in order to make cadres, party members, party committees and organisations disregard, ignore and step by step abandon this rule. Therefore, it is important that each of us must be fully aware of the nature and resolutely fight against the false arguments that deny this principle.

Since the foundation of the first international communist organisation, self-criticism and criticism has been credited by the founders of Marxism-Leninism as essential for the operation and development of the party, the nature of a revolutionary party. This is because in the process of evolution and development, weaknesses and defects arising within the Party are inevitable. Struggling to solve those problems and create high unity is very necessary, but this should absolutely not be done through violence or purge, but through self-criticism and criticism. Lenin considered self-criticism and criticism the immutable law of the development of a genuine and revolutionary party. He said: "Revolutionary parties perished because of egoism. They did not see clearly what made their strength and hesitated to speak of their weaknesses. As for us, we will not perish, because we are not afraid to speak about our weaknesses and we will learn the way to overcome them”. And that party officials and members are also human, not “angels, not saints, not heroes, but human like everyone else. They do have flaws. The Party will correct them".

Lenin also pointed out the requirements and the way to conduct self-criticism and criticism.  In his way, self-criticism and criticism must not follow the trend of "leftist" opportunism; "Criticism", "debate” are necessary, but should be done publicly in a clear and open manner; and that party members must not to take advantage of the so-called "freedom of criticism" to cause internal disunity and division, and undermine the party organisation. Self-criticism and criticism must be the principle, guiding all the Party's awareness and activities, and a measure to avoid all mistakes.

Faithfully and creatively applying Marxism-Leninism, in the process of leading the revolution, our Party and President Ho Chi Minh paid special attention to self-criticism and criticism within the Party. In the opinion of President Ho Chi Minh, "People are not god; they are by no mean flawless". In the process of operation, for some reason, it is inevitable that cadres and party members make mistakes. The importance is they recognise and know how to correct them. Regarding our Party, he pointed out: “A Party that hides its shortcomings is a corrupt one. A Party that is willing to admit its shortcomings, point out the causes, and then seek ways to correct it is a progressive, bold, solid and true one". The best way to do that, according to President Ho Chi Minh, is self-criticism and criticism.

Ho Chi Minh has modeled on the methods and ways of educating, training and correcting shortcomings and shortcomings for cadres and party members which are full of humanity and compassion, basing on the principle of communism, i.e. self-criticism and criticism. He reminds us that we should start from the interests of the Party, from the love of comrades to conduct criticism with the spirit of curing the disease to save people. The ultimate goal of criticism is to help each other correct their shortcomings, help each other improve themselves and their working style, and maintain a solid internal unity. Criticism must be done in a resolute, frank, honest  and open way but with appropriate manner without using words of sarcasm and bitterness in order to strengthen solidarity and unity in the party cells. All acts of criticism for one’s own benefit, for discrediting other and valuing themselves or beyond the regulations of the Party or hesitation of criticism for fear of being prejudiced are contrary to the morality of a Communist Party member. This harms the internal unity, damages the interests of the Party, and spoils the reputation of the communist party members.

He always asked agencies and cadres, party members to practice self-criticism and self-criticism everyday. Whenever a mistake is found, it must be corrected resolutely. Criticism must be done basing on comradeship and mutual love. Honest and sincere self-criticism and self-criticism are always the criteria for assessing the attitude, motivation, personality and morality of each cadre and party member. In order to make it effective, it is compulsory that democracy be promoted; people are encouraged to speak out their opinion about cadres; and subordinates are encouraged to comment and criticise their superiors, not just top-down criticism. Only by this way will democracy be promoted, and criticism be fully and effectively implemented. Ho Chi Minh's skillful method of self-criticism and criticism is the best way to "make people, work, and relationships better". It makes each person proactive, confident, and believe in his comrades and organisation; increase their will and energy to strive to complete their assigned tasks.

It has been shown that over the past 90 years since its inception, our Party has always attentively exercised the principle of self-criticism and criticism in accordance with the circumstances and revolutionary situation. As a result, it has seen ceaseless developments, being capable to lead the revolution from one victory to another. In the past time, in response to the requirements of building and rectifying the Party, especially the fight against corruption, negativity, and manifestations of deterioration in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, "self-evolution", "self-transformation", the Resolutions of the 4th Party Central Committee (11th, 12th, and 13th tenures) continue to define self-criticism and criticism as an important group of solutions that should be seriously and strictly implemented from the Central to grassroots levels, from party committee to cadres and party members. With the spirit of frank self-criticism and criticism, the truth is clearly stated; the advantages and achievements are analysed and clarified; limitations, shortcomings and mistakes of organisations and individuals are specifically pointed out; the cases of violations are carefully examined, clearly concluded, and strictly trialed without tolerance or “forbidden zone", which has contributed to warning, deterring, and gradually preventing and repelling corruption and negativity, earning people's consent and favour, and respect from international friends.

Thus, the principle of self-criticism and criticism has been proven as revolutionary and scientific in both theory and practice; is one of the important factors determining the survival and development of the Party. Through self-criticism and criticism, cadres, party members and party organisations always look directly at the truth, frankly point out limitations and weaknesses in daily activities and work out timely and effective remedial measures for the advancement of individuals and organisations, and the purity and strength of the Party.

Currently, as the requirements and tasks of protecting the Party and its ideological foundation are urgent, each level of party committees, party organisations, cadres and party members must always stay firm in the viewpoints of Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought on the principle of self-criticism and criticism. At the same time, they should heighten vigilance,  lay bare and counter against the plots and arguments of hostile forces and political opportunists that distort the principles of self-criticism and criticism of the Party. Each level of party committees, party organisation, cadre and party member should uphold the responsibility of self-criticism and criticism, just like the way they look in the mirror and wash their face daily. Whoever has mistake must be honest, try to correct themselves and help other to correct in order to build clean and strong cadres and party members, contributing to making our Party always "moral and civilised".

Senior Colonel PHAM MINH SON, Political Department, General Political Department of the Vietnam People's Army

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Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.