Friday, September 20, 2024, 03:18 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, November 08, 2023, 10:26 (GMT+7)
Building and rectifying the Party and the political system into purity and robustness - results and future directions

Building and rectifying the Party and the political system into purity and robustness is a pivotal and regular task aimed at enhancing the leadership capacity of the Party and strengthening the effectiveness and efficiency of the political system. This issue was objectively and comprehensively evaluated during the mid-term Central Committee Plenum (13th tenure) by our Party based on its results and achievements. Besides, the Party outlined the directions that need focused and thorough attention for effective leadership and direction in the upcoming period.

Results and achievements in the building and rectification of the Party and the political system

Under the motto of “Solidarity - Democracy - Discipline - Creativity - Development” and the implementation of the viewpoints and goals of “Enhancing the building and rectification of the Party and the political system into purity and robustness; arousing the desire for national development, harnessing the willpower and strength of the great national unity in conjunction with the strength of the times; continuing to promote comprehensive and synchronised reforms; building and safeguarding the Fatherland as well as maintaining a peaceful and stable environment; striving to make our country become a developed nation in accordance with the direction of socialism by the middle of the 21st century”, as established by the 13th National Party Congress, during the first half of the past term, the building and rectification of the Party and the political system has achieved numerous outstanding results.

Firstly, with the mechanism of Party leadership, State management, and People’s ownership, the entire Party and political system have effectively carried out their leadership and management responsibilities while promoting the people’s right to master. Besides, they have successfully concentrated efforts on controlling the Covid-19 pandemic and promoting socio-economic recovery and development. They have established an independent and self-reliant economy that actively integrates on a global scale with remarkable efficiency. This is evident in the continuous, relatively strong economic growth, macroeconomic stability, and well-managed inflation control. Key economic development indicators have not only met but also exceeded the set targets, shining brightly in the gloomy global economic landscape. The Party and the political system maintain a consistent standpoint that cultural and social development must be closely and harmoniously aligned with economic development, social progress, social justice, and the improvement in the material and spiritual well-being of the people. The national defence, security, and foreign affairs have been strengthened, proactively and promptly detecting, preventing, and pushing back the risks of war and conflict to safeguard the Fatherland from afar, thus maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for national development. Efforts in the fight against corruption and negative practices have been significantly strengthened and proven effective. Notably, the establishment and effective operation of the Steering Committees for anti-corruption and anti-negative practices in provinces and centrally run cities have been crucial in this regard.

The organisation of the elections for the National Assembly (15th tenure) and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021 - 2026 term, conducted in accordance with the law, was successful, providing the foundation for the comprehensive restructuring of state administrative agencies at all levels. During the 6th Central Committee Plenum (13th tenure), the Party Central Committee outlined a clear perspective, guiding ideology, as well as specific and appropriate tasks and measures to realise the goal of perfecting the socialist rule of law state. According to this perspective, state power is unified, clearly delegated, closely coordinated, decentralised, empowered, and effectively controlled; the administrative and judicial systems are professional, modern, and uphold the rule of law; the state apparatus is lean, clean, effective, and efficient; cadres, civil servants, and public employees possess moral qualities, competency, integrity, and professionalism; and national governance is modern and effective enough to meet the requirements of rapid and sustainable national development. Importance is attached to administrative reforms, the development of e-government, the advancement of judicial reforms, the ongoing improvement of the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of legal activities, and the fight against corruption and negative practices. In addition, the effective operation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organisations has significantly contributed to strengthening social consensus and harnessing the strength of great national unity.

Secondly, personnel work is identified as the “key to keys” in building and rectifying the Party and the political system into purity and robustness. The Party and the State have issued numerous resolutions, directives, decisions, and laws to guide and regulate personnel work, resolutely preventing, pushing back, and rigorously handling any violations committed by officials, regardless of their status. They have also set forth and led the implementation of the principle of “in and out, up and down”, which serves both as an educational tool and as a warning within the cadre of officials, civil servants, and public employees. The strict implementation of the regulations of the Central Committee and the government and Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW, dated 25th October, 2021, of the 4th Central Committee Plenum (13th tenure) regarding the intensification of the building and rectification of the Party and political system, resolutely pushing back and rigorously handling officials and party members who exhibit ideological, moral, and lifestyle deviations, as well as signs of “self-evaluation” and “self-transformation” is intended to create positive transformations in enhancing the quality of organisations at all levels of the political system and the personnel within them.

Thirdly, the work of inspection, supervision, and discipline of the Party, the supervision of the National Assembly, and the inspection of the Government and socio-political organisations continue to undergo reforms. Several new regulations have been promulgated and rigorously implemented. Stringent measures have been taken to combat and rectify the issues of corruption and negative practices, with the most prominent manifestations being individualism, group interests, excessive greed for personal grain, disregard for ethics, self-esteem, and moral integrity, power abuse, authoritarianism, leadership laxity, and mismanagement. Party organisations and the political systems at all levels have implemented various synchronised measures to enhance internal unity and solidarity, consolidate the people’s trust in the regime, maintain political security, and ensure social order and safety. These achievements were accomplished in the face of a multitude of unforeseen difficulties and more severe and complex challenges than initially anticipated. 

However, there exist some limitations in building and rectifying the Party and the political system, including the situation of political, ethical, and lifestyle degradation among some officials, party members, civil servants, public employees that has not been thoroughly prevented; the growing trend of procrastination, hesitancy to think and act, and even avoidance and fear of responsibilities, particularly among a large number of officials, party members, civil servants, and public employees, including leaders and managers who fall under the purview of the Politburo and the Central Committee’s Secretariat.

Given the current situation, it is imperative that we do not become complacent with the attained results and achievements. At the same time, we should remain calm and vigilant while seizing opportunities and advantages to overcome all difficulties and challenges. We should build on our accomplishments and address the limitations and weaknesses to effectively carry out the task of building and rectifying the Party and the political system into purity and robustness, thus successfully fulfilling the objectives and tasks set forth by the 13th National Party Congress.

Directions for building and rectifying the Party and the political system in the upcoming period

Firstly, promoting the implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress. This includes directly following Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW of the 4th Central Committee Plenum (13th tenure) on strengthening the building and rectification of the Party and the political system, resolutely preventing, pushing back, and rigorously handling officials and party members who exhibit ideological, moral, and lifestyle deviations, as well as manifestations of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation”. It should be closely linked with promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style. Additionally, adhering to Regulation No. 37-QĐ/TW, dated 25th October, 2021, issued by the Central Executive Committee (13th tenure) regarding the things that party members must not do. Enhancing the leadership on the reform and establishment of a system of legislative, executive, and judicial agencies from the Central to the local levels, thus building clean, moral, strong, and effective Government and local authorities.

Secondly, it is crucial to continue to carry out personnel work effectively. Emphasis should be placed on the process of selection and appointment. It is essential to place individuals with the right qualities, competence, integrity, and dedication, who genuinely serve the country and the people, into leadership positions at all levels within the political system. During the remainder of this term, it is necessary to resolutely eliminate those engaging in corruption and negative practices from the system and counter any attempts to seek positions for personal gain or to favour the recruitment of family members or relatives who do not meet the required standards. Emphasising democracy, enhancing a sense of responsibility, and promoting the practice of setting an example for the officials themselves and their relatives, not letting them involve in negative practices. There should be a strong focus on comprehensive training and fostering the cadre of officials in the spirit of the “seven dares”. Continuing to enhance discipline management; regularly inspecting and urging to create significant improvements in task performance; and improving morality and professionalism among officials, civil servants, and public employees. Maintaining a strong and unwavering commitment to combating corruption and negative practices while perfecting the laws, mechanisms, and policies to ensure that officials “cannot, dare not, and do not want to be corrupt”. Moreover, any notions that resolute anti-corruption measures might hinder development, diminish enthusiasm, and cause timidity, avoidance, or procrastination among officials, party members, civil servants, and public employees, especially among key leaders and managers at all levels, should be corrected and combated.

Thirdly, it is pivotal to make thorough preparations for the upcoming party congresses at all levels, leading to the successful organisation of the 14th National Party Congress. Party congresses at all levels are the most critical Party activities and should be meticulously, urgently, and “methodically” prepared in strict accordance with the Party Charter as well as the Central Executive Committee’s resolutions, conclusions, directives, and regulations, ensuring that after each congress, the Party becomes cleaner and more robust, thus fulfilling President Ho Chi Minh’s aspiration of a “moral and civilised” Party that deserves to be the vanguard of the working class, labour workers, and the entire nation, representing the interests of the working class, labour workers, and the entire nation. In addition to implementing synchronised strategies and measures and assessing the trustworthiness of key leadership positions, there should be an emphasis on developing a comprehensive plan for leadership positions at all levels, especially the Central Executive Committee, the Politburo, the Central Committee’s Secretariat for the 14th tenure and beyond, ensuring that they meet all the requirements and criteria. Moreover, an urgent and rigorous summary of theoretical and practical issues over 40 years of Renovation (1986-2006) should be conducted. This serves as the foundation for outlining the strategies and guidelines to build an increasingly prosperous, strong, civilised, and happy nation and safeguarding the Fatherland in the new context.


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Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.