Friday, September 20, 2024, 03:08 (GMT+7)

Sunday, July 21, 2024, 07:38 (GMT+7)
Baseless assumptions commonly held by anti-socialists

In 2023, the US House of Representatives passed a so-called resolution “Denouncing the Horrors of Socialism” (H.Con.Res 9), which expresses a hostile, vehement opposition, and “denounces socialism in all its forms”. It must be affirmed that this is a prejudiced, unscientific perspective, reflecting baseless assumptions commonly held by anti-socialists.

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (photo:

It is easily noticeable that throughout this ridiculous resolution, the viewpoints of American presidents on individual rights, private property rights, and American values are used as a yardstick to disparage socialism and to coerce other nations to follow a political regime imposed on them. This is clearly a subjective, irrational imposition and an act of ideological, political, and cultural invasion and subjugation. The reason is that it is practical reality that serves as a yardstick for testing the truth; one cannot rely on a few quotes about freedom, equality, and fraternity to claim these as the proof of the “superior” values of capitalism and impose them on every nation in the world. Moreover, not only do they absolutise personal ownership rights, but they also deliberately equate those rights with capitalist private ownership rights of primary means of production, thereby distorting the truth and claiming that socialism seeks to abolish personal ownership rights, violates human rights, etc. On the contrary, both the theory of Marxism-Leninism and the practice of socialist countries always attach importance to the full enjoyment of human rights and persistently fight for the ideal of abolishing capitalist private ownership regime of primary means of production – the source of all human oppression and social injustice.

Furthermore, while exalting the views of American presidents, treating them as the “truth”, the resolution uses disparaging language towards the names and careers of leaders of other nations, such as V.I. Lenin (the Soviet Union), Fidel Castro (Cuba), Hugo Chavez (Venezuela), etc. This demonstrates a lack of respect and civility, inconsistent with diplomatic norms between nations.

The tendency to propagate baseless assumptions by anti-socialists reaches its peak when all the information cited to accuse socialism of the so-called “crimes” is such a blatant distortion of history. They claim that socialism is associated with war and killing by using the example of the Khmer Rouge genocidal regime in Cambodia, while proclaiming themselves representatives of civilisation, democracy, and humanity. Yet, one must ask, where these self-proclaimed “civilised,” “democratic”, and “humane” entities were when the genocide occurred, when “Cambodian people were on the brink of death and resorted to praying for clasp their hands and pray for the Buddha’s help”?; why the US and western countries condemned Vietnam and covertly backed the genocidal regime when Vietnam helped liberate Cambodian people from it.

They also accuse the “Bolshevik Revolution” of causing tens of millions of deaths while intentionally ignoring the primary cause of these sacrifices and losses - the intervention of the allied forces of 18 imperialist countries in the Soviet Union, aimed at strangling the fledgling Soviet government. They also forget the noble sacrifices of the Soviet people in the struggle against fascism to defend humanity and the latter’s contributions to the end of World War II, saving humanity from the fascist peril. Looking back at American history, to consolidate their dominant role, didn’t the bourgeois class also wage a civil war lasting over four years (1861-1865) with the slave-owning class? To this day, this remains the bloodiest war in US history with an estimated death toll of up to 3% of the American population.

This line of argument is essentially unsubstantiated, which disregards the logic and truth and denies the noble nature and objectives of the socialist revolution, as well as the struggle and sacrifices of the working masses for justice, for the sake of liberating and defending their homeland, and liberating and protecting themselves. It is entirely different from mobilising the masses to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the interests of a minority ruling class, as seen in bourgeois revolutions.

While blatantly fabricating so-called “horrible crimes” committed by socialism, they act as if the crimes of capitalism throughout history and in the present do not exist. History has shown that the two world wars, wars of aggression, and the enslavement of nations under old and new colonialism from the 17th to the 20th century, as well as interventions in the internal affairs of sovereign nations against international law at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, were all perpetrated by capitalist countries to serve their own interests. Regarding Vietnam, our people will never forget the atrocities committed by American invaders, their allies, and the puppet regime in Saigon, such as the My Lai Massacre (Quang Ngai) in 1968, Operation Linebacker II that aimed to “bomb North Vietnam back to the Stone Age” in 1972, the use of Agent Orange, and so on.

Like a childish blame game, they even accuse socialism of being the cause of famines in many countries while in fact it is their direct or indirect actions that have caused these crises. Under the guise of fighting terrorism, the role of the US and Western countries in prolonged conflicts in Somalia, South Sudan, and other places is evident. Such policies have directly or indirectly caused tens of millions of people to face extreme hunger. We need not look far to remember that the policies of hoarding rice by Japanese fascists and French colonialists to serve their war efforts were the direct cause of the famine in North Vietnam in 1945, resulting in the deaths of over two million people. This is an undeniable truth.

Practical evidences have proven that socialism is not an illusion but a superior social system that emerged from the inevitable laws of historical development, in line with the progression of human history. The enormous achievements in economy, politics, culture, society, science, technology, defence, and foreign relations that realist socialism in the Soviet Union and former socialist countries, as well as current socialist countries has gained are undeniable.

It is evident from the resolution that it is based on unconvincing, unscientific premises and arguments, reflecting the subjective viewpoint of a few individuals who take a biased, one-sided, hostile attitude towards socialism. Despite its irrational and baseless nature, the resolution was still passed by the legislative body of a major world power. This is understandable as it is a product of the political machinations and envy of certain American legislators aiming to curry favour with voters who are political refugees and immigrants to the US. The resolution is nothing short of “make-believe” for “traitorous individuals” from whom American politicians aim to secure a few votes. Therefore, it is entirely “non-binding”; its scope is only enough to appease the “exiles”. However, for that band of “lackeys”, this “make-believe” makes them feel ecstatic and eagerly embrace and applaud it without feeling any shame about being mere pawns in the hands of the elite.

Although the resolution does not mention Vietnam by name, exiled reactionary Vietnamese and political dissidents and opportunists within the country are still eagerly spreading it to intensify their propaganda and sabotage efforts. They loudly proclaim that President Ho Chi Minh, the Party, and the Vietnamese government are the causes of the two wars in the 20th century, leading to famine, death, and the stifling of national development. They claim that the Communist Party of Vietnam has more faults than merits, that Vietnam’s socialist path is a dead end, and so on. Their goal is always to deny the Party’s leadership role and they demand that Vietnam adopt political pluralism with opposition parties and so-called “Western-ways” of freedom, democracy, and human rights.

In reality, the tactics of smearing, distorting, denouncing, and rejecting socialism are not new issues, as they have been consistently employed by reactionary forces for over 100 years. The only difference lies in the adjustment of methods, the intensity of execution, and increasingly ridiculous manoeuvres. The above-mentioned absurd resolution is just one of these tricks.

Therefore, the task of combating and exposing these attacks and denunciations of socialism in general, and slanderous, distorted arguments against our Party and State in particular is critical. Accordingly, all levels, branches, localities, agencies, and units need to firmly grasp guidelines for propaganda and education work to foster the awareness and trust of cadres, soldiers, party members, and the masses in the revolutionary path chosen by the Party, President Ho Chi Minh, and our people. Additionally, it is essential to continue promoting political and ideological education, enhancing the “resistance” and “self-immunity” of all cadres, party members, and the masses against malicious information. Also, we must leverage the role of media, digital platforms, and activities of various organisations to expand the reach and improve the quality and effectiveness of propaganda and education work, as well as the work of ideological orientation for target individuals. This will ensure that Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s thought truly permeate, serving as the firm ideological foundation and guiding compass for the actions of the Party and the Vietnamese revolution while maintaining a leading role in the political and spiritual life of society.

Therefore, it is essential to regularly enhance the revolutionary vigilance of organisations and individuals against the intense political and ideological sabotage by hostile forces. Furthermore, we must be acute and proactive to promptly detect acts of sabotage by reactionary forces in theoretical, ideological and cultural domains and quickly prevent their negative impacts. To this end, we must renew methods and forms and improve the quality and effectiveness of the work of defending the ideological foundation of the Party and be proactive in preventing, combating, and neutralising the “peaceful evolution” plots and schemes by hostile forces.

At the same time, we must harness the great political and spiritual resources from our people’s patriotic spirit, loyalty to socialism, and tradition of solidarity. In addition, we must effectively exploit internal and external resources, combining national strength with that of the time to build a prosperous and strong country. Besides, we must utilise socio-economic development achievements and social progress to demonstrate the correctness and superiority of the socialist system in Vietnam, thereby affirming that the path to socialism is the only correct choice in today’s era.


Deputy Political Commissar of Military Region 5’s Military School

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Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.