Friday, September 20, 2024, 06:41 (GMT+7)

Promoting innovation and creativity to enhance the efficiency of the military technical work

Promoting innovation and creativity to enhance the efficiency of the military technical work

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 20:34 (GMT+7)
To effectively fulfil its assigned functions and tasks, the Military Technical Sector must continue to implement comprehensive measures for innovation and improvement, enhancing the quality and efficiency of its work.

European Union’s defence industrial strategy and its impacts on the Asia-Pacific region

European Union's defence industrial strategy and its impacts on the Asia-Pacific region

Friday, August 23, 2024, 09:46 (GMT+7)
According to international analysts, the EU's Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) aims to put the defence industry on a wartime footing by fostering cooperation in investment, research, development, production, procurement, and ownership among EU defence contractors. This marks a shift away from the EU's initial emergency responses to the Russia - Ukraine conflict and signifies a long-term commitment to bolstering the defence industry's readiness

Applying the principle of "Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics" in national defence, security, and the protection of the Fatherland

Applying the principle of “Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics” in national defence, security, and the protection of the Fatherland

Friday, August 23, 2024, 09:44 (GMT+7)
“Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics” is a core philosophy of President Ho Chi Minh, which has become a guiding principle for the Party in its struggle for national liberation and unification. Today, in the context of a rapidly evolving and unpredictable global and regional landscape, this principle holds even greater significance and must be thoroughly understood and effectively applied in the realms of national defence, security, and the safeguarding of the Fatherland.

Japan promotes the progress of Indo-Pacific strategy

Japan promotes the progress of Indo-Pacific strategy

Monday, July 29, 2024, 16:46 (GMT+7)
In response to the increasingly complex global security environment and cut-throat geopolitical competition, the Japanese government advocates not only strengthening defence capabilities, but also promoting Indo-Pacific strategy with a long-term vision. This new Tokyo-driven motive has drawn deep attention from international public opinion

Applying Ho Chi Minh’s thought on war rear to the cause of national building and protection today

Applying Ho Chi Minh’s thought on war rear to the cause of national building and protection today

Friday, July 19, 2024, 07:31 (GMT+7)
Throughout the course of the Vietnamese revolutionary leadership, especially during the resistance wars against French colonialists and American imperialists, as well as during the cause of building socialism in the North, President Ho Chi Minh placed great emphasis on the task of constructing and defending the rear, considering it one of the decisive factors for the victory of the struggle for national liberation, construction, and protection

The Department of Defence Construction improves the capacity to manage and construct combat structures

The Department of Defence Construction improves the capacity to manage and construct combat structures

Saturday, June 29, 2024, 16:05 (GMT+7)
Fully aware of the position, importance, specificity, and high requirements of the task of building combat works in preparing for the people's war to defend the Fatherland, the Department of Defence Construction continues to strive to enhance its overall capacity, promote the traditions of the heroic Engineering Corps in the new situation, and together with the entire army, successfully completing all assigned tasks.

A brief on NATO’s Comprehensive Defence Plan and its global and regional impacts

A brief on NATO's Comprehensive Defence Plan and its global and regional impacts

Friday, June 28, 2024, 15:36 (GMT+7)
In July 2023, in Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation leaders approved its Comprehensive Defence Plan. The plan is critically hailed as complete, detailed and ambitious one. Up to now, its connotations and global and regional impact have drawn the international spotlight

Lý Dynasty combined military actions with diplomatic measures to end wars and establish peace

Lý Dynasty combined military actions with diplomatic measures to end wars and establish peace

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 08:52 (GMT+7)
Clearly grasping the enemy’s schemes, the Lý Dynasty proactively and shrewdly developed strategies to defend the nation, leveraged the strength of the entire populace, and implemented multiple measures simultaneously to swiftly end the war and establish peace, with the combination of military offensives and diplomatic measures being kept at the forefront

Australia’s new Defence Strategy

Australia's new Defence Strategy

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:08 (GMT+7)
Faced with the new strategic environment in the world and the region, Australia must have a new approach to protect its sovereignty and national interests. The defence strategic review report requires the organisational structure of the Australian armed forces to be both joint and centralised to improve combat readiness and rapid response capabilities.

On bringing into full play the role of Viet Bac’s armed forces in building "people’s hearts and minds posture" in the new era

On bringing into full play the role of Viet Bac’s armed forces in building “people’s hearts and minds posture” in the new era

Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 07:29 (GMT+7)
Viet Bac occupies a strategically important position in terms of politics, economics, society, national defence, security, and diplomacy, serveing as a “cornerstone of national fence” for the Northern region and the whole country. Fully aware of this, over the years, the Party Committee and Command of Military Region 1 (MR1) have implemented various synchronised policies and leadership solutions to strengthen the “people’s hearts and minds posture”, the all-people national defence, and the people’s security

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.