Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:20 (GMT+7)

Friday, March 31, 2023, 07:46 (GMT+7)
Signal Corps steps up the implementation of the Central Military Commission’s Resolution 847

Together with other offices and units across the Military, the Signal Corps has been enhancing the execution of Resolution 847-NQ/QUTW, dated December 28th, 2021 by the Central Military Commission (CMC) on bringing into play the virtues of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”, resolutely combating individualism in the new situation via specific, practical guidelines and measures of leadership and direction in order to develop human resources  and organisations meeting the requirements for advancing straight to modernity.

The spread of the Resolution after more than one year of implementation

The Corps’ Party Committee and Command have always advocated promoting the virtues of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”, resolutely combating, preventing, and pushing back individualism under the CMC’s Resolution 847 as an urgent, routine, long-term issue for the building of a politically strong Corps in the new situation. Therefore, the Corps’ Party Committee and Command have adopted a lot of guidelines and measures of close, comprehensive leadership and direction to translate the Resolution into life. It is worth noting that the Corps has launched the study, grasp, and implementation of the Resolution in various forms and via many flexible methods in accordance with all groups of staff members. All-level party organisations and mass organisations have opportunely included the execution of the Resolution in their action programmes/plans associated with the study and following of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, ethics, and lifestyle as well as campaigns launched by sectors, particularly the Campaign titled “Bringing into play tradition, devoting talent, deserving to be Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” in the new period. As a result, all staff members across the Corps have made a huge positive change in their awareness; they have matched their words with their actions, heightened a sense of responsibility, and respected innovation. The Corps has succeeded in promoting democracy and developing a lot of potential, thus achieving new breakthroughs in all fields. Cadres and soldiers have always remained their political steadfastness, improved their qualities and morality, led a pure, simple life, provided support for one another in their daily life, and demonstrated determination to overcome all difficulties, readily undertake and successfully fulfil all assigned tasks, thus unceasingly bolstering the noble virtues of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” – signal troops in the new situation. Doing so has contributed to building pure, strong party organisations, “exemplarily, typically” comprehensively strong units, making the Corps capable of excellently fulfilling the task of maintaining communication and television coverage for the defence of national sovereignty over seas, islands, and border, military exercises and competitions, defence diplomacy, and major political events of the Party, State, and Military.

Key contents and measures to step up the implementation of the Resolution

Currently, the Corps is making force adjustments in an “adept, compact, strong” manner under the 13th Politburo’s Resolution 05-NQ/TW, dated January 17th, 2022 on organising the Viet Nam People’s Army in the period of 2021-2030 and beyond. At the same time, it continues to realise the Strategy for developing the Military Communication System in the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2045. As the 4th industrial revolution has robust developments and impacts on various fields, including the military communication system, more demanding, comprehensive task requirements are now imposed on the Corps. Meanwhile, hostile forces’ sabotage, the dark side of the market economy, and social evils have been exerting multi-dimensional, direct impacts on cadres and soldiers’ ideology, sentiment, morality, lifestyle, and responsibility. Bringing into play the recorded results, the Corps’ Party Committee and Command will continue exercising their leadership and direction over the implementation of Resolution 847 via the following central measures.

First of all, constantly enhancing propagation work amongst all organisations, cadres, party members, and the masses to raise their awareness of the implementation of the Resolution. To that end, all offices and units across the Corps shall be fully aware of this central measure and make all cadres, party members, and the masses grasp viewpoints, tasks, and measures set by the Resolution as well as the sacred, noble virtues and particularities of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”. By doing so, all offices and units will be able to encourage their staff members to continue preserving and bringing into play those virtues, thoroughly understand the signs and negative effects of individualism, and formulate measures against this disease. In the process, offices and units should employ various forms and methods of propagation and education in accordance with each group of troops. Importance should be attached to raising the quality of forums, exchange programmes, and knowledge contests on the virtues of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”. Due attention should be paid to effectively employing the Corps’ Bulletin and Web Portal, websites, internal radio systems and cultural institutions within offices and units for the sake of propagation work. In addition,  it is essential to continue to encourage movements, namely “the Corps youth promote the virtues of Uncle Ho’s Soldiers, resolutely combating individualism” and “bringing into play tradition, devoting talent, building a revolutionary, regular, highly-skilled, modernised Signal Corps”. In their regular meetings, party committees and party cells should conduct assessments of collective and individual performance in comparison with the virtues of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” so as to know whether there are signs of individualism, degradation in political ideology, morality, and lifestyle as well as “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” from within or not as the basis for putting forward remedial measures. Doing so will help encourage collectives and individuals to better themselves and revolutionary morality and turn the promotion of the virtues of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” and the fight against individualism into a wide and deep revolutionary action movement across the whole Corps.

Focusing on building typically  pure, strong party committees and party organisations with all-round leadership capacity and high-level combativeness. This serves as the prerequisite and goal for the execution of the Resolution. Therefore, party committees and party organisations should integrate the promotion of the virtues of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” and the fight against individualism into general measures to build “four-good party cells” and “four-good grass-roots level party organisations”. To that end, offices and units should continue grasping and seriously implementing higher echelons’ resolutions and directives on Party building and rectification, the study and following of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, ethics, and lifestyle, particularly the 13th Party Central Committee’s Conclusion 21-KL/TW, dated October 25th, 2021 on stepping up the building and rectification of the Party and political system as well as regulations on party members’ example-setting responsibility. Besides, it is necessary to strictly maintain principles for party organisation and meeting, opportunely review, supplement, and complete work and leadership statutes, and resolutely fight against arbitrariness, bossiness, and group interests. Due attention should be paid to sufficiently staffing all-level party committees and party organisations in accordance with the Corps’ structure, the 13th Politburo’s Resolution 05-NQ/TW, and the “Strategy for developing the Military Communication System in the period of 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2045”. It is essential to actively raise the quality of party meetings, exercise self-criticism and criticism, align individual accountability with collective drawbacks, and fight against cover-up and merit-driven disease.

Human resources and personnel work play a “key” role and act as “the root of all work”. Thus, the Corps Party Committee will attach special importance to building a contingent of cadres at all levels capable of meeting their task requirements in the new situation. Well implementing this measure will provide an important precondition for realising the motto: “superiors set good examples for subordinates to actively follow”, stipulated by Resolution 847. Under resolutions and directives by the Party, the CMC, and the Ministry of National Defence on personnel work, the Corps Party Committee Standing Board will direct affiliated party committees and party organisations to comply with the Party’s direct, comprehensive leadership over personnel work in a democratic, objective, impartial, comprehensive, public, transparent fashion. Doing so will help build a contingent of cadres, especially the key ones who always remain political steadfastness, dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, dare to create breakthroughs, dare to face up to difficulties and challenges, put collective benefits above all, and develop the style of scientific, democratic, practical leadership. Besides, cadres at all levels must lead an exemplary lifestyle and show diligence, thrift, integrity, honesty, public-mindedness, and selflessness; they shall not commit corruption, wastefulness, and negative practices. More importantly, they shall seriously exercise self-criticism and criticism, determinedly defend the rights, combat the wrongs, and act as the core of the unity block within their units. The Corps will concentrate on building a pool of cadres with high quality and reasonable structure; by 2025, nearly 100% of its cadres shall hold a bachelor’s degree or above; all cadres shall set good moral examples according to the virtues of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”; on a yearly basis, more than 90% of its cadres shall be rated high for their task performance.

In addition to those above-mentioned measures, the Corps Party Committee will attach great value to raising the quality and effectiveness of inspection and supervision work amongst all-level party committees and party organisations and promoting the supervisory role of mass organisations in order to opportunely discover and rectify shortcomings and ideological deviations negatively impacting on the tradition and noble virtues of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”. At the same time, due attention will be paid to actively multiplying good examples and deeds by cadres and party members in order to bring into play self-reliance and arousing aspirations for building a “revolutionary, regular, highly-skilled, modernised” Signal Corps capable of successfully fulfilling all assigned tasks.

Maj. Gen. TRAN MINH TAM, Political Commissar of the Corps

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