Friday, September 20, 2024, 16:23 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 15:26 (GMT+7)
Imbued with Uncle Ho's words, Dien Bien Border Guard perform well the mass mobilization work

During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh once taught the People’s Armed Public Security, now the Border Guard, that “Unity and vigilance/ Integrity and frugality/ Fulfilling tasks/ Overcoming difficulties/ Courageous before the enemies/ Sacrifice for the country/ Loyal to the Party/ Devoted to the People”. His teachings have always been inscribed and considered a lodestar by Dien Bien Province Border Guard Party Committee and Command for all officers and soldiers to well perform the mass mobilization work.

To turn Uncle Ho's teachings into practical actions, Dien Bien Province Border Guard Party Committee and Command have focused on leading and directing subordinate units to strengthen the mass mobilization work to contribute to maintaining the political security, social order, and safety in border areas. At the same time, it is determined as the central content in implementing the Politburo's Directive No.05-CT/TW (the 12th Tenure) on “Promoting the learning and following of Ho Chi Minh thoughts, ethics, and style” in association with the implementation of the 4th Central Party Resolution (the 12th Tenure) on Party building and rectification and the Drive entitled “Promoting traditions and dedicating talents to be worthy of Uncle Ho's Soldiers” in the new period. To effectively implement the mass mobilization work, Dien Bien Border Guard Party Committee has assigned the Deputy Commissar to be directly in charge of and promote the role of organizations in participating in the mass mobilization work at the unit. The Party committees and organizations at all levels with in the Province Border Guard have issued leadership resolutions and assign responsibilities to each member of the Party's Committees. Meanwhile, the commanders have elaborated the programs and plans and directed the mass mobilization work at their units accordingly, and the results of the work have been considered as one of the criteria for emulation, commendation, evaluation, comment, and classification of organizations, cadres, Party members, and the masses. Therefore, cadres, Party members, and Youth Union members have overcome their shortcomings and weaknesses. Several good models and creative and effective ways of mass mobilization have been replicated to create a strong change in learning and following Uncle Ho.

Dien Bien Border Guards join hand with local people in wood protection

Following Uncle Ho's teaching: “Loyal to the Party and devoted to the people”, Dien Bien Province Border Guard units have strengthened the education of cadres and soldiers to well implement the superior’s resolutions and directives on mass mobilization work, especially Resolution No.10-NQ/TU issued on December 31st, 2013 by Dien Bien Province Party Committee on “Strengthening and renovating the Party's leadership over the mass mobilization work in the new situation”; Resolution No.702-NQ/ĐU, issued on June 29th, 2015 by the Border Guard Party Committee on “Strengthening and renovating the Border Guard's mass mobilization work in the new situation”; Decision No.147-QĐ/TU issued on July 28th, 2011 by Dien Bien Province Party Committee Standing Commission on promulgating the “Regulations on the mass mobilization of the political system”; and Decision No.100-QĐ/ĐU issued on June 26th, 2012 by Dien Bien Province Border Guard Party Committee on “Regulations on the mass mobilization work of Dien Bien Province Border Guard Party Committee”. At the same time, it has promoted the propagation and communication activities on the central and local mass media in relation to the implementation of the movements, including “The whole people unite to build the cultural life”, “The whole people participate in national security protection”; propagandized and mobilized the people to strictly abide by the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's policies and laws; and actively participate in the local socio-economic development tasks. As a result, it has contributed to strengthening the great all-people unity bloc, the military - civilian unity bloc, building a solid “people’s heart and mind posture” and consolidating the people's confidence in the Party, the State, the Army, and the Border Guard.

Along with that, it has propagated and mobilized the people to actively work, produce, and develop economy to sustainably reduce poverty. The Border Guard units have actively advised the local Party committees and authorities in border communes to effectively implement socio-economic development programs and projects in association with national defense and security. At the same time, they have actively instructed the people in working, production, and restructuring of livestock and plants for high quality and productivity; promoting economic development and application of scientific and technical advances; and eliminating backward farming practices with low efficiency. Following the instruction of the Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee on assisting the extremely difficult communes, Dien Bien Province Border Guard has actively helped the people of the communes to develop economy, reduce poverty, and repair rural roads and mobilized organizations, individuals, and benefactors to help, visit, and present gifts to poor households and policy families and provide free medical check and medicine for ethnic minority people.

Regarding health, education, culture, and social work, Dien Bien Province Border Guard has always well performed the Program entitled “Civilian - military health combination”, collaborated with local agencies, boards, and branches in propagandizing and instructing the people in hygienic living, health protection, and environmental sanitation, and organized epidemic prevention and control, expanded immunization, medical examination and treatment, and free medicine provision for the people. Implementing the Program entitled “Supporting children’s schooling”, Dien Bien Province Border Guard has coordinated with localities to support and provide scholarships to students with especially difficult circumstances, mobilized social resources, businesses, and benefactors to help build schools, repair classrooms, and present gifts and learning tools, and encourage school dropouts to return to their schools. In cultural and social affairs, Dien Bien Province Border Guard has propagandized and mobilized the people to well perform the Drive entitled “All people unite to build the cultural life” and coordinated with other forces stationed in the same area to advise the local Party committees and authorities in building cultural points and cultural villages, households, and border areas. In 2019, Dien Bien Province Border Guard mobilized organizations, individuals, and benefactors to present gifts to poor households and policy families with 1,030 gifts, worth 558 million VND; organized medical examination and treatment and free medicine provision for 7,822 people, worth 1.09 billion VND; mobilized 231 turns of dropouts back to school; and helped schools build and repair 36 classrooms and present gifts and school supplies, worth 468 million VND. At the same time, it has advised to establish 18 new Party cells, foster and enroll 412 Party members, and consolidate 358 party organizations and 89 socio-political organizations; and organized 14 training courses on national defense and security knowledge for 676 commune and village cadres and 21 training classes for 1,262 militia and reservists in border communes.

In the field of national defense and security, following Uncle Ho's teachings: “Be courageous before the enemies and sacrifice for the country”, Dien Bien Province Border Guard has actively advised the local Party committees and authorities to coordinate with departments, branches and mass organizations in promoting propaganda so that cadres and people clearly understand their obligations and responsibilities in protecting national sovereignty and borders and strictly implement Directive No.01/CT-TTg issued on January 9th, 2015 by the Prime Minister on “Organizing the movement of the entire people participating in protecting territorial sovereignty and national border security in the new situation”. It has actively struggled and effectively prevented crimes of all kinds to ensure security and order in the border area. At the same time, it has also proactively coordinated with the authorities of Phongsaly Province and Luang Prabang Province (Laos) to promptly fight and prevent crimes of all kinds, especially on drugs. In addition, Dien Bien Province Border Guard has also advised the local Party committees and authorities to consolidate socio-political organizations, establish Party cells, enroll Party members, and eliminate non-Party-member villages and hamlets. It has also organized training courses for militia and reservists and fostered national defense and security knowledge for commune, village, and hamlet officials, etc. to contribute to consolidating and promoting the leadership and management role of political establishments in border communes.

Engraved with the Uncle Ho's words to the Border Guard, Dien Bien Province Party Committee and the Border Guard Command continues to lead and direct the subordinate units to effectively implement Directive No. 05-CT/TW of the Politburo (the 12th Tenure) and focuses on building human resources and strong organizations and maintaining political security and social order and safety in the border areas of the Province to contribute to firmly protecting sovereignty and security of the national border in every situation.

Senior Colonel NGUYEN THANH DIU, Commissar of Dien Bien Province Border Guard

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