Friday, September 20, 2024, 23:34 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, March 09, 2016, 16:24 (GMT+7)
131st naval engineer brigade strengthening law and discipline education for troops

Being aware of the importance of law and discipline education for the troops, the Brigade Party Committee and commanders have always focused on thoroughly grasping and seriously implementing directives and resolutions of senior levels, particularly the Directive No.4/CT-BQP of the National Defence Ministry on strengthening the discipline management and education, and the prevention of violation of law and discipline in the VPA, as well as other directives, instructions and plans of the Navy’s Party Committee and High Command on law propagation and education. On that basis, the Brigade Party Committee, party committees and party cells at levels have issued special resolutions on leadership over law propagation and education; to concretize those resolutions, commanders include law propagation and education in training programs and plans.

To achieve high efficiency in law propagation and education, it is vital that the Brigade seriously follow planned contents and programs on law propagation and education. Due to the fact that the unit’s soldiers are at different levels of education, the Brigade has directed its units to prepare lessons’ plan with a focus on selecting subjects that are close to each particular group of soldiers, particularly those who are undertaking the task of building military-defence facilities on islands where the conditions are hard.

A part from compulsory topics, the Brigade has also added contents related to training and safety in construction of military and defence facilities on islands and land. Accordingly, cadres and soldiers are provided with basic knowledge about law, discipline of the Army and regulations on construction so that they could apply into their work and successfully fulfil all assigned tasks.

In order to make the contents of law easy to understand and remember, the Brigade has directed its units to renovate their methodology of delivering lecture effectively, fascinatingly and appropriately. Annually, it invites cadres from the Procuracy, the Court, and the Judgment Execution of the Navy to give lectures to its cadres and troops. At the same time, it has directed its units to effectively manage and exploit the Law Bookshelf in battalions and companies, to frequently supplement new legal books, newspapers, and documents, and to alternate books among units.

Notably, the Brigade has linked law propagation and education with the implementation of the Directive No.3-CT/TW made by the Politburo (11th tenure) on “Studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s moral example” and other campaigns, such as “Promoting traditions, devoting talents, deserving to be Uncle Ho’s Soldiers – Naval Soldiers”, “United and determined to firmly protect sovereignty over seas and islands”, “Managing and using technical equipment effectively, sustainably, safely, economically, and ensuring Traffic Safety”, “Cultivating morality and talent, pioneering, being creative, deserving to be Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”, “Youth taking the lead in preventing and combating crime, drug, and prostitution”, “Building a rich and healthy cultural environment in the Army”. At the same time, it has seriously maintained regulations, and discipline, and paid attention to improving material and spiritual life for the troops. As a result, it has brought into play a sense of responsibility and strong will to overcome difficulties and hardships, strengthening solidarity and unity within the Unit, building a healthy cultural environment, creating favourable conditions for cadres and troops to develop.

Abiding by the Directive No.2560/CT-BTL of March 9th 2011 of Commander of the Navy, since April 2011, organs and units of the Brigade have brought into play the “Law Day” once a month (on Thursday of the second week monthly). That has helped cadres and troops thoroughly grasp basic contents of law, making positive changes in their observance of the State law, the Army’s discipline, and the Unit’s regulations.

Being fully aware of role of cadre staff in law and discipline education, Brigade Party Committee and commanders have always attached great importance to enhancing capabilities of law lecturer staff. At present, most of law lecturers of the Brigade are not specialized in law education. To address this issue, the Brigade Party Committee and commanders have directed units to proactively select and train potential law lecturers from cadre staff of the Unit. Annually, before the recruits training season, the Brigade gathers law lecturer staff in battalions and organs and asks them to prepare lessons in accordance with new the requirements.

Currently, the situation in our seas and islands are complex, thus, the task requirements are increasingly higher, particularly for cadres and soldiers’ political stance and law observance. The Brigade Party Committee and commanders should better lead and direct law and discipline education, ensuring that the Unit will successfully fufil all assigned tasks, contributing to firmly protecting the Homeland’s sovereignty over sacred seas, islands, and continental shelf.

Colonel Truong Tuan Chuyen

Secretary of the Brigade Party Committee, Political Commissar of the Brigade


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