Friday, September 20, 2024, 19:43 (GMT+7)

Friday, March 13, 2015, 08:37 (GMT+7)
Party’s leadership undeniable
An art performance featuring people's belief in the Party's leadership

Denying the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) is a spiteful trick of hostile forces in order to abolish the revolutionary achievements and the path to socialism in our country. However, over the past 85 years, the reality in the country has shown that the Party’s leadership is undeniable.

Dangerous plots and consistent aims

In the strategy of “Peaceful evolution” hostile forces consistently aimed at removing the CPV’s leadership in Vietnam. The plot has long been carried out and will be continued in the future with the hope that: “it has succeeded in the former USSR and socialist countries in Eastern Europe so it will surely do in Vietnam” (!) To that end, they have resorted to a number of black schemes.

In terms of theory, they hold that “political pluralism and multi-party regime is better than one-party regime”.  They try to argue that “one-party regime is against democracy and often cause dictatorship, deter the country’s development”, and “pluralism stimulates people’s creativity, hence better serves social development”. They purposely ignore the fact that democracy doesn’t depend on the number of political parties but the nature of the ruling party. For example, the governments of Surhato, Ferdinand Marcos and Pinochet in Indonesia, Philippine, and Chile respectively still exercised their dictatorship in political pluralism regimes of those countries. In the field of reality, hostile forces usually distort historical fact in order to prove the failure of the one-party regime. They hold that if the CPV had not existed, Vietnam would have been a developed country and not endured the two bloody wars. In recent years, they have exaggerated some shortcomings and inefficiencies in the Party’s leadership and the State’s management. They see single case as popular and inevitable phenomena of a one-party regime and call it “systematic defect”. Thereby, they call for the voluntary withdrawal from power of the Party. In their opinion, the Party is only good at wars and should hand over authority to other political forces in the cause of national development. In sensitive times such as when the Soviet Union collapsed or during the preparation time to National Congress of the Party, when the country’s economy faces difficulties, or recently when our country drew public’s opinion on the amendment to the 1992 Constitution, they openly demanded for the removal of the Article 4 in the Constitution stipulating the Party’s leadership over the State and the society. More dangerously, the above mentioned schemes of the opportunists and dissidents are echoed by overseas anti-communist forces to facilitate the “self evolution”, “self transformation” within the Party and our society. Nevertheless, those schemes were soon laid bare as most of our people know that the Party’s leadership is the decisive factor to all victories of Vietnamese revolution; the plots to abolish the CPV’s leadership are against the subjective demand of the cause of national development.

Reality is the truth

Reality over the past 85 years has proved that under the leadership of the CPV and President Ho Chi Minh, “Our country has become an independent, free country from a half-feudal colony and is undergoing its development towards socialism. Our people, once used to be slaves, have enjoyed their mastery over the country and society. The country is no longer a poor and under-developed one. Instead, it is boosting its industrialization and modernization process”. The fact that Vietnam has become a member of the WTO, a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the term 2008-2009, a member of the UNHRC at present; ASEAN Secretary General for the term 2013 – 2017 is a Vietnamese; along with a number of official visits of leaders of the Party and State to some countries in Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, India, Russia, Vatican,… under the invitation of leaders of those countries, has claimed the Vietnam’s increasingly high status in the international arena. In 2014 alone, most of the fields of the country namely economy, culture, society, defence, security and diplomacy enjoyed positive achievements; the growth rate was at  5.98%, inflation rate was at 4.09%, exports increased by 13.6% with a record total volume of more than USD 150 billion, state income increased by 4%, the number of poor households decreased to nearly 6%; “people’s living standard is improved; national sovereignty is maintained, socio-politics is stable, the country’s status in the international arena is enhanced”. Foreign investors maintain their trust in Vietnam’s investment environment. FDI in 2014 increased by 7.4%, the number of newly licensed projects increased by 24.5%, 25.8% of the projects increased their capital as compared with the previous year. It is estimated that big investors will move to Vietnam to seek chances to implement free trade agreements that this country has signed or will sign in 2015. These achievements are associated with the CPV’s leadership and prove well the leading capability of the CPV both in the previous time and at present cause of national construction and defence in the integration era.

Objective voice of the international community

Assessing achievements in the renovation process of Vietnam under the CPV’s leadership on the occasion of 20 year celebration of development cooperation between Vietnam and donors in October 2013, Ms Vitoria Kwakwa, the World Bank Country Director for Vietnam held that: “These twenty years have seen truly remarkable development progress in Vietnam. In 2010, Vietnam was ranked 6th globally in progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). By any measure, Vietnam’s achievement over the last twenty years is outstanding. Vietnam’s success is first and foremost due to the visionary and determined leadership of the Government and to the hard work and entrepreneurial spirit of the Vietnamese people”. In the Human Development Report 2014, Ms Pratibha Mehta also showed: “Viet Nam is one of these dynamic countries. Human development progress has been fast increasing from 0.4 to 0.6 between 1990 and 2012 – that is equivalent to an increase of 41 percent, or an average annual increase of about 1.6 percent. In 2012 Vietnam ranked 127th out of 187 countries; in 2014 Vietnam ranked 121 – which is in the ‘medium’ category of human development category”. In terms of democracy and human rights, Vietnam also enjoyed many outstanding achievements. It has been elected in the UN Security Council and the UN Human Right Council with almost the highest votes. In his recent visit to Vietnam, Mr Le Vu, publisher of the Viet Weekly in California (USA), a magazine well-known for its frequent criticism of Vietnam, expressed: “I don’t feel that religious and human rights oppression exist in Vietnam as said by many overseas sources”. Managing director of the magazine, Mr Etcetera Nguyen said: “Images on a lively, fresh and developed Vietnam, as well as its people and society will be covered on our magazine and serve as a living proof against the false accusation and criticism against Vietnam”, etc.

The above words are also the subjective recognition of the international community of the CPV’s leadership in the present cause of national construction and defence as those achievements are associated with the Party’s leadership.

Continue to promote Party building and rectification

CPV’s leadership is ensured and strengthened only when its credibility is maintained, its effectiveness is enhanced and people’s belief in the Party is strong. In practice, there were times when the Party made mistakes and deficiency due to dogmatism, subjectivity. However, the Party, shortly afterwards, has conducted self-criticism to correct its mistakes, renovated, rectified to enhance its leading and fighting capability and continued its leadership to advance the revolutionary cause. At present, there are a number of cadres and party members with their deteriorated ideology, ethics, and lifestyle badly affecting the Party’s credibility and people’s belief. Fully aware of the risk, the entire Party is pushing up the implementation of the Central Resolution 4 (XI tenure) on “Some urgent issues on Party building at present” along with the Politburo Directive No. 03-CT/TW on “Continued acceleration of studying and following President Ho Chi Minh's moral example with a system of  drastic measures. Some committing corruption and wrongdoings have been disciplined and judged openly. The implementation of the above mentioned Resolution and Directive has brought about positive results in warning, threatening and preventing corruptive activities and wrongdoings contributing to the consolidation of the people’s belief in the Party.

Building the Party truly pure, strong and deserving its revolutionary mission is the key matter to ensure the Party’s leadership over the society and the most effective measure to wipe out plots and schemes of denying the Party’s leadership over the society.

Nguyen Ngoc Hoi

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Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.