Friday, September 20, 2024, 11:05 (GMT+7)

Distinctive art of applying methods of warfare in Phuoc Binh - Bu Dop Campaign of 1969

Distinctive art of applying methods of warfare in Phuoc Binh - Bu Dop Campaign of 1969

Monday, January 22, 2024, 14:21 (GMT+7)
Phuoc Binh – Bu Dop Campaign is a small-scale offensive campaign, but of significant importance. It enables us to conduct subsequent campaigns at a larger scale and force to defeat the US’s strategy of Vietnamisation.  Lessons learnt on military art, especially the art of applying methods of warfare deserve further research and creative use in today’s cause of safeguarding the Fatherland.

From victory against enemy naval blockades in the North to the Navy’s enhanced combat readiness and training quality today

From victory against enemy naval blockades in the North to the Navy’s enhanced combat readiness and training quality today

Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 18:44 (GMT+7)
Given the aspiration for peace and reunification of the country as well as the resolve to fight the enemy and clear the way to advance, Viet Nam People’s Navy (VPN) brought into play its core role and directly conducted research and detected and neutralised all the naval mines and magnetic bombs, thereby reopening lanes of traffic in support of production and transportation of supplies to the theatre of war. Regardless of hardships and sacrifice, given its determination, indomitable spirit, wisdom, and bravery, the Navy, together with the Northern military and people, defeated the enemy blockades completely and created a remarkable feat of arms, which can be considered an exploit of the VPN.

Application of victory in countering enemy’s naval blockade to building political steadfastness for cadres and soldiers in the 1st Naval Zone

Application of victory in countering enemy’s naval blockade to building political steadfastness for cadres and soldiers in the 1st Naval Zone

Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 07:52 (GMT+7)
Fifty years has gone by but the victory against the American imperialists’ naval blockades leaves us many invaluable lessons, which should be studied and applied creatively to the new situation by generations of naval cadres and soldiers in general, those in the 1st Naval Zone in particular, especially to the building of the all-people national defence posture and people’s warfare at sea, creating overall power for defeating all assaults from the sea of the invaders.

A look back at Upper Laos Victory of 1953

A look back at Upper Laos Victory of 1953

Saturday, April 29, 2023, 09:00 (GMT+7)
The Upper Laos Victory is the result of the proletarian internationalism and the operational coordination between the two militaries and people of the two countries. It becomes a milestone in Viet Nam – Laos solidarity history. The Upper Laos Victory and other military victories in 1953 inflicted heavy defeats on the enemy, created a turning point for Lao revolution, and brought about developments in position and strength, enabling militaries and people of the two countries to defeat French colonialists’ invasion completely. The lessons learnt from the Upper Laos Victory of 1953 remain invaluable in theoretical, practical terms in today’s national building and defence.

Resolute struggle against allegations distorting national harmony policy of our Party and State

Resolute struggle against allegations distorting national harmony policy of our Party and State

Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 08:58 (GMT+7)
For the utmost goals of national independence and prosperity, the Fatherland has proactively extended its hands to engage all Vietnamese people in the harmonisation process, welcome and created all favourable conditions for overseas Vietnamese people residing all over the world to visit and make investment in Viet Nam. National harmony is a legitimate aspiration of most of Vietnamese people at home and abroad and the mainstream to wash away hatred in the past.

673rd Air Defence Brigade focuses on building typical, exemplary, and comprehensively strong unit

673rd Air Defence Brigade focuses on building typical, exemplary, and comprehensively strong unit

Monday, March 27, 2023, 13:19 (GMT+7)
Over the past 50 years, despite having to undertake many missions with increasingly high requirements and repeated changes in organisation and staffing, generations of cadres and soldiers of the Brigade have been united and unanimous in willpower and action and made every effort to surmount numerous difficulties, complete all assigned tasks, and establish the tradition of “lightning speed, boldness, determination to fight, complete victory”.

General Chu Huy Man: A talented militarist and politician

General Chu Huy Man: A talented militarist and politician

Friday, March 17, 2023, 08:05 (GMT+7)
Man lived to nearly 100 years old and spent two thirds of his life working and contributing to the Party and revolution. Over the course of 76 years in service of the Party and 61 years in the military, having undergone the two holly resistance wars of the country, regardless of working in the mountainous or lowland areas, in Viet Nam or Laos, advantages or disadvantages, he used to stick to communist ideal; be an excellent pupil of President Ho Chi Minh; set a shining example of a great man, a talented righteous general, a good militarist and, politician of the heroic Viet Nam People’s Army.

A look back at the Victory of Ha Noi – Dien Bien Phu in the air 50 years ago

A look back at the Victory of Ha Noi – Dien Bien Phu in the air 50 years ago

Thursday, December 29, 2022, 08:23 (GMT+7)
Victory of “Ha Noi – Dien Bien Phu in the Air” inflicted the heaviest defeat on the U.S. Air Force in the history and became the most glorious symbol of the power of revolutionary heroism and Vietnamese wisdom and creativity in the Ho Chi Minh era. Half a century has passed, but lessons learnt from that illustrious victory remain valid both theoretically and practically and need further applying and leveraging in today’s cause of national building and defence.

Strategic direction of the Party Central Committee and President Ho Chi Minh: The deciding factor in the victory of Northwest Campaign in 1952

Strategic direction of the Party Central Committee and President Ho Chi Minh: The deciding factor in the victory of Northwest Campaign in 1952

Thursday, October 20, 2022, 08:55 (GMT+7)
Northwest Campaign in 1952 dealt a heavy blow to the enemy in military terms, which created a turning point in the main Northern theatre of war and contributed to bring our military’s and people’s war of resistance against the French colonialists to a new development step of decisive importance.

Leveraging the role of military literature and art in national defence

Leveraging the role of military literature and art in national defence

Wednesday, August 31, 2022, 06:46 (GMT+7)
Thanks to experience in the struggle to liberate the nation and in today’s construction and defence of the Fatherland, the VPA’s writers and artists have created a priceless treasure of literature and musical works, propaganda posters, cinematography movies, etc., with high artistic, ideological, political, humanitarian value, which contributes to clearly craft the fortitude, resilience, courage, and simplicity of the VPA’s soldiers – images of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” over periods of time.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.