Friday, September 20, 2024, 06:41 (GMT+7)

Quang Ngai armed forces build "4-goods party cells" according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought

Quang Ngai armed forces build “4-goods party cells” according to Ho Chi Minh’s thought

Monday, September 16, 2024, 16:11 (GMT+7)
Engraving President Ho Chi Minh’s sayings and seriously grasping the superiors’ regulations and instructions on building the Party, Quang Ngai Provincial Military Party Committee has directed the party committees and party cells to synchronously implement the building of the “4-goods party cells”.

Military Region 5 builds strong armed forces under the Resolution of the 13th Party Central Committee’s 8th Plenum

Military Region 5 builds strong armed forces under the Resolution of the 13th Party Central Committee’s 8th Plenum

Thursday, September 12, 2024, 10:42 (GMT+7)
Thoroughly grasping Resolution 44-NQ/TW dated 24 November 2023 by the Party Central Committee on the Strategy for Fatherland Protection in the New Situation, Military Region 5’s Party Committee and Command have been focusing their leadership and direction on making the Military Region’s armed forces strong as the basis for raising the Military Region’s synergy and combat power, enabling the Military Region to readily undertake and successfully fulfil all assigned tasks

Brigade 131’s emulation movement in training and combat readiness

Brigade 131’s emulation movement in training and combat readiness

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 20:25 (GMT+7)
Emulation and commendation work in general, within the Military in particular always provides a considerable incentive for cadres and soldiers to bring into play their creativity, surmount difficulties and hardships, and successfully fulfil their assigned tasks. Hence, the Party Committee and Command of Naval Brigade 131 have focused their leadership and direction on stepping up the emulation movement, especially in training and combat readiness, via synchronous, effective lines and solutions

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Guard Command grasps and implements the ethical standards of its cadres and party members

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Guard Command grasps and implements the ethical standards of its cadres and party members

Monday, September 09, 2024, 09:36 (GMT+7)
The core political mission of the Command is to ensure the long-term preservation and absolute security of President Ho Chi Minh’s remains while promoting the political and cultural significance of the Mausoleum in the new period. This profound honour and sacred responsibility requires that the party commissioners, commanders, cadres, party members, and staff of the unit consistently exemplify and uphold revolutionary ethics and the noble qualities of the “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”.

President Ho Chi Minh’s profound guidance on Army building in the work “Political Awareness”

President Ho Chi Minh's profound guidance on Army building in the work “Political Awareness”

Monday, September 09, 2024, 09:34 (GMT+7)
Building the armed forces in general, and the Military in particular, is one of the distinctive elements of President Ho Chi Minh’s ideological legacy. Among these, his profound guidance on military building in the work “Thường thức chính trị” (Political Awareness) continues to hold significant value today, providing essential direction for our ongoing efforts to strengthen and modernise the Military

Applying the principle of "Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics" in national defence, security, and the protection of the Fatherland

Applying the principle of “Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics” in national defence, security, and the protection of the Fatherland

Friday, August 23, 2024, 09:44 (GMT+7)
“Firm in objectives, flexible in tactics” is a core philosophy of President Ho Chi Minh, which has become a guiding principle for the Party in its struggle for national liberation and unification. Today, in the context of a rapidly evolving and unpredictable global and regional landscape, this principle holds even greater significance and must be thoroughly understood and effectively applied in the realms of national defence, security, and the safeguarding of the Fatherland.

Vietnam’s Social Welfare Policies indisputable

Vietnam’s Social Welfare Policies indisputable

Monday, August 19, 2024, 13:41 (GMT+7)
Through various stages of the country’s development since the success of the August Revolution in 1945, social welfare has always been one of the important guidelines and policies of the Party and the Vietnam’s government. Ensuring social welfare is identified as both a goal and a driving force, a fundamental foundation for sustainable socio-economic development, enhancing the country’s position.

Coast Guard Region 1 improves the effectiveness of studying and following Uncle Ho’s example

Coast Guard Region 1 improves the effectiveness of studying and following Uncle Ho's example

Friday, August 16, 2024, 07:56 (GMT+7)
To effectively carry out the task of enforcing the law, maintaining security, order and safety in the strategic sea area, along with the synchronous implementation of all aspects of work, the Command of Coast Guard Region 1 constantly promotes studying and following Uncle Ho's example, contributing to building a clean and strong Party commitee, a comprehensively strong unit that is "exemplary and typical", to successfully complete all assigned tasks.

Military Region 3 steps up the Determined to Win Emulation Movement following Uncle Ho’s teachings

Military Region 3 steps up the Determined to Win Emulation Movement following Uncle Ho’s teachings

Thursday, August 15, 2024, 13:32 (GMT+7)
Studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, ethics, and lifestyle constitute a routine task of each cadre and soldier of the armed forces of Military Region 3. In the Determined to Win Emulation Movement, the study and following of Uncle Ho’s moral example have been regularly maintained as an incentive for the Military Region’s improved performance of military and defence tasks

Commando Brigade 126 focuses on making itself "exemplarily, typically" comprehensively strong

Commando Brigade 126 focuses on making itself “exemplarily, typically” comprehensively strong

Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 08:41 (GMT+7)
Commando Brigade 126 (hereafter the Brigade for short), renowned as a “Special elite” unit of the Navy, has always been prepared to “Strike first” and “Win the first battle” when faced with combat situations. To meet its task requirements in the new situation, the Brigade has been adopting a comprehensive set of measures to make itself “exemplarily, typically” comprehensively strong

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.