Friday, September 20, 2024, 15:49 (GMT+7)

382nd Artillery Brigade to enhance combat power

382nd Artillery Brigade to enhance combat power

Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 21:11 (GMT+7)
The Brigade Party Committee and commanders have constantly attached importance to building and enhancement of overall quality and combat power and brought into play the tradition of “copper foot, iron shoulder, good fighting, accurate hit” of the heroic Artillery Soldiers in the new condition.

Strengthening national defence work at Vietnam Railways

Strengthening national defence work at Vietnam Railways

Thursday, June 13, 2024, 15:44 (GMT+7)
Grasping the Party’s line and policies on national defence and Fatherland protection, Vietnam Railways (VNR) has been effectively implementing synchronised measures to enhance the quality of national defence work, contributing to our country’s industrialisation, modernisation, national construction and defence in the new situation

Few thoughts on establishing and developing the military’s specialised, core force for protecting the Party’s ideological foundation

Few thoughts on establishing and developing the military’s specialised, core force for protecting the Party’s ideological foundation

Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 19:56 (GMT+7)
Party committees and commanders at all echelons must deeply grasp resolutions, directives, conclusions, projects, plans, and instructions from the Party Central Committee, Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defence, General Political Department, and functional departments regarding the protection of the Party’s ideological foundation and struggle against hostile, false perspectives. This lays the basis for establishing and developing the specialised, core force at their own levels appropriately.

Promoting the role of cyber forces in the task of protecting the Fatherland

Promoting the role of cyber forces in the task of protecting the Fatherland

Friday, February 23, 2024, 09:50 (GMT+7)
Although it has just been established according to the requirements and tasks of protecting the Fatherland in the new situation, the cyber forces have always maintained high vigilance; improved professional expertise; proactively overcome difficulties; stayed united, creative, and successfully completed all tasks, thereby affirming their core role in the cause of protecting the Fatherland in cyberspace.

Thorough grasping the Resolution of the Central Military Commission, the entire military seeks to complete military and defence tasks in 2024 successfully

Thorough grasping the Resolution of the Central Military Commission, the entire military seeks to complete military and defence tasks in 2024 successfully

Monday, February 05, 2024, 15:00 (GMT+7)
The year 2024 is key to accomplishment of the goals and missions set forth in the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the Resolution of the 11th Military Party Congress. The entire military manages to basically complete adjustment of force organisation in an adept, compact, strong direction, which helps to generate new strength and successfully implement all assigned tasks with higher outcomes as compared to the year 2023.

Quang Binh province focuses on building and improving the operational effectiveness of the militia and self-defence force

Quang Binh province focuses on building and improving the operational effectiveness of the militia and self-defence force

Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 09:10 (GMT+7)
Recognising the challenges, the Provincial Party Committee and the People’s Committee of Quang Binh have deeply embraced the Party’s viewpoint and strategy regarding the building and defence of the Fatherland in the new situation. They have also adopted flexible and innovative approaches, putting forth numerous directives and measures for socio-economic development while effectively implementing defence and military tasks. Among these tasks, the establishment of a strong and extensive militia and self-defence force is a core element in ensuring provincial defence and addressing natural disasters, epidemics, and search and rescue missions at the grassroots level.

Building the Military Branch of Criminal Investigation on a par with mission demand

Building the Military Branch of Criminal Investigation on a par with mission demand

Sunday, November 19, 2023, 09:53 (GMT+7)
During the course of 75 years’ building, combat, and development, generations of the MBCI cadres and soldiers have constantly shown their boundless faithfulness to the Fatherland, Party, State, and people; been dedicated to their work and ready to overcome hardship and to sacrifice their lives; been united, creative, ingenious, and flexible in the fight against violation and crime; obeyed the law, respected justice, and exercised public-mindedness and selflessness in order to create overall power to successfully accomplish all assigned tasks. Given these outstanding achievements.

Yen Bai Province associates socio-economic development with defence zone building in light of Resolution No. 28

Yen Bai Province associates socio-economic development with defence zone building in light of Resolution No. 28

Monday, October 23, 2023, 15:17 (GMT+7)
Bringing into play achievements, especially those recorded after 10 years’ implementation of the Resolution No. 28-NQ/TW of the Party Central Committee (11th tenure) on the Strategy to Safeguard the Fatherland in the New Situation, the Party Committee, authoritity, people, and armed forces of Yen Bai Province continue to step up economic, cultural, social development in connection with consolidation of national defence and security, construction of increasingly robust defence zone, and building of prosperous, beautiful native land, making worthy contribution to the cause of constructing and safeguarding the Fatherland.

Economic – Defence Corps 337 combines economic development with the construction of all-strong local communities

Economic – Defence Corps 337 combines economic development with the construction of all-strong local communities

Friday, October 13, 2023, 15:01 (GMT+7)
The Corps’ Party Committee has adhered to its functions, tasks, and coordination with local authorities to execute multiple measures for the implementation of the Project’s targets with a focus on hunger eradication, poverty alleviation, improvement of education, etc. to stabilise the localities in terms of politics, socio-economic development, and national defence and security.

Ha Nam builds an increasingly solid defensive area

Ha Nam builds an increasingly solid defensive area

Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 13:37 (GMT+7)
In recent years, alongside actively harnessing its potential and advantages and vigorously attracting investment to make substantial breakthroughs in economic, cultural, and social development, the province has attached importance to the effective implementation of its national defence and security tasks. Notably, the construction of the provincial defensive area has yielded positive results in terms of capabilities and defensive posture, establishing a critical foundation for maintaining political security, social order, and safety, thus ensuring Ha Nam’s rapid and sustainable development.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.