Friday, September 20, 2024, 16:46 (GMT+7)

Building a politically strong Air Defence - Air Force Service as the basis for enabling it to move straight to modernity

Building a politically strong Air Defence - Air Force Service as the basis for enabling it to move straight to modernity

Thursday, December 30, 2021, 08:25 (GMT+7)
Bringing into play elite Air Defence - Air Force Soldiers’ heroic tradition and virtues, cadres and soldiers of the Air Defence - Air Force Service will continue heightening a sense of responsibility and enhancing Determination to Win Emulation Movement as the basis for successfully fulfilling all assigned missions and building a modern Service capable of playing a core role in firmly protecting the Homeland’s airspace in all situations

Brigade 543 boosts the effectiveness of legal propagation, dissemination, and education

Brigade 543 boosts the effectiveness of legal propagation, dissemination, and education

Saturday, October 23, 2021, 08:02 (GMT+7)
The Brigade 543 under the Military Region 2 is a multidisciplinary engineering unit tasked with maintaining training and combat readiness, constructing national defence works and border patrol roads, carrying out bomb and mine clearance, and taking part in natural disaster prevention and control and search and rescue. It performs a large number of missions in a complicated, dangerous environment, thus facing a lot of difficulties in logistics and technical support

Artillery Brigade 368’s experience in military standard order building and discipline management

Artillery Brigade 368’s experience in military standard order building and discipline management

Thursday, January 28, 2021, 09:20 (GMT+7)
With the goal of becoming a role model of the Corps in executing the Determination to Win Emulation Movement for others to follow, over the years, the Brigade’s Party Committee and Command have focused their leadership and direction on building a comprehensively strong, “exemplary, typical” unit and particularly realising a breakthrough in military standard order building and discipline management

Division 312 continues enhancing combat power

Division 312 continues enhancing combat power

Tuesday, December 22, 2020, 09:49 (GMT+7)
To meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation, the Division has promoted the innovation and improvement of training quality and maintained the combat readiness regime that has been determined as a breakthrough in enhancing the combat strength of the unit.

The Division 309 combines legal propagation, dissemination and education with the building of military standard order and discipline management

The Division 309 combines legal propagation, dissemination and education with the building of military standard order and discipline management

Wednesday, July 01, 2020, 08:18 (GMT+7)
The Infantry Division 309 under the Army Corps 4 is stationed in the Southern key economic region where many industrial zones are located and the population density is very high due to a large number of migrants from different provinces and cities across the country. Social evils in this region are quite complex. Meanwhile, most of the cadres in charge of managing soldiers are young and their capacity and experience in managing, educating and training soldiers have yet to meet the task requirements

Regiment 3 builds comprehensively strong unit

Regiment 3 builds comprehensively strong unit

Thursday, May 14, 2020, 09:47 (GMT+7)
Building regularity, disciplining and ensuring safety for the unit are considered a breakthrough in its building of comprehensive strong unit. Therefore, the Regiment’s Party Committee and Commandant have deployed a number of guidelines and synchronous measures for realizing this task and employed flexibly different models and methods of comprehensive and thorough education and propagation for all objects, in which emphasis is placed on new recruits.

The Coast Guard Zone 2 provides legal propagation and education for fishers

The Coast Guard Zone 2 provides legal propagation and education for fishers

Friday, April 10, 2020, 07:22 (GMT+7)
Standing shoulder to shoulder with fishers in the performance of its task, the Coast Guard Zone 2 have been fully aware that well conducting the work of legal propagation and education for fishers would play a role of paramount importance and act as a bridge linking the Party’s guidelines and the State’s law and policy with fishers, thereby making contributions to raising fishers’ law-abiding self-awareness and maintaining political security, order, and safety at sea

Regiment 43 combines legal education with discipline training

Regiment 43 combines legal education with discipline training

Friday, March 20, 2020, 07:26 (GMT+7)
In order that the combination of legal dissemination and discipline training brings about required results, the Party Committee and commandant of the Regiment require its units to study and grasp the viewpoints and policies of the Party and State, especially the documents relating to the tasks of the unit and the current ideological and disciplinary situations.

The Missile Regiment 213 enhances the effectiveness of legal propagation, dissemination and education

The Missile Regiment 213 enhances the effectiveness of legal propagation, dissemination and education

Saturday, January 25, 2020, 11:49 (GMT+7)
To make legal propagation, dissemination and education highly effective, the Regiment’s Party Committee has directed its affiliates to strictly conform to the programs for legal propagation, dissemination and education. Comprehending the goals, requirements, and content of legal propagation, dissemination and education, the Regiment’s Command has required its affiliates to carry out this work under the plans and guiding documents

Raising the quality of the judicial and legislative work and strictly maintaining the military discipline

Raising the quality of the judicial and legislative work and strictly maintaining the military discipline

Thursday, October 03, 2019, 15:17 (GMT+7)
The judicial and legislative work plays an important role in building a Socialist Rule of Law State of the people, by the people, and for the people. Over the years, under the leadership and direction by the Central Military Commission (CMC) and the Ministry of National Defence (MND), the entire Military has grasped the Party and State’s directives and resolutions on the judicial and legislative work and adopted measures for performing this work

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.