Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:44 (GMT+7)

Lao Cai province fosters socio-economic development in line with defence, security, and diplomacy strengthening

Lao Cai province fosters socio-economic development in line with defence, security, and diplomacy strengthening

Sunday, June 09, 2024, 19:52 (GMT+7)
Being fully aware of the province’s strategic position, over the years, the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People’s Council, and Provincial People’s Committee of Lao Cai have grasped and seriously implemented our Party and State’s resolutions and conclusions on combining socio-economic development with defence, security, diplomacy, and Fatherland protection in the new situation via proper measures, thus achieving a lot of positive results

Son La province builds up and brings into play the strength of great national unity

Son La province builds up and brings into play the strength of great national unity

Friday, June 07, 2024, 07:13 (GMT+7)
Building up and promoting the strength of great national unity constitute a consistent strategy of our Party, serving as an enormous source of strength and a decisive factor in the cause of Fatherland construction and protection. That strategy has been grasped, concretised, and synchronously, effectively implemented by the Party Organisation, Authority, and people of Son La province

Military Hospital 7B improves its capability comprehensively to meet the requirements of medical examination and treatment

Military Hospital 7B improves its capability comprehensively to meet the requirements of medical examination and treatment

Friday, May 24, 2024, 08:21 (GMT+7)
Military Hospital 7B under the Logistics Department of Military Region 7 is tasked with receiving and treating patients as cadres and soldiers of the armed forces, persons under preferential treatment and health insurance policies, and citizens of Dong Nai province and adjacent localities, taking part in military medical support for Truong Sa Dong Island, Naval Region 2, and other units in its area; it is also the practical training centre for medical cadets from Logistics College No.2 and several medical – pharmaceutical schools

Building Military Hospital 103 on a par with task requirements

Building Military Hospital 103 on a par with task requirements

Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 20:10 (GMT+7)
Bringing into play the traditions of the Unit awarded 3 times with the “Hero of the People’s Armed Forces” title, Military Hospital 103 has endeavoured to improve the quality of education, treatment, scientific research and serving manners, striving to become a top modernised hospital of the Military and the country.

The entire Military strives to successfully accomplish the 2024 logistics tasks

The entire Military strives to successfully accomplish the 2024 logistics tasks

Monday, January 15, 2024, 21:35 (GMT+7)
In 2024, the entire Military implements multiple important breakthrough tasks, especially adjusting the organisation of forces to be an “adept, compact, and strong,” training, and combat readiness. As the year includes several significant national and military anniversaries, the demands for logistics support are very high. Meanwhile, many subjective and objective factors may adversely affect logistics work. To successfully fulfill the mission, the entire Military, especially the Party committees and commanders at all levels, with the core being the Logistics Branch, must continue to uphold responsibilities and vigorously implement strategies and solutions.

Promoting learning and following Uncle Ho in the logistics sector of Military Region 7

Promoting learning and following Uncle Ho in the logistics sector of Military Region 7

Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 13:33 (GMT+7)
Military Region 7’s logistics sector has deeply implemented the superiors’ resolutions and directives on logistics work, promoted the spirit of “self-reliance, self-strengthening, proactiveness, and creativity,” and closely coordinated with various levels, sectors, localities, and forces in comprehensively and effectively carrying out logistical work, bringing about positive changes.

Northwest Armed Forces stay firmly in strategic areas

Northwest Armed Forces stay firmly in strategic areas

Monday, August 14, 2023, 13:33 (GMT+7)
Being well aware of the position, role and importance of the Northwest and the difficulties and challenges faced by ethnic minorities in the Northwest, over the years, the Party, the State, all levels and sectors have paid special attention by strategic undertakings and orientations; specific mechanisms and policies prioritising investment in comprehensive development of the midland and mountainous regions, ethnic minorities in general, and the Northwest provinces in particular.

New approach of the US in its implementation of policies in South East Asia

New approach of the US in its implementation of policies in South East Asia

Friday, June 23, 2023, 14:16 (GMT+7)
International researchers believe that, in the coming time, the US - ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership will be continuously boosted in the fields that  the two sides concern, but the speed will partly depend on the relations among powerful countries in the region and the internal issues of the US.

Defence – Economic Corps 207 - a fulcrum for the people in the border of Quang Nam province to escape poverty

Defence – Economic Corps 207 - a fulcrum for the people in the border of Quang Nam province to escape poverty

Thursday, May 18, 2023, 10:12 (GMT+7)
As an economic - defence unit stationed in this area, over the years, along with performing military and national defence tasks, Unit 207 has closely coordinated with the local party committee and authority to actively develop the local socio-economy on the basis of population rearrangement and long-term goals of national defence and security, gradually improving the material and spiritual life of the people, forming clusters of border villages and communes, thus creating border belts in the all-people national defence posture.

Artillery Brigade 368 promotes its tradition of "bronze feet, iron shoulder, good combat, accurate shooting"

Artillery Brigade 368 promotes its tradition of “bronze feet, iron shoulder, good combat, accurate shooting”

Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 09:48 (GMT+7)
To meet the requirements for building the Army, safeguarding the Homeland in the new era, the Brigade’s party committee and command need to lead and direct the synchronous and drastic implementation of many solutions in order to bring into play the traditions, build the strong and pure party cells; construct the all-strong, “exemplary, typical” unit; give education and training for soldiers to have political awareness, virtue, knowledge and skills to meet the mission requirements.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.