Friday, September 20, 2024, 06:27 (GMT+7)

Continuing to raise the quality of education and training within the Military

Continuing to raise the quality of education and training within the Military

Sunday, September 08, 2024, 20:17 (GMT+7)
Due attention has been paid to renewing and improving education and training, executing education projects, and especially realising the motto: “the quality of training within schools signifies units’ combat readiness capacity”. Training procedures and curricula have been reviewed, adjusted, and updated scientifically, practically, continuously, and reciprocally. Military schools have stepped up the development of their curricula relevant to each major’s outcome standards

Air Defence - Air Force Academy innovates education and training according to Resolution No. 1657-NQ/QUTW

Air Defence - Air Force Academy innovates education and training according to Resolution No. 1657-NQ/QUTW

Monday, July 15, 2024, 19:04 (GMT+7)
Thoroughly grasping and strictly implementing Resolution No. 1657-NQ/QUTW of the Central Military Commission, the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of the Academy have focused on leading and carrying out the synchronous and comprehensive innovation of education and training work towards standardisation and modernisation, with a long-term vision, scientific, systematic and appropriate roadmap, along with practical contents and measures.

Political College improves the quality of education and training in the new condition

Political College improves the quality of education and training in the new condition

Friday, January 12, 2024, 14:24 (GMT+7)
“Making basic and comprehensive changes in the quality and effectiveness of education and training…” is one of the targets defined in Resolution No. 1657-NQ/QUTW, dated 20 December 2022 by the Central Military Commission (CMC) on reforming the education and training to meet the task requirements of building the Military in the new situation. On grasping this target, the Political College’s Party Committee and Director Board have been attentively leading and directing the implementation of many drastic and synchronous solutions for continually improving the quality of education and training.

Renovating education and training for the military logisticians to meet the demands for working in the international environment

Renovating education and training for the military logisticians to meet the demands for working in the international environment

Monday, November 27, 2023, 15:41 (GMT+7)
The task of educating and training military logisticians  who have enough capability of working in the international environment appears to be vital at present and in the long run. The Logistics Academy needs to successfully implement this task in order to deserve to be the leading training centre of military logisticians  of the Military, practically contributing to the construction of the Logistics Branch and the revolutionary, regular, highly-skilled and gradually modernised Army.

Increasing reform of education and training in the Military

Increasing reform of education and training in the Military

Monday, September 11, 2023, 16:05 (GMT+7)
Increased reform of education and training in the military is the deep grasp and concretisation of the Party’s guidelines and resolutions of the Central Military Commission (CMC) and Ministry of National Defence (MND) on education and training, most notably Resolution No. 1657-NQ/QUTW. Accordingly, units in the entire military, especially military colleges, need to adopt drastic, synchronous, effective solutions, which aims to make breakthroughs in education and training quality in order to meet requirements of building the military in the new situation.

Political College renovates the education and training

Political College renovates the education and training

Sunday, August 13, 2023, 15:56 (GMT+7)
In order to renew the teaching forms and methods towards modernity, the College has attentively researched and flexibly applied active and practical teaching methods to prove learners’ self-motivation and creativity, combine the theories with practicality and practice; maintained the methodological activities; promoted the training and self-training for lecturers, focusing on their morality, pedagogical skills, foreign languages, and the capacities of applying the information technology and modern teaching facilities into their teaching.

Be vigilant against "xenophilia" in Vietnamese education nowadays

Be vigilant against “xenophilia” in Vietnamese education nowadays

Sunday, April 23, 2023, 21:22 (GMT+7)
Ideology and culture constitute the most difficult, covert, fierce front of the class struggle; in this regard, education is an important battlefield. Hence, remaining vigilant and fighting against “xenophilia” will help uphold Vietnamese education’s orientation and goals and directly contribute to building high-quality human resources for Fatherland construction and protection in the new situation.

Artillery Officer School fundamentally and comprehensively renews education and training work

Artillery Officer School fundamentally and comprehensively renews education and training work

Saturday, February 18, 2023, 08:30 (GMT+7)
In order to further improve the quality of education and training, to meet the requirements of building an elite, compact, strong and modern army, the School’s Party Committee and the Board of Directors intend to continue to deeply grasp and seriously implement resolutions and directives of the Party, Central Military Commission, etc. on promoting fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training work.

Improving the quality of education and scientific research in military schools

Improving the quality of education and scientific research in military schools

Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 09:25 (GMT+7)
Realising the role of training and scientific research, over the years, military academies and schools have gradually renovated contents, programs, and methods to improve the quality of these fields. However, there still remain some limitations in the combination in improving the quality of training with scientific research in each school.

Military Logistics Academy actively builds the model of "smart school approaching the 4th industrial revolution"

Military Logistics Academy actively builds the model of “smart school approaching the 4th industrial revolution”

Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 07:37 (GMT+7)
Notably, the MLA has proactively, actively executed the Prime Minister’s Directive 16/CT-TTg, dated May 4th 2017, on enhancing the capacity to approach the 4th industrial revolution and the MND’s Decision 889/QĐ-BQP, dated March 22nd 2018, on approving “the military schools’ plan to deal with the impacts made by the 4th industrial revolution in the period of 2018-2020 and beyond”

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.