Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:37 (GMT+7)

Great power competition in Indo-Pacific

Great power competition in Indo-Pacific

Friday, August 16, 2024, 07:58 (GMT+7)
Overall assessment of great powers’ Indo-Pacific strategies reveals that despite their different expression, all great powers put the Indo-Pacific at the heart of global security and interests of each country. Accordingly, strategic competition among great powers in Indo-Pacific is a unique issue characterised by cooperation, deterrence, and containment.

Japan promotes the progress of Indo-Pacific strategy

Japan promotes the progress of Indo-Pacific strategy

Monday, July 29, 2024, 16:46 (GMT+7)
In response to the increasingly complex global security environment and cut-throat geopolitical competition, the Japanese government advocates not only strengthening defence capabilities, but also promoting Indo-Pacific strategy with a long-term vision. This new Tokyo-driven motive has drawn deep attention from international public opinion

Increasing the quality of operational and strategic military exercises to meet requirement of safeguarding the Fatherland

Increasing the quality of operational and strategic military exercises to meet requirement of safeguarding the Fatherland

Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 13:29 (GMT+7)
To further enhance combat readiness and win war in any situations requires the entire military to carry out all aspects of work drastically. Of note, importance must be further attached to reform and increased quality of training exercises at all levels, especially the operational and strategic levels, which aims to create a breakthrough in comprehensive quality and combat power.

A brief on NATO’s Comprehensive Defence Plan and its global and regional impacts

A brief on NATO's Comprehensive Defence Plan and its global and regional impacts

Friday, June 28, 2024, 15:36 (GMT+7)
In July 2023, in Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation leaders approved its Comprehensive Defence Plan. The plan is critically hailed as complete, detailed and ambitious one. Up to now, its connotations and global and regional impact have drawn the international spotlight

Rebutting distortions of press freedom in Vietnam

Rebutting distortions of press freedom in Vietnam

Friday, June 21, 2024, 15:14 (GMT+7)
Press freedom is one of the fundamental human rights that Vietnam has committed to and seriously implemented in accordance with the general principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, hostile forces, reactionaries, and political dissidents consistently distort this reality to sabotage our Party, State, and socialist regime

Few thoughts on establishing and developing the military’s specialised, core force for protecting the Party’s ideological foundation

Few thoughts on establishing and developing the military’s specialised, core force for protecting the Party’s ideological foundation

Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 19:56 (GMT+7)
Party committees and commanders at all echelons must deeply grasp resolutions, directives, conclusions, projects, plans, and instructions from the Party Central Committee, Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defence, General Political Department, and functional departments regarding the protection of the Party’s ideological foundation and struggle against hostile, false perspectives. This lays the basis for establishing and developing the specialised, core force at their own levels appropriately.

Promotion of technical initiatives and innovations at Factory A32

Promotion of technical initiatives and innovations at Factory A32

Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 19:54 (GMT+7)
With a proactive spirit and the harnessing of internal strengths, the “Worker Soldiers” of Factory A32 are always passionate and creative in doing research. They strive to master advanced science and technology, determined to “heal” the “steel swallows”, hence contributing to building a modern AD-AF that meets the requirements and tasks of firmly protecting the Fatherland’s airspace.

Research and application of advanced science and technology be promoted at TECAPRO to serve defence and economic purposes

Research and application of advanced science and technology be promoted at TECAPRO to serve defence and economic purposes

Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 07:05 (GMT+7)
With tireless efforts, the Company always successfully completes its key political tasks; its production and business outcomes exceed the set plans and targets. Since 2018 to date, it has signed more than 1,000 economic contracts with a total value of over 11,000 billion VND; its average return on equity reaches 17%. It has always fulfilled its obligations to the State and the Ministry of National defence in terms of state budget contribution.

Breakthroughs in South Korea’s defence industry development

Breakthroughs in South Korea's defence industry development

Monday, May 20, 2024, 15:10 (GMT+7)
From a country mainly dependent on aid and imports of weapons and military equipment, South Korea has, in recent years, made many breakthroughs in defence industry development, becoming a nation which autonomously produces modern weapon systems for domestic use and export. The international community has paid much attention to those breakthroughs and the process as well

Institute 486 promotes scientific research

Institute 486 promotes scientific research

Friday, May 10, 2024, 09:33 (GMT+7)
Currently, in the face of the strong development of science and technology and the emergence of many new combat methods in cyberspace, the Institute proactively combines basic research with applied research for practically serving cyber warfare missions, as well as responding to rapid changes in technology. Based on scientific research orientation, the Institute promotes basic research with a focus on developing background technology to serve cyber warfare tasks.

Great Value and Vision Beyond Time in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament
The sacred testament left behind by President Ho Chi Minh for the entire Party, the people, and the army before his passing is considered a “National Treasure”, which reflects his sincere emotions, profound wisdom, noble ethics, open-heartedness, kindness, and tolerance, along with his visionary outlook beyond the times.