Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:25 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, August 09, 2023, 22:31 (GMT+7)
Veteran Association of Vietnam actively engages in the construction of a robust and transparent Party and administration

In its capacity as an unwaveringly loyal and dependable political-social organisation to the Party, the State, and the People, the Veteran Association of Vietnam consistently stands alongside other political-social organisations, actively fulfilling its role in social supervision and criticism, and participating in the development of a robust and transparent Party and administration. This serves as both a significant political duty and a practical social endeavour, contributing significantly to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation.

Upholding the tradition of “Loyalty - Unity - Exemplary - Innovation,” since its establishment to the present day, the Veteran Association of Vietnam has undergone a steadfast development in terms of both quantity and quality, carrying out its functions and tasks effectively. It rightfully stands as a highly reputable political-social force, an active member of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and a reliable pillar for the Party, the State, and the People. It contributes significantly to the nation-building and safeguarding of Our Socialist Vietnam Motherland. Regardless of the circumstances, the vast majority of its members steadfastly upholds and perpetuates the noble tradition and qualities of the “Soldiers of Uncle Ho,” spreading these deeply throughout the population and society.

General Secretary of the Party speaks at the 12th National Congress of the Association (Photo credit:

In recent years, in accordance with the Party and the State’s direction, the Association, along with other political-social organisations, has been entrusted with participating in building the Party and establishing a transparent and strong government at all levels. The Central Committee of the Association regularly guides its subordinate levels in organising active learning and a comprehensive understanding of the resolutions and directives of the Party and various levels of Party committees. Continuous efforts are made to enhance awareness and responsibility in participating in the construction of the Party and government at all levels, maintaining political integrity, unwavering determination, and resilience in the face of difficulties and challenges. The various levels of the Association have exemplarily implemented these tasks and organised campaigns to disseminate information, rallying the population to adhere to Party directions, policies, and State laws, and actively engage in patriotic movements. Also, there is a strong emphasis on the implementation of the 4th Central Resolution (11th, 12th, and 13th Tenure), Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW of the Party Central Committee (13th Tenure) concerning the building and enhancement of the Party and the political system, resolute prevention, counteraction, and strict handling of officials and Party members’ degradation in political awareness, ethics, and lifestyle, and signs of “self-evolution”, “self-transformation” within the Party and Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW, dated 18th May 2021, of the Politburo (13th Tenure) on the continued implementation of Directive No. 05-CT/TW to promote learning and following the thoughts, ethics, and lifestyle of President Ho Chi Minh. Also, the various levels of the Association have also timely grasped the sentiments and aspirations of the people, resolving significant and pressing issues arising from the grassroots level, thereby fostering a high level of consensus among the people. At the same time, the Association actively engages in safeguarding the ideological foundation of the Party, vigorously combating incorrect viewpoints, and distorted rhetoric of hostile forces; consistently prioritising revolutionary tradition education for the younger generation; participating in grassroots reconciliation efforts; constructing civilised and cultural villages, communes, neighbourhoods; setting examples in practising thriftiness in weddings and funerals, actively eradicating social ills, and developing grassroots cultural life, etc.

Despite the achievements, the results of the Association’s involvement in Party and government construction have not reached their full potential, particularly in terms of social supervision and criticism; the operational methods of the Association at the district and grassroots levels still possess limitations in terms of quality and effectiveness, with few independent monitoring programs organised and no mechanism to regularly promote the supervising role of community-based citizens, etc.

To continue enhancing the role of the Association in participating in the construction of a robust and transparent Party and government, in the upcoming period, the various levels of the Association should focus on effectively implementing several key aspects as follows:

First, continue to leverage the role of the Association and its agencies in Party building and establishing strong, transparent local governments. This serves both as guidance and a fundamental solution to continually elevate the quality and effectiveness of the activities carried out by the Association and other affiliated organisations, fulfilling their functions and tasks, and meeting the requirements of the revolution in the new circumstances. To achieve this, each level of the Association must deeply and promptly grasp the Party’s and the State’s principles, policies, and laws concerning the work of the Veteran Association. Based on this, the Association should vigorously innovate the content and methods of social supervision and criticism, particularly engaging in critical discussions regarding the formulation of policies and laws, ensuring they are aligned with practical realities and respond to the legitimate interests and desires of the people. This matter is also of utmost concern to the leadership of the Party and the State. In many speeches and writings, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasised: “There is a need to continue research to improve the laws on social supervision and criticism, creating favourable conditions to promote the overseeing role of our citizens, direct supervision, and supervision through the roles of political and social organisations”. Therefore, the various levels of the Association and other political-social organisations must closely collaborate with media agencies to effectively carry out propaganda and mobilise the entire population to actively implement Party directions, policies, and state laws on grassroots democracy, actively participating in building transparent and strong Party committees and government. In addition, democratic practices must be widely implemented to ensure that the people are truly the master of the nation and gradually perfect the socialist democratic system, thereby igniting the spirit of patriotism and self-reliance, the power of the great national unity bloc, and the aspiration for the prosperous and peaceful development of the country. Currently, to truly enhance the quality of the Association’s participation in constructing clean and strong Party committees and government at all levels, it is imperative for each level of the organisation to have strong leadership and guidance with specific plans and thorough research on issues that need to be criticised. Simultaneously, in the implementation process of these activities, there must be a high level of political determination, significant efforts, resolute actions, and the mobilisation of the collective strength of the entire nation to create widespread social consensus under the leadership of the Party and the management and administration of the State. Also, it is essential to strengthen engagements, dialogue, and consultation of the opinions and aspirations of the people participating in the building of a transparent and robust Party, government and political system.

General Be Xuan Truong at the signing of coordination between the Association and the Ministry of National Defence

Second, strengthen the oversight of the implementation of leadership principles by Party committees and Party organisations. The Veteran Association of Vietnam and its affiliated agencies should concentrate on monitoring the execution and compliance with Party regulations, principles of leadership, and State laws concerning personnel work; the innovation and enhancement of the quality and effectiveness of Party building and rectification efforts; and the establishment of capable, qualified, and trustworthy cadres at all levels, capable of meeting the requirements and tasks of the new era. This involves transparently and openly implementing standards, procedures, processes, and personnel records; providing and exchanging information and explanations upon request; promptly supervising, verifying, and suggesting appropriate actions for information reflecting issues related to the building of Party organisations, administrations, and the political system from organisations, individuals, citizens, and the media. It also entails monitoring signs of ideological, ethical, and lifestyle degradation among Party cadres and members; and overseeing and criticising the implementation of ethical standards for public service and professional ethics for leaders, key officials, and Party members.

To achieve this, the various levels of the Association need to consistently pay attention to educating and raising awareness among cadres and members about the Party’s principles, policies, and State laws. In addition, the Association should carry out deep and effective dissemination efforts to encourage its members to uphold and manifest their qualities as “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”. It should also effectively participate in overseeing the activities of state agencies and officials according to legal regulations. With the political courage forged through combat and work, and through their responsibility and credibility, various levels of the Association need to continue closely coordinating with other socio-political organisations to advise the Party’s committee in effectively educating the patriotic and revolutionary traditions, building ideals, aspirations, and cultural lifestyles for the younger generations. This will provide additional strength and motivation for the youth to devote themselves to the country and play their part in successfully achieving the tasks of building and safeguarding the nation.

Third, closely coordinate Veteran Association organisations with other agencies and organisations in carrying out supervision tasks. The supervision activities of the Veteran Association organisations can only be effective when there is close collaboration and synchronised implementation with the supervision, inspection, examination, and auditing activities of other agencies and organisations within the political system. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the integration of oversight activities carried out by the Veteran Association organisations with the inspection and examination activities of State agencies and Party organisations, and the oversight activities of the National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels. This contributes to making the oversight activities of the Association increasingly effective, capable of mobilising the participation of agencies, organisations, and citizens, and harnessing the collective strength of the great national unity bloc in the oversight work.

To enhance the building of a transparent and robust Party and government, the leadership of the Association and its affiliates at all levels should frequently grasp the public sentiment among the people, receive opinions and suggestions from members and citizens through contact meetings with delegates to the National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels, engage in direct dialogues with the people, attach importance to citizen engagement, and participate in resolving complaints and reports from the people. Additionally, this should be combined with the dissemination and popularisation of legislation to the public to effectively employ the People’s Inspection Committees and the Party Building Oversight Committees, local authorities and the political system.

Fourth, carry out the oversight work regularly, continuously, with emphasis and focus. First and foremost, it is essential to consistently perform the tasks of reviewing, summarising, and drawing lessons from the implementation of oversight and criticism activities related to Party building and rectification, government building, and the establishment of a transparent and robust political system. Organisations of the Association need to continue innovating their content and methods of operation, mobilising the participation of the masses in patriotic movements, and harnessing the collective strength of the great national unity bloc, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and various people’s organisations. This is essential for economic and social development while reinforcing national defence and security, and administration building at all levels. The selection of oversight subjects should be precise, accurate, focused, and in alignment with the practical conditions of the Association and other political and social organisations.

Also, there is a need to further institutionalise and codify the social oversight and criticism activities of the Veteran Association organisations on Party and administration building and the establishment of a transparent and robust political system. Through this, better implementation of functions and tasks of the Association can be achieved, and it will also further empower the people’s sovereignty, protect their legitimate rights and interests, contribute to the improvement of mechanisms, policies, and laws to fight corruption and the building of a transparent and robust Party, government, and political system, and enable the Association to serves as a “bridge” between the Party, the State, and the People.

Senior Lieutenant General BE XUAN TRUONG, President of the Veteran Association of Vietnam

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