Friday, September 20, 2024, 10:50 (GMT+7)

Monday, October 09, 2023, 08:10 (GMT+7)
Thua Thien Hue armed forces promote core role in responding to incidents, natural disasters, search and rescue

Located at the southernmost tip of the North Central Coast, Thua Thien Hue province is influenced by high radiation and temperatures, which is typical of the transitional climate between the two North and South regions. It has a system of dense, short, steep rivers and streams hindered by waterfalls rapids, and the province is also home to a large number of lagoons, etc., hence every year it often suffers from many types of natural disasters, such as: forest fires, storms, floods, flash floods, tornadoes, droughts, rising water level, coastal and riverbank landslides which inflict heavy damage on people and property.

Firmly grasping the characteristics of the area and the assigned tasks, every year, the Provincial Military Command always proactively advises the Party Committee and local authorities to consolidate the Steering committee for  natural disaster prevention and control, search and rescue  at all levels; issue resolutions, directives, and documents to lead, direct, and implement this important task. First of all, it attentively inspects, surveys, forecasts, and assesses the situation; develops, adjusts and supplements the system of civil defence plans; plans for responding to incidents, disasters, search and rescue at all levels suitable with local characteristics and hydrometeorological conditions. In addition, it holds training, refresher courses and practice; makes preparation in human, means, and materials; creatively applies the "4 on the spot" motto; maintains readiness regimes for promptly and effectively handle and overcome situations, especially emergencies, complex and dangerous situations both on land and at sea, contributing to minimising loss in life and property of the State and people, contributing to stable life of the people, while creating a premise for rapid and sustainable development of the Province.

Leaders of the province, the provincial military command and Phong Dien District in a flood respond trip

For the achievements in natural disaster prevention and control, search and rescue, the Provincial Military Command has been commended many times by the State, the Ministry of National Defence, Military Region 4 High Command, local Party Committees, and local authorities. This is such a motivation for its officers and soldiers to continue to successfully complete their assigned tasks. Through the practice of task performance, the Provincial Military Party Committee and Command have drawn some lessons and solutions to improve the effectiveness of natural disaster prevention and control, search and rescue as follow:

Firstly, proactively advising local party committees and authorities to strengthen leadership and direction of the task of incident and disaster response, search and rescue. Fully aware of the damage caused by natural disasters and firmly grasping its functions and tasks, every year, the Provincial Military Command consults with the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Committee to consolidate the structure and improve the operational efficiency of the Steering Committees for civil defense, disaster prevention and control, search and rescue at all levels; perfects mechanisms and policies, promulgate legal documents to enhance the leadership, direction, command and administration capacity of officials at all levels; consults on the implementation of resolutions, directives, and telegrams of the Government, the Ministry of National Defence, and Military Region 4, and issue telegrams of the Provincial People's Committee for agencies, units, forces, and localities. Moreover, it directly surveys; makes plans; instructs levels, branches and localities to review, adjust, supplement and complete the system of plans and scenarios for coordination and responding, focusing on key areas and areas highly prone to forest fires, flooding, and flash floods, such as Huong Thuy Town and Hue City; the districts of: Quang Dien, Phu Vang, Phu Loc, A Luoi, etc; conducts preliminary review and summary work to accurately evaluate the causes, achieved results, and limitations in each task and situation as a basis for making proposals, policies, measures, and plans for responding to future incidents.

Second, thoroughly conducting propaganda and education to raise awareness and responsibility of all levels, branches, localities and people for the tasks of preventing and responding to disasters, and search and rescue. To create consensus and promote synergy to carry out this task, the Provincial armed forces both advise and promote their core role in propaganda and education for people of all strata to make them firmly grasp the characteristics of the area, climatic and hydrological conditions, actors, causes, rules, and damage of natural disasters; measures and skills to prevent and overcome,... so that they are ready to respond to any possible situations. Innovate and improve the effectiveness of education and propaganda work to make a strong change in awareness, attitude, motivation, and responsibility of its troop and people. Propaganda is carried out through newspapers, radios and televisions of both the Central and local levels, the electronic portals of the province, districts and cities together with mobile propaganda groups and teams; propaganda work is done together with emulation and commendation work and policy work before, during and after performing tasks. Propaganda is emphasised on the core and proactive role of the standing forces, reserve forces, militia and self-defense forces,... in preventing, combating, and overcoming the consequences of natural disasters, search and rescue, protecting people's lives and property, contributing to promoting the qualities, traditions and image of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" in the hearts of local people and the whole country.

Armed forces of Huong Tra Town practise strengthening riverbank

Third, promoting skills training and practice, maintaining readiness to improve qualifications and ability to respond and handle emergencies. To fulfil the task of "fighting in peacetime", besides the correct, sufficient, and thorough training in search and rescue according to the basic programmes, the Provincial Military Command also directs agencies, units and localities to hold supplementary training for both full-time and part-time subjects. At the same time, it advises the Party Committee and local authorities at all levels to develop plans and carry out civil defence training and drills, focusing on emergency situations of fighting forest fires, preventing and remediating storms, tornadoes, floods, etc. to improve the level and ability to respond to emergency situations for the armed forces and the entire people on land, on rivers and at sea. Besides, the Provincial Military Command advises and directs agencies, units and localities to strictly maintain round-the-clock duty order and regime; ensure good communication, logistics and technical work to accurately and promptly update information on natural disaster developments, serving smooth direction and administration from the Province to the grassroots.

Fourth, making proposals on investment in facilities, materials, and the construction of projects serving disaster prevention and control to meet task requirements. Human and means are two decisive factors of the success of the tasks of disaster prevention and control, search and rescue. Bearing this in mind, every year, the Provincial Military Command directs its subordinates to advise the party committees and authorities at their same level to regularly inspect, review and grasp the characteristics of development, nature, scale, level,...of natural disasters and incidents; make evaluation of the needs of each locality, agency, unit, and force to develop plans, make estimation of budget for purchasing, improving, and upgrading different types of vehicles, facilities and equipment. Budget for investment are generated from local sources and defence allocation together with the ones of agencies, units and forces.  Together with buying new and modern vehicles and equipment, the existing ones are renovated and upgraded. At the same time, it recommend the Steering Committee for civil defence, natural disaster prevention and control, search and rescue the construction of field emergency command post, observatories, hydrometeorology stations, and the solidification of riverbanks, coastlines, roads, etc. to serve the command, direction, forecast, warning, and manoeuvre in emergency situations.

In addition to the above solutions, to promote its core role in responding to natural disasters and incidents, the Provincial armed forces also coordinate closely with related forces, such as: the Police, the Border Guard, local departments, branches,  organisations and people to create synergy to successfully complete this important task, contributing to minimising damage, stabilising political security in the area, and creating favourable conditions for the rapid and sustainable development of the province.

Colonel PHAN THANG, Commander of the Provincial Military Command

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