Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:32 (GMT+7)

Saturday, December 30, 2023, 14:53 (GMT+7)
The 375th Air Defence Division promotes legal dissemination and education

The 375th Air Defense Division, under the Air Defence - Air Force, operates in 07 provinces and cities in the Central - Central Highlands region. Many of its units operate independently and dispersedly, regularly performing combat mobility and field training tasks. In the meantime, the tasks of training, combat readiness, and airspace management pose very high requirements for disciplining. Furthermore, the Division is managing and operating a large and modern amount of weapons and technical equipment, requiring that each officer and soldier voluntarily comply with strict discipline. Meanwhile, the cadres in charge of the units haven’t gained much experience in management, education, and training of soldiers; the awareness and sense of self-discipline of some soldiers is limited to some extent, etc... Fully aware of the situation, in recent years, the Party Committee and Division commanders have focused on regularity building, disciplining, and safety assurance. In particular, improving the quality of legal dissemination and education is of top importance to transform the resolutions of party committees and party organisations at all levels, and the determination of commanders into self-awareness and practical actions in the observance of State law and military discipline of its cadres and soldiers, contributing to building an all-strong, "exemplary and typical" unit.

In order to make the work of law dissemination and education a routine, the Party Committee and Command of the Division strengthen leadership and direction; raise awareness and responsibility of party committees and commanders of agencies and units for this important work. Accordingly, Party Committees at all levels thoroughly brief the resolutions, directives, plans, and instructions of higher echelons on law dissemination and education, creating a unity in awareness and enhancing the responsibility of the Party committees and commanders at all levels in implementation. In particular, emphasis has been placed on determining the content, choosing appropriate and effective forms and methods of dissemination and education for each subject, which are relevant to the tasks of the Unit at each specific time.

As far as the content is concerned, the Division always strictly adheres to the annual law dissemination and education plan of the Service’s Political Department to develop plans and determine content that are relevant to the features and task requirements of the Unit, and suitable for each object. In addition to the prescribed topics, the Division also develops many optional ones, focusing on new legal documents, instructions, directives, and regulations related to the task performance, life of officers and soldiers, aiming to solving problems and weak aspects of the Unit.

The model of "One law a week" has been deployed effectively

Form and methods of education have been renovated by  the Division to make it diverse, creative, and efficient, focusing on intuitiveness and understandability together with ideological orientation and specific action instructions to not only raise legal awareness, but more importantly, build self-discipline for officers and soldiers. Accordingly, in addition to improving the quality of concentrated briefings, the Division well combines the contents of legal education with political education and continuing education; integrates legal education into the tasks of training, combat readiness, mass mobilisation work,... and regular activities of the unit. At the same time, it promptly makes ideological orientation for officers and soldiers in the face of developments in social life, especially statements, comments, and information with offensive and untrue content and images in cyberspace, so that they have proper conducts on social networks.

In addition, the Division directs its units to increase law dissemination and education through visual activities, with hundreds of internal radio programmes, billboard systems, posters, and slogans; holds seminars, youth forums, legal competitions combined with monthly and quarterly birthday celebrations for soldiers, etc. In 2023, it has successfully held the youth forum entitled "Youth of Division 375 strictly adhere to discipline and successfully complete assigned tasks"; the seminar "Solidarity and sentiment for comrades are the traditional beauty and noble qualities of "Uncle Ho's soldiers"; awareness contests about 10 oaths and 12 rules of discipline, military responsibilities, soldier responsibilities for new soldiers,... creating a major spillover effect. Moreover, it has also integrated legal education into the activities of the Youth Union and Women's Union; built effective propaganda and dissemination models, such as: "The Youth Union without  cadres, union members, and youth violating the law and discipline";... more than 2,250 turns of its officers and soldiers participated in the "2023 legal contest" launched by the People's Army Newspaper Online.

The division has effectively implemented the monthly "Legal Day" coupled with supporting activities, such as: display of legal books, guest talks, etc., attracting a large number of its troops to attend; promoted well the role and activities of cultural institutions, such as: library, Ho Chi Minh Room, legal bookshelf; improved the quality and effectiveness of the model "Learning one law a week", the "Legal dissemination and education" column on internal radio every Tuesday and Thursday; held research and study of legal knowledge for officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Division according to Instruction No. 168/HD-HD, dated 27 February 2023 of the Service’s Council for Coordination in legal dissemination and education. At the same time, it promotes the implementation of the Project "Promoting the role of the People's Army in disseminating and educating the law, and mobilising people to obey the law at the grassroots level in the period 2021 - 2027" as planned with high results as expected.

Regularly consolidating and perfecting regulations; promoting the role and operational efficiency of the Council for Coordination in Law Dissemination and Education; the contingent of reporters and legal propagandists; Steering Committee 1389, "psychology - health - law" consulting groups at all levels in the Division, promoting the combined strength of all organisations and forces. At the same time, it strengthens inspection work; holds preliminary and overall reviews to draw experience seriously. With the motto "small rain lays great dust", with good practices and creative models, the Division's legal dissemination and education work has contributed to raising awareness and sense of self-discipline for ít officers and soldiers; promote the emulation movement of self-disciplining; build legal culture in agencies and units. As a result, in recent years, the Division's law and discipline enforcement situation has seen positive changes, the Unit has always been maintained stable, successfully completing all assigned tasks.

To further improving the quality and effectiveness of legal dissemination and education, the Division focuses on well implementing the following solutions:

Firstly, party committees, commanders at all levels and officers and soldiers should be properly aware of the position, role, meaning and importance of law, discipline and the work of law dissemination and education for the task completion of individuals and collectives. Regularly uphold responsibility in leadership and direction; assign specific tasks, attach the responsibilities of each level of member and presiding officer to the results of this work in each agency and unit.

Second, promoting the combined strength of forces, especially the role of political agencies at all levels and the Council for coordination in law dissemination and education in advising, guiding, helping, inspecting, and urging the implementation to ensure scientific, serious and unified implementation; timely correct errors, completely resolve arising problems, maintain the routine and effectiveness of the work of law dissemination and education. Uphold the exemplary role of officials at all levels in observing the law and discipline; well settle the relationship between comrades and teammates, between officers and soldiers, between superiors and juniors.

Third, actively innovating content, programmes, ways of conducting, together with ideological orientation and action instructions for officers and soldiers. Make good plans, proactively collect documents, and select content of law dissemination that is relevant to the unit's mission situation and suitable for each subject. Closely follow the mission requirements, nature of operations of agencies and units, and the characteristics, awareness, and psychology of each subject to innovate educational methods.

Fourth, thoroughly conducting training for the team of legal reporters who should be selected based on legal knowledge, practical experience, and good pedagogical methods. Increase investment in construction and upgradation of cultural institutions; regularly update and supplement legal books for the legal bookshelf; provide specific mechanisms and incentives to encourage officers and soldiers to self-study and research legal contents. At the same time, take good care of material and spiritual life for soldiers; build a formal and healthy cultural environment in each agency and unit for further improving the quality of law dissemination and education work, contributing to building an all-strong, "exemplary and typical" unit, successfully completing the task of protecting and managing the airspace under its responsibility.

Senior Colonel NGUYEN NGOC BAO, Deputy Political Commissar of the Division


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