Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:36 (GMT+7)

Thursday, July 27, 2023, 09:57 (GMT+7)
Some lessons learned to improve the overall quality and combat strength of Division 2

Division 2 serves as the main force under Military Region 5, tasked with training, combat readiness, and manoeuvre for ad hoc tasks. Therefore, importance should be attached to improving the overall quality and combat strength of this unit. By clearly understanding their tasks, the Division’s Party Committee and commanders have always proactively grasped higher echelons’ resolutions, directives, and directions; based on the practice of the unit’s operations, the characteristics of the area, and requirements to devise comprehensive and synchronised measures. These measures are also the lessons learned from improving the unit’s overall quality and combat strength.

First and foremost, the focal point lies in building a strong division in terms of politics, ideology, morality, organisation, and personnel. With a view to building a division that is steadfast in its stance, politically sensitive, ideologically and organisationally strong, and ethically clean as a foundation for the successful implementation of its assigned tasks, party committees and commanders of agencies and units should renew the contents and forms to improve the quality and efficiency of party and political work. Emphasis is placed on elevating the quality of political education, the study and application of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style, Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW dated October 25, 2021, of the Central Committee on accelerating the building and rectification of the Party and political system, Resolution No. 847/NQ/QUTW dated December 28, 2021, of the Central Military Commission on promoting the qualities of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” and resolutely combating individualism in the new situation. Indeed, taking proactive measures to refute and fight against erroneous and hostile perspectives while guarding against any signs of internal “peaceful evolution”, “self-evolution”, and “self-transformation”. The focus is directed towards rigorous training and nurturing to build a military force possessing unwavering political bravery, absolute loyalty to the Party, the State, and the Military, and confidence in our weaponry, equipment, and military tactics. Moreover, the spirit of responsibility and a high determination in the fulfilment of tasks should be diligently cultivated.

Alongside the construction of robust organisations, particularly party committees and party organisations, Division 2 sets forth an ambitious breakthrough in building a contingent of officers with political bravery, exemplary moralities, competence, credibility, and a strong sense of responsibility to fulfil their duties with excellence. Importance is attached to building a contingent of commanding officers who exhibit a scientific, collective, and democratic working style, daring to think and act, willing to take responsibility, and making sure their words go hand in hand with their actions. Besides, they should deeply embed themselves at the grassroots level, fostering unity, and upholding disciplines, and principles. To achieve this, in addition to effectively handling various aspects of personnel work, the Division should place significant emphasis on establishing mechanisms for inspection, supervision, management, and assessment of officers, taking the quality and effectiveness of task achievement as the benchmark for assessing, training, and appointing officers.  

An exercise of amphibious attack

In order to meet the demands of being “mobile and victorious” over a wide operational area, and considering the distinct combat missions of each brigade, the Division continues to make adjustments and reorganise its structure in accordance with the regulations while making breakthroughs in enhancing the quality of training and combat readiness. By thoroughly grasping and strictly implementing higher echelons’ directives and guidance regarding organisational adjustments, particularly Decision No. 508/QĐ-TM, dated March 30, 2018, issued by the Chief of the General Staff, concerning the establishment chart of the all-arms divisions (during peacetime) under Military Regions. In light of Decision No. 508, the Division proactively completes its organisation, arranges its troop strength to suit practical needs, and effectively resolves the issues related to the regimes and policies for officers and soldiers after the adjustment. To date, Division 2 has filled 100% of the specified positions according to regulations, ensuring that the troop strength reaches over 97% as per the establishment chart, which is well-aligned with practical requirements. Among these, professional officers and non-commissioned officers have reached over 93% and professional officers have reached over 75% while enlisted personnel and soldiers account for 100%. The priority is to ensure the adequate presence of non-commissioned officers and technical specialists for units responsible for training newly recruited soldiers and units in combat readiness mode.

In training, with the comprehensive and synchronised approach of being “Concentrated, united, synchronised, effective, and non-overlapping”, the Division focuses on innovation and standardisation throughout all stages, starting from the preparation of training, development of plans, and programmes, to the conclusion of phases and the entire year. These efforts ensure alignment with the characteristics, organisation, and missions of each unit. In addition to investing in the improvement of training grounds and exercise areas and ensuring well-prepared models, tools, and teaching materials, the Division places constant emphasis on training and professional development to enhance the capabilities of its officers, especially those directly involved in training. Currently, all officers are assigned according to hierarchical levels, with over 90% of battalion-level officers and equivalents, and over 75 of platoon-level officers and equivalents being proficient or excellent in training, with more than 35% of them achieving excellence. Company-level officers directly lecture some technical and tactical matters at the platoon level. Throughout the training process, besides providing comprehensive and fundamental training for all personnel, the Division focuses on specialised training related to the combat tasks of each unit, synchronised with the weapons, equipment, and technical means. The balance between theory and practice is maintained, with a focus on practical application. Training at night and mobile training are intensified, and efforts are made to enhance proficiency in the use of existing weapons and equipment, as well as mastery of new weaponry and equipment. The inspection and assessment of training results are ensured to be subjective and substantive. Accordingly, the annual inspection outcomes have seen 100% of the training objectives being met, with over 76% good and excellent. The Division actively participates in and organises various command and staff exercises, infantry exercises, naval and island combat exercises, comprehensive exercises, and combat shooting exercises at all levels, achieving excellence in technical aspects and proficiency in tactical and maintaining absolute safety. Moreover, the Division has received recognition from the Ministry of National Defence and Military Region for being an “Excellent Training Unit” and an “Excellent Physical Training Unit” in numerous competitions and sports events at different levels.

By thoroughly grasping the perspective of building a “mobile and victorious” division, party committees and commanders at all levels adhere to orders, directives, and instructions on combat readiness tasks. During implementation, Division 2 intensifies education for its troops, ensuring they fully grasp the characteristics and cunning tactics of hostile forces; proactively constructs, supplements, and completes a comprehensive system of combat documents; maintains a stringent state of combat readiness, conducts patrols, guards, and ensures the absolute safety of its units and SQ5’s combat facilities. Besides, actively exercising various combat scenarios, organising marches, encampments, and endurance training to enhance soldiers’ physical fitness and improve the command, coordination, and mobility skills of units. Additionally, the Division establishes close coordination with local party committees and authorities as well as other forces within the region to have a firm understanding of political security, order, and social safety. The Division actively participates in the construction of defensive areas, ensuring sufficient preparedness in terms of personnel and equipment to promptly and effectively respond to natural disasters, search and rescue operations, forest fires, etc. These proactive measures have earned high appreciation from local authorities and the people.

Division 2 places significant emphasis on making breakthroughs in regularity building, law and discipline observance, and safety assurance. Despite facing numerous challenges, the Division remains proactive and takes positive steps to construct well-organised, neat, green, clean, and scenic military barracks, ensuring that all units from the company level and above have a complete system of regular boards as per regulations. Moreover, it intensifies education and fosters a sense of self-awareness and self-discipline among officers and soldiers. The Division maintains a strict adherence to regular routines on a daily and weekly basis, ensuring that all units operate according to plans and responsibilities, and act upon orders.

Disciplinary management and safety assurance are matters that the Division’s Party Committee and commanders lead and direct with determined efforts to address the limitations observed. In this regard, special attention is given to implementing appropriate measures to manage military personnel, especially the newly recruited soldiers and the officers and soldiers preparing for discharge. Besides, effective implementation of the decentralised management of military personnel is prioritised in accordance with regulations. Vigorous management of troop strength is enforced at all times and in all situations, particularly during off-base duties, individual tasks, holidays, and days off. Promoting the dissemination and education of laws among all personnel, especially those at high risk of disciplinary violations. Furthermore, enhancing the timely understanding, management, and resolution of ideological situations. Implementing a comprehensive and unified system of monitoring, classification, and assessment at all levels. Strictly maintaining the regime of daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports and reports of unexpected events. During the implementation process, highlighting the significant role and responsibility of commanding officers and key officers at all levels in sticking to the principle of “3 adherences” to rectify violations of laws, discipline, and safety in daily life, work, and participation in traffic incidents resulting from subjective errors.

In addition, the Division regularly innovates and improves the quality of logistical and technical assurance to meet requirements and tasks. The focus lies in modernising the method of supplying logistic needs for tasks through a decentralised approach to create reasonable sources while strengthening the supervisory and monitoring work of higher-level units over lower-level ones. Units and agencies uphold the spirit of self-reliance and self-sufficiency, taking the initiative to create supply sources and ensure the timely provision of materials and logistical support for combat readiness, regular missions, and ad hoc tasks. Alongside meeting the requirements and regulations, the Division also takes great care in improving the quality of life for its troops. It actively engages in agricultural and livestock production, achieving high efficiency, and ensuring 100% self-sufficiency in green vegetables, nearly 80% of pork, over 85% of eggs and poultry, and over 30% of fresh fish. As a result, the quality of meals has been enhanced, with rations exceeding regulations by over 15%. On holidays and during festivals, the average additional allowance per person reaches 160,000 VND. All division mess halls are recognised as “Units with excellent troop nutrition and outstanding logistics management”. Division 2 strictly maintains regulations regarding hygiene, food safety, environmental protection, and healthcare for the troops, ensuring over 99% of the personnel are in good health condition.

The work of ensuring weapons and technical weapons is comprehensively implemented, meeting requirements and tasks with absolute safety. All units and agencies maintain the assurance and technical coefficients of weapons and equipment and strictly adhere to regulations for receiving, issuing, storing, maintaining, and ensuring the full, timely, high-quality, and synchronised supply of weapons and technical equipment for missions, especially for combat readiness, exercises, live-fire drills, etc. Furthermore, great importance is placed on educating and enhancing the responsibility of soldiers towards weapons and equipment. Actively providing professional training for technical staff and personnel and effectively implementing the Campaign entitled “Good, durable, safe, and economical management and utilisation of weapons and technical equipment and Traffic safety”. Encouragement is given to foster proactive and innovative approaches to overcome difficulties and improve the quality of technical assurance work.

By capitalising on achieved results and drawing lessons from practical experiences, Infantry Division 2 continues to thoroughly grasp and effectively implement assigned political tasks, thus enhancing its overall quality and combat strength, truly deserving to be the “iron fist” of Military Region 5, ready to be “mobile and victorious” in all situations.

Colonel NGUYEN TAN Y, Commander of Division 2

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