Friday, September 20, 2024, 18:33 (GMT+7)

Thursday, June 22, 2023, 08:21 (GMT+7)
Results of implementing Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW in the Coast Guard Training Centre

Promoting the learning and following of Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style is a great, long-term, cross-cutting movement of the entire Party, people and the Army. Therefore, thoroughly grasping and well implementing Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW of the Politburo (13th tenure) for the above content is an urgent requirement today that requires the whole Army in general, the Coast Guard Training Centre in particular, to continue to synchronously implement different solutions with specific and practical actions in order to successfully complete the Unit’s assigned tasks.

The Coast Guard Training Centre is responsible for training preliminary-level professional and technical personnel in ship engineering majors and professional skills for officers in the Vietnam Coast Guard. Especially, since 2018, the Centre has been assigned several new and highly demanding tasks, such as providing maritime knowledge and legal skills for cadres and officers who are responsible for protecting sovereignty and maintaining the law of the sea. Meanwhile, there are a lot difficulties in material and technical infrastructure supporting for the task; experiences in education, training, management and commanding of staff, teachers and students' perceptions are not equal, etc. However, the Centre has strengthened solidarity, unification, overcome difficulties, promoted collective intelligence, and comprehensively implemented all aspects of work, with synchronous and suitable solutions to complete the assigned tasks. In particular, promoting the learning and following of Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style was identified by the Party Committee and the Centre's Board of Directors as the most important, central and thorough solution according to the teachings of Ho Chi Minh: "No matter how difficult it is, we must maintain the emulation of and teaching well and studying well".

A lesson at the Centre

First of all, it focuses on building strong political will, good moral quality, clean and healthy lifestyle, high responsibility for cadres, party members and the masses. The Centre has focused on promoting the role of Party committees, branches and commanders at all levels in leading, promoting propaganda, education and awareness raising for cadres, party members and the masses about President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, moral qualities, lifestyle, style, qualifications and his great career. The basic characteristics of the quality of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" need to be preserved and promoted, and the manifestations of individualism need to be resolutely eradicated, etc.

Sticking to the content of the movement "Four good, four no, four against" in the Coast Guard, the Centre requires 100% of cadres, party members and the masses, especially the commanders at all levels to commit themselves to the studying and following of Uncle Ho based on specific responsibilities and duties; associated with the commitment to implement the Resolution of the 4th Central Committee (13th tenure) on building and rectifying the Party and political system, regulations of the Politburo, the Secretariat and the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission on the responsibility to set examples; Resolution No. 847-NQ/QUTW, dated 28 December 2021 of the Central Military Commission on promoting the qualities of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" and resolutely eliminating individualism in the new situation and the Campaign to promote tradition, dedicate talents, be worthy of the title "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" - Soldiers of the Coast Guard, etc. At the same time, it puts this content into the periodic activities of the Party cells, and the mass organisations to review the implementation results. During the implementation process, it upholds the responsibility to set examples of self-studying and accomplishing the tasks by the cadres and party members, especially the leading and key ones at all levels according to the motto: seniors do first, juniors learn and follow; party members set examples first, the masses learn and follow; taking the results of learning and following Uncle Ho as one of the criteria for evaluating emulations and assessing the quality of organisations and individuals. As a result, cadres, party members and the masses always have steadfast ideological stance, strong political will and pure moral qualities; constantly innovate style and working method; promote awareness, responsibility and dedication to the job; have aspiration for learning to improve their qualifications, professionalism and foreign languages; there is no sign of "self-evolution", "self-transformation" and deterioration in terms of politics, ideology, morality, lifestyle.

Engraved with Uncle Ho's teaching that: “…we must pay close attention to democracy and discipline issues. Discipline in democracy, democracy must be disciplined”, the Party Committee and Board of Directors of the Centre always attach great importance to leading and directing to promote democracy and discipline as well as to build up internal solidarity and soldiers-people solidarity. While implementing this content, agencies, units and faculties regularly maintain and strictly implement the Regulation on Grassroots Democracy, focusing on democracy in leadership and command. Encourage the role of mass organisations and military councils to democratically discuss and participate in the formulation and supplementation of the unit's regulations, and give full play to their rights and responsibilities to ensure that every soldier in the unit knows, discusses, works, checks, supervises and enjoys together. The rights and standards are public and transparent; cadres and soldiers are allowed to give opinions on the common activities of the units; emulations, commendations and disciplining is in a public, democratic and fair manner; be provided with information and be allowed to express individual thoughts and aspirations. The dialogues between leaders/commanders and officers/soldiers/students are regularly maintained. The appropriate opinions, thoughts and aspirations of cadres, party members and the masses are listened to, studied and promptly resolved by the Party committees and commanders at all levels in accordance with regulations and capabilities of the Centre. As a result, a favourable environment of solidarity, democracy is created to maintain and promote the quality of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" - Coast Guard soldiers; the rules and regulations of living, studying and working are maintained and strictly implemented by agencies and units. Implement "Work according to responsibilities, act according to regulations", with the models: "cadres and party members say good words and do good deeds", "Learn a law each day", "Deal with a situation each week", etc. associated with studying the Legal Handbook of the Coast Guard, cadres, teachers, employees, students and soldiers are always self-disciplined to obey the State’s law, military regulations and discipline, directives and orders of superiors. Actively cultivate and practice the sense of discipline and regularity, especially in daily life, work, and military etiquette; establish appropriate relationships between superiors, subordinates, comrades, and teammates. Along with that, the Centre regularly coordinates closely with local Party committees and authorities to fight against social evils, maintain political security, social order and safety; participate in building a strong local political system; effectively participate in revolutionary movements, socio-economic development programs, help people eliminate hunger and reduce poverty; prevent, deal with natural disasters, implement social policies, contributing to stabilising and improving the people's material and spiritual life, especially in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Studying and following Uncle Ho can only bring real effectiveness when closely associated with completing political tasks. Thoroughly grasping and implementing the directives and resolutions of the Party, Central Military Commission, and Ministry of National Defense on education and training, the Centre directs agencies, units and faculties to actively and proactively overcome difficulties to successfully fulfil the tasks of education, training, and scientific research. The faculties have actively reviewed and developed training plans and programs; compiling curricula, lesson plans and lectures which are close to the objectives and requirements of the Coast Guard in protecting the sovereignty, security and safety of the sea and islands. Scientific research activities are implemented effectively; well organise training, and improve pedagogical skills, information technology skills, foreign languages, teaching management methods, educational administration and training for officials and teachers. At the same time, review, supplement and ensure a sufficient system of classrooms, documents, teaching equipment, models, and learning tools to meet the training needs of each major. In the process of training, the Centre has gradually built up a contingent of staff and teachers with an increasing number, reasonable structure and quality; encourage cadres, teachers and students to take part in the emulation of "United, exemplary, disciplined, flexible, teaching well, studying well, determined to win", aiming at strictly observing regulations and regulations, properly and fully implement the contents and programs according to the education and training chart. As a result, the Centre’s training quality has been increasingly improved; the graduation exam results for students of professional and technical training courses are 100% satisfactory in which more than 80% are good and/or very good.

The effectiveness of studying and following Uncle Ho has directly contributed to the Centre's successful completion of all assigned tasks. In 2021, the Centre was awarded the title of "Determined to win Unit"; in 2022, the Centre Party Committee was recognised as ‘clean, strong and typical’; the Centre was recognised as comprehensively strong, “exemplary and typical” unit and became the remarkable training unit which was awarded the Emulation Flag by the Ministry of National Defence. These are important foundations for building the Coast Guard Training Centre as "Regular, exemplary, modern, and developed", to meet the requirements of training high-quality human resources, contributing to building Vietnam Coast Guard as "Revolutionary, regular, elite, modern" with high professionalism in the new situation.

Senior Colonel, Dr. NGUYEN DUC DO, Political Commissar of the Centre

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