Friday, September 20, 2024, 13:58 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019, 07:07 (GMT+7)
Regiment 148 enhances the effectiveness of legal dissemination and education

The infantry regiment 148 under the Division 316 (Military Region 2) is tasked with combat readiness, training and other ad hoc duties. The regiment is situated in a complicated area with much trouble in political security, social safety and order, religious issues, rural security, and social evils. What’s more, over 50% of its troops are ethnic minorities. This has set out several matters for the regiment to settle. Therefore, the Regiment’s Party committee and Command have agreed on the importance to focus on leading and directing the enhancement of the effectiveness and operation of legal dissemination and education which will contribute to improving the awareness, responsibility of cadres and troops for their observance of State’s laws and Military’s disciplines, building a safe and stable area of operation; pure and strong party organizations, and an all-strong unit for the successful accomplishment of its assigned tasks.

First, the Party committee and Command of the Regiment strengthen their leadership and direction over the legal dissemination and education. After thoroughly grasping the directives, resolutions, and instructions of upper levels on legal dissemination and education, its party committees and cells have issued specialized resolutions and decided solutions for leading the implementation of this work on quarterly and yearly bases with effectiveness and relevance to each object in which designation of task and decentralization are clearly defined, and the commanders are responsible for building and concretizing the resolutions into the contents and plans for legal dissemination and education.  During the implementation, it has always upheld the role of its cadres and party members, especially the presiding ones at all levels; strengthened supervision and review to map out measures for improving the quality, effectiveness of the work so that it becomes a regular and well-maintained routine, hence raising the legal awareness and culture for troops. At the same time, it has promoted the role of functional offices and political cadres in the recommendations of the contents and measures for leading and directing; instructing, checking and assisting the implementation of its units; compiling documents for legal education and troop management. Besides, the roles of the Youth Union, Council of military men and other organizations have also been promoted in the dissemination.

Sr. Col. Nguyen Dong Hung launches an emulation movement in 2019

The legal disseminators and teachers are decisive to the quality and effectiveness of the work. Therefore, the regiment has always paid attention to consolidating, improving the quality of the cadres who are chosen to undertake this task. Accordingly, its party committee and commandants have chosen the right cadres who are knowledgeable in legal field, pedagogically-trained, and exemplary in morality, political ethics and style.  At the same time, it has regularly held training courses for nurturing the quality of these cadres together with holding teaching contests and festivals. In addition, the regiment has regularly renewed its method and model of implementation to make it effective, relevant and highly persuasive. It has also strictly maintained “Legal Day” routine at its units with diverse and suitable models, such as: grasping and briefing the newly released documents relating to defence and military task and troops’ observance of laws and military disciplines; testing the awareness of cadres and soldiers of State’s laws and Military disciplines.

One important thing is that the regiment has attached importance to adhering to the programs and contents of legal dissemination and education. After grasping the aims, requirements and contents of the work, the regiment directs its units and offices to carry out the work in accordance with the plans and instructions of upper levels, and flexibly to suit its specifics and tasks. Legal documents, circulars, decrees, instructions of the Government, Ministry of National Defence, the High Command of the Military Region on military and defence work have been briefed to every cadre and troop. Recently, it has held training courses in anti-family violence, basic contents of the Law on the amendment and supplements to a number of articles of the Penal Code. In addition, it has also clarified some fundamentals of the National Defence Law, Law on Cyber-security, Criminal Procedure Code, Law on Road Traffic, Law on Denunciations, Law on Complaints, and legal documents concerning traffic safety, the prevention of drug and crime, and the management of weapon, equipment and explosive devices in the Military, etc. with high effectiveness. Every quarter, the regiment coordinates with the criminal investigating agencies of the Military Region 2 to hold legal briefing for its cadres and troops about legal contents relating to the life of troops and the incidents happening in its area of operation, etc. thereby contributing to raising the awareness and responsibility and making positive changes in observance of State laws, Military disciplines and the rules of the regiments.

In order to leverage the aggregated strength for improving the legal awareness and sense of self-disciplining for its troops, the regiment has always combined legal dissemination and education with the work of disciplining and paid attention to improving living standards for its troops. Its offices and units strictly adhere to the daily routine, duty and combat readiness regimes. Their training and combat readiness are closely associated with disciplining. Besides, the regiment also strengthens the Determine to Win emulation movement, the Drive “Promoting tradition, dedicating talents, deserving Uncle Ho’s soldier” and the implementation of the Directive 05-CT/TW of the Politburo (XII tenure) on strengthening the studying and following of Ho Chi Minh thought, morality and style, and other campaigns of other organizations and branches to create a healthy cultural environment encouraging the sense of self-disciplining of cadres and troops. Promoting the spirit of “self-criticism, self-correction”, cadres and party members of the regiment has been truly exemplary in complying the rules and disciplines for contacting with civilian people, hence strengthening the relationship with local residents and building a safe and healthy stationing area. In order to make troops enthusiastic and committed to the unit, the regiment regularly pays attention to improving living standards as well as other favourable policies for troops so that a fine military cultural environment is built and troop’s efforts are stimulated.

With the above measures and solutions, the legal dissemination and education has made significant contribution and changes in the sense of compliance of cadres and troops of the regiment, which is an important factor to build absolutely safe units, pure and strong party organizations, and all-strong offices and improve the overall quality, combat strength of the Regiment 148 so that it will always readily receive and successfully complete all assigned tasks.

Colonel Nguyen Dong Hung, Commissar of the Regiment

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