Friday, September 20, 2024, 18:59 (GMT+7)

Friday, February 10, 2023, 09:43 (GMT+7)
Promoting Military Youths’ role in law propagation, education and mobilising people to obey the law at grassroots level

Implementing the project "Promoting the role of the People's Army to participate in law propagation, education and mobilising people to obey the law at grassroots level in the period of 2021 - 2027" according to Decision No. 1371/QD-TTg dated July 30, 2021 of the Prime Minister is the responsibility of agencies, units, cadres and soldiers of the whole Army; among them, the Army Youths are the leading and core force of this process.

Respecting the law, living and working according to the Constitution and the law is the responsibility, obligation and right of all citizens. During the nearly 80-year journey of building, fighting and development, Vietnam People's Army has always asserted that it is an army that comes from the people, fights for the people. The close relationship with the people is the precious tradition, foundation and source of the Army’s strength. Participating in law propagation, education and mobilising the people to obey the law is both an honour and a responsibility of the People's Army, contributing to raising the awareness and sense of law observance for people, cadres, and soldiers; creating motivation and synergy to successfully accomplish economic, cultural, social, defence and security objectives in order to build a socialist Vietnamese rule of law state of the people, by the people and for the people; strengthening the solidarity between the army and people, and decorating the image and qualities of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" in the new period.

Implementing Plan No. 3889/KH-BQP, dated October 1, 2021 of the Ministry of National Defence on the Project "Promoting Military Youths’ role in law propagation, education and mobilising people to obey the law at grassroots level in the 2021 – 2027 period” (referred to as the Project), first of all Phase 1 (2021 - 2024) and in 2022; Instruction No. 610/HD-BCD, dated March 3, 2022 of the Steering Committee of the Ministry of National Defence on the implementation of the Military Project, the Army Youth Committee has actively advised the Head of the General Department of Politics to approve Plan No. 426/KH-TN, dated April 13, 2022 on strengthening law propagation and education for Army youths and promoting the role of Army youths participating in the implementation of the Annual Project in 2022; issued Instruction No. 460/HD-TN, dated April 26, 2022 on the implementation of the Project for the period of 2021 - 2027 in the Army Youth. The Army Youth Committee has also coordinated with the Military Legal Department to train and foster skills of implementing the Project for more than 3,500 union officials and cadres in charge of youth affairs in the whole army by direct and online workshops etc.

On that basis, agencies and units have concretised into their plans and instructions, promptly directed and created conditions for unions, union officials, union members and youths to promote their active and creative roles in the implementation of the Project. Political authorities of the military regions and the Hanoi Capital Command have added the content of the Project’s implementation to the program of coordination with the provincial and municipal unions. Political agencies of units under the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence have selected and directed from 01 to 02 grassroots youth branches to serve as implementation points of the Project; directed 01 grassroots youth branch to coordinate with local youth branches and twinned units to organise law propagation and education activities for the people, cadres and soldiers in the form of theatricalisation or other forms. Many agencies and units in the whole army have held training workshops for union officials, cadres in charge of youth affairs, and youth union members and youths with skills and professional knowledge about law propagation, education, mobilise people to obey the law at the grassroots level. Up to now, 100% of union organisations, cadres, union members and youths of the whole army have been propagated and thoroughly grasped the Project as well as the related documents at all levels. Military unions have coordinated with local unions to sign and implement the coordinative program to implement the Project. With the aim to determine appropriate contents, methods, forms and models, the focus of the implementation process is on assessing the quality of law propagation, education and mobilising people to obey the law; the sense of law observance, the need to study and learn about the law in different groups, especially in those who are pupils, students, youths in key areas, remote areas, ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas. The focus is also on selecting contents that are close to the reality of the unit and locality, such as: newly promulgated documents, laws, and ordinances; documents and regulations directly related to youths and local people; regulations on military and defence, natural disaster prevention and rescue activities, etc. To be more effective, the youth unions have actively applied information technology, brought into full play the advantages of the internet and social networks, applied flexible and creative forms of propagation, such as direct propagation; legal talk; legal advice and guidance; information and legal documents access; through mass media, internal information system, billboards, banners, posters; bookcases, bags of law books, newsletters of agencies, units and residential areas; law exam, forum, talk show, theatricalisation, etc.

A legal contest for youth jointly held by Military Region 2 and

Dien Bien District

To create a highlight, the Military Youth Committee coordinated with the Political Department of Military Region 2 and the Dien Bien Provincial Youth Union to hold the Seminar: "Intimate love between soldiers and people - Strict observance of the law". At the seminar, generals, scientists, leaders and commanders of agencies, units, localities and officials, union members and youths gave enthusiastic opinions to clarify the theoretical basis, practice of the Army's participation in law propagation, education, and mobilising people to obey the law at grassroots level. During this process, the current situation of the implementation is properly assessed to withdraw good experiences, creative ways, and effective solutions to conduct the Project. The Military Youth Committee along with the Political Department of Military Region 2 directed Youth Union of Regiment 82 (Military Region 2) to coordinate with the Dien Bien District Youth Union to hold the contest "Youths and the law"; along with the Political Department of Military Region 9 directed Youth Union of Infantry Regiment 892 (Military Command of An Giang Province) to coordinate with the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Unions of the local schools to hold the contest for young propagandists "Youth with the mission of safeguarding the Fatherland" in the form of theatricalisation to serve as a basis for learning experiences in the whole army. The contests got special attention from the Party committees, authorities, local mass organisations, with the large participation of local people from all walks of life, teachers, students, officials, union members and youths. Legal messages with  profound meaning have been conveyed to the compatriots, cadres and soldiers, such as the Law on Military Service, the Law on Marriage and Family, the Law on Children, the Law on Drug Prevention and Control, the Traffic Law, etc., contributing to raising awareness and sense of self-discipline in obeying the law, especially the State's policies and laws on the task of building the Army, strengthening national defence, and building and safeguarding the Fatherland in the new situation; fighting against acts of violating the law, existing customs and social evils in each agency, unit and locality.

In the coming time, in order to continue to promote the active and creative role of Army cadres, union members and youths in law propagation, education and mobilising people to obey the law at grassroots level, agencies, units and youth unions at all levels need to focus on implementing a number of key solutions as follows:

Firstly, Party committees, commanders, political commissars, politicians and political agencies at all levels continue to pay attention to leading, directing, guiding, orienting and creating favourable conditions for youth unions and cadres, union members and youths to promote their active and creative roles in implementing the Project effectively. This is a very important solution, especially in the current situation. While leading and directing, party committees, commanders, political commissars and politicians at all levels need to identify the focus, key and weak points. At the same time, continue to promote the roles and responsibilities of all levels, branches, organisations and all individuals in their agencies and units; in which, the unions and its officials, union members and youths play a pivotal role, acting as both the direct implementer and the beneficiary of the project's results.

Secondly, regularly concretise directing documents and implementation instructions of superiors with contents and solutions close to the reality of agencies, units and localities to successfully implement the Project. Continue to implement the groups of tasks and solutions of Plan No. 426/KH-TN, dated April 13, 2022 and Instruction No. 460/HD-TN, dated April 26, 2022 of the Military Youth Committee; promote the quality and beautiful image of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" and achievements in the work of law propagation, education and mobilising people to obey the law; synchronously implement the tasks and solutions to implement the Project. At the same time, integrate and closely combine with programs, projects, plans, emulation movements and campaigns of all levels and branches in the locality. Strive for 100% youth unions to effectively build and implement action plans to accomplish the Project; 100% of cadres, union members and young people are thoroughly grasped and disseminated with guiding documents, guidelines, plans and implementation programs; 100% of union officials and staff in charge of youth affairs are trained and fostered on knowledge and skills to perform the tasks; 100% of grassroots youth unions build, consolidate and effectively maintain at least 01 model to implement the Project in the local area where the unit is stationed.

Thirdly, strengthen coordination between youth unions in the unit and the Party committees, authorities, mass organisations and local people, especially with local youth unions and twinned units in the region in mobilising resources and means to implement the Project and select contents and forms of law propagation and education. Contents should focus on newly promulgated documents, laws, and ordinances; documents and regulations directly related to youth, teenagers and local people; documents on military and national defence, disease prevention, natural disaster and rescue; issues of public interest; good example, good deeds in observance of State laws, military discipline, regulations of units and localities, etc. In the process of coordinative implementation, it is necessary to focus on key areas, deep-lying, remote areas, ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas with the target groups are students, youths and teenagers. Regularly learn from experiences, promptly adjust and supplement contents, implementation solutions, discover and replicate good models, creative and effective ways to successfully complete the objectives of the Project, raise awareness and sense of law observance among the people, cadres and soldiers, contributing to the successful implementation of socio-economic development goals, strengthening national defence and security, building and firmly safeguarding the country in the new situation.

Senior Colonel TRAN VIET NANG, Head of the Military Youth Committee

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