Friday, September 20, 2024, 22:29 (GMT+7)

Friday, October 14, 2022, 07:42 (GMT+7)
Naval Region 5 improves the quality of building party member contingents following Uncle Ho’s teachings

Imbued with President Ho Chi Minh's admonition that “The Party strong is because the Party cells are good. The Party cells are good because all Party members are good”, the Naval Region 5’s Party Committee and Command have always paid attention to building and improving the quality of the contingent of Party members through multiple synchronous and practical solutions to contribute to building a pure, strong, and typical Regional Party Committee to fulfil all assigned tasks.

Naval Region 5 has the central task of firmly protecting the sovereignty of seas, islands, and the Southwest continental shelf of the Fatherland. This sea is strategically important in terms of politics, economy, defence, security, and foreign affairs for the Southern region and the whole country. At the same time, it is also a potential place for many destabilising factors. To fulfil the assigned tasks while avoiding conflicts or hot spots in the water under the management, maintain a peaceful and stable environment, protect our economic activities at sea..., the Regional Party Committee and Command have synchronously implemented multiple leadership solutions, among which focusing on improving the quality of the contingent of Party members in line with  Ho Chi Minh's thoughts is a key content to contribute to building a contingent of the Region’s cadres who possess both political integrity and professional competence to fulfil the assigned tasks. Implementing President Ho Chi Minh's admonition that “Every Party member and cadre must be truly imbued with revolutionary ethics and exercise truly industriousness, thrift, honesty, righteousness, and public-spiritedness” to keep our Party pure and “worthy of being the leader and faithful servant of the people”,  the Regional Party Committee and Command have focused on leading and directing the Party committees and organisations at all levels and each cadre and member to well implement the following solutions:

Firstly, to raise awareness and sense of responsibility of the Party commissioners, organisations, and members about the role of Party members and the requirements on improving the quality of the contingent in the new situation.  This is the most important and basic solution that decides the leadership capacity and combat power of the Party grassroots organisations. Therefore, the Regional Party Committee has directed the Party committees and organisations to focus on thorough communication and education to create a strong change in awareness for all organisations and forces to be aware that improving the quality of the contingent of Party members is an important, regular, continuous task and the responsibility of the Party commissioners and members to contribute to strengthening people's confidence in the Party. The contents of education and training of Party members must be comprehensive both in terms of political qualities, revolutionary ethics, and fostering and raising the level of knowledge, capacity, and practical experience; improve the quality of Party member admission as prescribed in the provisions of the Party's Charter, the Central Committee Secretariat’s regulations, and the Central Committee's Organisation Commission’s guidelines; attached importance to quality rather than quantity, resolutely not admitting unqualified and poorly reputable people to the Party; and strictly follow the stages and steps in accordance with procedures and principles and raise vigilance to resolutely prevent bad elements and opportunists from entering the Party. To effectively implement, the Regional Party Committee has required the Party commissioners and presiding cadres at all levels, especially in the Party cells, to promote their roles and responsibilities in leadership and management and promptly take solutions to thoroughly correct improper and incomplete thoughts, perceptions, and actions and low sense of responsibility in this work.

Brigade 127 conducts anti-aircraft training 

Secondly, to regularly renew the contents, forms, and methods of fostering, education, and training of the Party members.  By recognising the position and role of the Party members, especially those at independent units and on vessels, the Regional Party Committee and Command have directed units to focus on fostering and training to improve their capacity of communicating and organising the implementation of the Party’s directives and resolutions and good performance of the duties of the Party members; actively innovate the form and method of communicating and organising the implementation of the political theory learning plans as prescribed, learning and implementation of resolutions, and “self-reflection, self-correction” activities, etc.; well implement  practical activities in association with the units’ tasks, such as combat readiness training, patrols, reconnaissance, management, and solid protection of assigned waters; and implement the drive entitled “Promoting traditions, devoting talents, and being worthy of the title  of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” - Navy Soldiers”,... to challenge and train the cadres and Party members. Along with that, the key cadres, Party committee secretaries, and reputable Party members in the units have been required to regularly adhere, encourage, educate, and persuade all Party members to overcome difficulties and strive to fulfil their tasks; take the example of good people and good deeds in daily activities and advanced examples among the Party members to educate each other; and strictly maintain the Party activities and regimes, especially self-criticism and criticism activities at the cell level. Thereby, the commissioners and presiding cadres (political commissars, junior political commissars, and unit commanders) have firmly grasped the strengths, weaknesses, and results of each Party member's training; pointed out the causes of limitations and shortcomings; and proposed contents of measures to help the Party members promptly overcome limitations and shortcomings.

Thirdly, to uphold the self-discipline, activeness, and initiative in self-fostering and self-training of ethical qualities and lifestyles of the Party cadres and members.  Practice shows that if the Party members uphold their responsibilities, exemplary and pioneering characters, and spirit of self-education and self-training, their units will successfully complete the tasks, and the qualities of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” will be maintained and promoted. Currently, the requirements of the task of building a revolutionary, regular, elite, and modern region are placing very high demands on the quality and capacity of the Party members, especially the dynamism, creativity, dare in thoughts, deeds, and responsibility, at units operating independently or long-term at sea. Therefore, the Regional Party Committee has required each Party member to first determine themselves the right learning and training motivation to wholeheartedly serve the ideal goals of the Party, the Fatherland, and the people. The Party commissioners, presiding cadres, political commissars, and junior political commissars at all levels have been required to strengthen the work of education, orientation, inspection, and supervision of the self-learning and self-training of each Party member and promptly urge and encourage each person to proactively strive to overcome difficulties, learn, train, improve their capacity qualities, and perfect their personalities. For the Party members to have a favourable environment, the Regional Party Committee has directed units to take care of their material and spiritual life and create the best conditions for each Party member to learn and train themselves and promote their full potentials in performing tasks. At the same time, each Party member has been required to determine the plan, content, form, and method of self-learning and self-training under the assigned functions and tasks and actual situation of the units. It is also required that, in any conditions and circumstances, each Party member must be exemplary in training; strive to perform their duties and tasks; deal well the relationships at work and in life; strictly observe the Party disciplines, State laws, and regulations of the units; and resolutely fight against the individualism.

Fourthly, to resolutely fight to prevent and repel the deterioration of political thoughts, ethics, and lifestyle and manifestations of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” among the Party members.  The Regional Party Committee has directed the Party committees and organisations to thoroughly and strictly implement resolutions on the Party building and rectification, particularly Conclusion No.21-KL/TW issued on October 25th, 2021 by the Central Party Committee (the 13th Tenure) on promoting the building and rectification of the Party and the political system to resolutely prevent, repel, and strictly handle cadres and Party members who deteriorate in political thoughts, ethics and lifestyle and manifestations of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” and Regulation No.37-QĐ/TW on the Party members’ prohibited behaviors. At the same time, learning and following Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, ethics, and style has been associated with the implementation of Resolution No.847-NQ/QUTW issued on December 28th, 2021 by the Central Military Party Commission on promoting the qualities of “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers” and resolutely fighting against individualism in the new situation. Each Party member has been required to thoroughly grasp and properly identify the deterioration of political thoughts, ethics, and lifestyle, internal “self-evolution”, and “self-transformation”  to resolutely fight against all manifestations of violations; promote self-criticism and criticism in the Party activities and at work; closely combine the struggle to overcome the deterioration of political thoughts, ethics, and lifestyle and manifestations of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” with the struggle to prevent and combat conspiracies and tricks of “peaceful evolution” of hostile forces in the field of thoughts to contribute to maintaining the ideological battleground of the Party in the Unit.

Finally, to strengthen the inspection and supervision work.  This is a top priority task to create a foundation for fostering and training revolutionary ethical qualities for Party members.  Engraving the teachings of President Ho Chi Minh that “A people, a party, and every human being who was great and great appeal are not certainly still loved and praised by everyone today and tomorrow if the heart is not pure anymore and it falls into individualism”,  the Regional Party Committee has strengthened the inspection, supervision, guidance, and direction of the Party committees, Party cells, and Party Inspection Councils in the performance of inspection and supervision tasks. Accordingly, the Regional Party Committee has directed the close coordination between the Party Inspection Council and the subordinate Party committees and cells and regularly adjusted and supplemented the regular and thematic inspection and supervision plans. The Party Inspection Council has paid attention to inspecting the subordinate Party organisations and Party members when there are signs of violations and focused on inspecting the key contents, the Navy’s criteria for learning and following Uncle Ho to which each cadre and Party member of the Region is committed to strive and implement. Thereby, it has allowed the Party committees and cells to consider, evaluate, analyse, and conclude accurately about the qualifications and capabilities of Party members; take measures to educate and contribute to proactively preventing violations and alerting, warning, and deterring all Party members; and prevent and limit violations of Party discipline to clean up the Party; resolutely handle the Party members who have deteriorated in political thoughts, ethics, and lifestyle and violated the Party Charter, laws of the State, military orders, and unit regulations.

Improving the quality of the contingent of Party members in the Military in general and in Naval Region 5 in particular following Ho Chi Minh's thoughts is one of the important contents of the Party building work to build a contingent of cadres and Party members who have stable political bravery, belief in the leadership of the Party, absolute loyalty, dedication, creativity, ethical qualities, pure lifestyle, high sense of discipline, and willingness to accept sacrifices to protect the sovereignty of the sea and sacred islands of the Fatherland. This is a solid foundation to contribute to building a pure, strong, and typical Regional Party Committee and a comprehensively strong, “exemplary and typical” Unit to fulfil the assigned tasks.

Rear Admiral NGUYEN DANG TIEN, Political  Commissar of Naval Region 5

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