Friday, September 20, 2024, 12:50 (GMT+7)

Friday, April 28, 2023, 07:46 (GMT+7)
Military Hospital No.7 consolidates staffing and improves the quality of medical treatment

Thoroughly grasping and implementing Resolution No. 230-NQ/QUTW, dated April 2, 2022 of the Central Military Commission on leadership and implementation of the Military organisation for the 2021 - 2030 period and the following years, the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of Military Hospital No.7 have focused on leading and directing the implementation of many solutions in adjusting its force structure, aiming to improve the quality of medical examination and treatment, meeting the requirements of tasks in the new situation.

Military Hospital No.7, under the Logistics Department of Military Region 3, is responsible for receiving, providing first aid and on-site treatment, and mobile health examination and treatment for soldiers and people in the area of operation of Military Region 3; deploying forces to work in the Spratly islands and islands in the Northeastern region. In order to successfully accomplish its tasks, over the years, the Hospital has always attached great importance to professional work associated with the building of an all-strong, "exemplary and typical" unit and implementing directives and resolutions of all levels on studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style. 

It is expected that in the upcoming time, there will be an increasing demand for medical examination and treatment, hence the hospital is facing new requirements and tasks. Meanwhile, it is under huge impact because of the unequal level and inadequacy of its staff; the lack of high-tech equipment and fluctuating prices of medical supplies; the complicated situation of diseases, environmental pollution and climate change. In order to well implement the superior's policy on force adjustment and improving the quality of medical examination and treatment, the Hospital's Party Committee and Board of Directors focus on 3 breakthroughs, namely: organisational restructuring; medical treatment; and administrative reform and regularity construction.

To realise these breakthroughs, first of all, the Hospital strengthens the leadership and direction of the Party committees and commanders at all levels in implementation. As a pilot unit in organisational restructuring for other military hospitals to follow, the Hospital's Party Committee has thoroughly grasped and briefed the resolutions and plans of the Politburo, the Central Military Commission, and the Ministry of National Defence, Resolution No. 266-NQ/DUQK, dated May 12, 2022 of MR3’s Party Committee on adjusting the organisation and staffing, then promptly issued a resolution on leading the restructuring of the hospital in accordance with the new payroll. In implementation, it fully briefs the resolutions and plans of all levels on this work, especially the instruction of the Logistics Department on the organisation and staffing of the hospital unit for all of its staff; thoroughly conducts political and ideological education together with policy settlement; regularly strengthens Party committees, party organisations and mass organisations at all levels during the merge and acquisition of  its subordinates; maintains the ideological stability of its officers and soldiers; promotes the pioneering role of members of Youth Union and associations in performing their duties. At the same time, it issues thematic resolutions to lead the performance of professional tasks which are relevant to the new structure; proposes suitable measures for task performance; assigns and empowers the right cadres in accordance with their responsibilities and capability to maintain solidarity and internal unity; promotes scientific research; develops and applies new and specialised techniques in treatment.

Leader of the Hospital inspects the care and treatment of patient

Adhering to the goals and targets set out in the resolutions, and the direction and guidance of superiors, the Hospital strengthens the management of its restructuring process; directs its agencies and units to promote democracy in discussing solutions to build a new payroll, plan and roadmap for implementation. In order to make it easy for force adjustments, the Party committees and commanders at all levels promote propaganda on this issue beforehand. Accordingly, focus is  placed on the necessity of Military restructuring in general and that of the hospital in particular for improving the strength of the units, which is in line with the Party's military and defence line and the roadmap for building the Military elite, compact, strong, and modern. At the same time, the structure, functions and tasks of each department, responsibilities and duties of each position, especially the quality, capacity and circumstances of each officer and employee are carefully studied and grasped to make appropriate adjustments together with good implementation of policy work, etc. This helps build a unanimity, high determination, firm political courage, the willingness to accept and complete all tasks well for its staff.

To realise the goal of building an "elite, compact, strong" unit, the Hospital focuses on combining organisational restructuring with capacity building for its personnel in accordance with the new structure to ensure professional quality improvement. Firmly grasping its functions and tasks, the Hospital strictly implements the process and regulations on organisation and staff in accordance with the project on staff development; priority is given to professional staff conducting medical examination and treatment; the service sectors are seasonably balanced; highly capable cadres are promoted to hold key positions. At the same time, it builds and perfects the system of regulations on operation, management, policies and regimes in line with the new structure, especially the method of commanding, leading, directing and coordinating in professional operation between agencies, units and branches; implements decentralisation and assigns specific tasks to each organisation and individual after adjustment to ensure no delay in professional work occurs during the restructuring process. In order to improve the quality of medical examination and treatment, the Hospital strengthens training and professional development for newly appointed officers and employees; briefing of new working regulations and culture, especially the code of conduct with patients and local people; makes plans to consolidate and develop professional expertise for its insufficient staff. 

In addition, the Hospital attaches importance to building regularity in professional operation and technical development to effectively exploit the available facilities. First of all, it strictly maintains the regimes of command duty, daily duty, particularly professional duty; regularly conducts mobile military medical team exercises; promptly handles emergent cases with serious patients to prevent medical incidents; ready to support forces for military medical bases in response to disasters, fires and diseases; maintains strictly 44 hospital regimes and regulations of medical sector; attentively conducts the stages of medical process, especially in receiving, examining and treating soldiers, wounded and sick soldiers; improves working methods and styles.

The hospital promotes planning for using, upgrading, repairing the available facilities after merger together with supplementing and making the most of modern ones. Besides, it promotes scientific research, technical innovation initiatives, technology transfer; compiles training and professional documents and materials; collects, processes and issues advanced medical information for its officials and employees. In particular, it has built and effectively exploited the intelligent medical management network, which stores patient information and exchanges medical examination data; coordinates with medical facilities in the area for machinery and equipment support for intensive examination and treatment, during peak times, etc., which saves much time, labour, and budget; and constantly improves the quality of medical examination and treatment, meeting its requirements and tasks in the new situation.

Senior Colonel, Dr. DANG VU HAI, Director of the Hospital


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