Friday, September 20, 2024, 14:06 (GMT+7)

Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 15:11 (GMT+7)
Implementation of CMC’s Resolution No. 230 at Tank and Armoured Corps

Thoroughly grasping and effectively implementing Resolution No. 230-NQ/QUTW, dated April 2nd, 2022 of the Central Military Commission leading the organisation of the Vietnam People's Army in the period of 2021 - 2030 and the following years, the Party Committee and Command of the Tank and Armoured Corps determine that this is an important and breakthrough task that requires focused leadership and implementation with many drastic and synchronous solutions, with appropriate roadmaps and steps, aiming to make it a "smart, compact, and strong" Corps.

The Tank and Armoured Corps is the main assault force of our Army, with an important position and role in large-scale combined military operations. Its units are stationed across the country, in places with important strategic positions in terms of politics, economics, defence, security and diplomacy. Fully aware of its position and tasks and promoting the tradition of "Victory after every deployment", over the past years, the Party Committee and Command of the Corps have always deeply grasped the resolutions and directives of the Party, the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence to deploy all aspects of work and successfully complete all assigned tasks. In particular, successfully implementing the "Year of force adjustment in 2023", and building a "lean, compact and strong" Corps according to Resolution No. 230 of the Central Military Commission are led and directed with high unity in awareness, ideology, determination by the Corps’ Party Committee and its subordinates.

In the first place, the Corps conducts briefing thoroughly to create consensus and unity on awareness and implementation for all levels, branches, officers, and soldiers. Accordingly, party committees and organisations, agencies and units require their troops to study and deeply grasp the resolutions, directives and plans of the Party, the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defence and the Corps on Organisation of the Vietnam People's Army, organisation of the Corps for the period of 2021 - 2030 and beyond. The briefing and education are carried out in a strict, synchronous and top-down manner through many forms, across party committees, organisations, agencies and units, thereby, making its officers and soldiers all realise that organisational adjustment is an inevitable, objective, and urgent trend in order to meet requirements and tasks, successfully achieve the goal of building a modern Army and ensuring that the Corps becomes increasingly strong, highly mobile, and ready to accept and successfully complete all tasks in the new situation.

The hand-over ceremony of the 202nd tank and armoured brigade from 1st Army Corps to the Tank and Armoured Corps

Second, the Corps’ Party Committee and its subordinates strengthen leadership and implement the resolution synchronously, closely, scientifically, decisively and effectively. On the basis of Resolution No. 230-NQ/QUTW of the Central Military Commission and Plan No. 1228/KH-QP of the Ministry of National Defence on implementing Resolution No. 230-NQ/QUTW, dated July 19, 2022, the Corps’ Party Committee issued Resolution No. 12-NQ/DU and the Corps’ Command issued Plan No. 550/KH-BC, dated August 29, 2022 on implementing the Resolution of the Corps’ Party Committee on the organisation of the Tank and Armoured Corps in the 2021 - 2030 period and beyond. Party Committees and commanders of agencies and units develop thematic leadership resolutions on the tasks of force adjustment. The action plan and programmes are made in a strict, synchronous, and scientific manner, consistent with its features, functions, tasks, and the guidance of higher echelons. The Corps requires its agencies and units that when they adjust their organisation and forces, they must adjust their force disposition and promptly adjust their combat determination (plan) accordingly to meet the task of combat readiness. During implementation, force adjustment must be done under the centralised and unified leadership of party committees at all levels. All arrangements and adjustments must be democratically discussed. To date, the structure of the Corps has basically been streamlined in accordance with the intention of the Ministry of National Defence, while the balance between agencies and units,  its overall quality and combat strength are still maintained.

Third, synchronously conducting political and ideological work with policy and cadre work. Force adjustment is a very important, complex, and sensitive task, involving many levels, branches, and units, and has a direct impact on the sentiment of officers, soldiers, and the level of combat readiness and combat power of the units. Therefore, to make it effective, each agency and unit must conduct well the stages and steps of ideological work, especially for the forces being adjusted; strengthen management work, focusing on grasping the evolutions in thought, family circumstances, health and relationships of soldiers; proactively anticipate, orient, and settle ideological issues. When detecting new ideological issues or complicated and sensitive cases, party committees and commanders at all levels are required to have close direction to handle flexibly and effectively according to the procedures of ideological management for the stability of the unit.

The Corps requires its agencies and units to closely combine ideological work with policy and cadre work in each stage and step of the process of force adjustment. In particular, party committees and organisations at all levels must comply and strictly implement principles, processes, and regulations in personnel work; resolutely handle all violations of the stages and steps in the process; maintain the stability in staff, avoid disturbances in implementing force adjustments, especially for units being handed over status quo. At the same time, it strengthens internal political security and thoroughly implements policy work for troops’ families in compliance with regulations. Furthermore, it regularly informs and orients its officers and soldiers on new and sensitive issues; proactively fights against wrong, hostile views, malicious information to prevent "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" internally, contributing to firmly protecting the Party's ideological battlefield in the Corps. All these measures have helped nurture its officers and soldiers strong political steadfastness, strong sense of self-discipline, strong will and determination, commitment to their work and their agency and unit, overcome difficulties, and successfully complete all assigned tasks.

Fourth, focusing on training, combat readiness and regularity building, discipline observance to create strong will in implementing the Resolution. The Corps directs its party committees and commanders at all levels to continue to strictly observe Resolution No. 1659-NQ/QUTW, dated December 20th, 2022 of the Central Military Commission, Resolution No. 17-NQ/DU, March 30th, 2023 of the Corps’ Party Committee on improving the quality of training in the period between 2023 and 2030, and the following years. Its units have closely followed functions, tasks and practical situations; actively innovate programmes, content, methods as well as direction and management of training to ensure high feasibility. In particular, they focus on key contents, key points, new issues, weak points, and weak areas; stick to the training motto of "basic, practical, solid"; attach importance to synchronous and intensive training, real-like training given the possibility of the high-tech warfare conducted by the enemy and the unit's existing staffing and equipment. Moreover, it enhances night training, practice, force mobility training, and exercises at all levels, in order to successfully complete combat missions on all scales, in all situations, and proactively respond and handle non-traditional security threats. In addition, it focuses on live-firing drills, round drills, resistance drills, joint-force drills, etc.; promptly adjust and supplement combat plans; enhance command and control capacity for officers, commanders and agencies at all levels.

Last but not least, the Corps directs its agencies and units to strengthen the management of soldiers, and make strong changes in regularity building and disciplining. It resolutely prevents serious breaches of discipline which affect fighting strength and the traditions and qualities of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers"; exercises strictly management of the number of troops, weapons and equipment, military equipment, barracks, and defence land of agencies and units which are subject to merger and acquisition; promotes the Determined to win Emulation movement; innovates methods of logistical and technical supply, improve mobility,... creates synergy to meet the requirements and tasks of improving the quality of training, combat readiness in case of an incident.

Thoroughly grasping and strictly implementing Resolution No. 230-NQ/QUTW of the Central Military Commission is a political task and responsibility of party committees and commanders at all levels in the Tank and Armoured Corps to make it a "smart, compact, and strong" one, meeting the requirements and tasks of protecting the Fatherland in the new situation.

Major General NGUYEN DUC DINH, Political Commissar of the Corps


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