Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:38 (GMT+7)

Thursday, February 23, 2023, 09:58 (GMT+7)
Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Guard Command focuses on building the “Four Goods” Party cells

Immersed in Uncle Ho's teachings, “The Party cells are the root of the Party among the masses. If the Party cells are good, all the Party's policies are well implemented, and all work is continuously improved. On the contrary, if the Party cells are bad, the work will not go smoothly”, the Party Committee of Unit 969 and Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Guard Command have established synchronous guidelines and solutions to build up the “Four Goods” Party cells, contributing to leading the Party Committee and the Unit to successfully complete special political tasks.

Assigned by the Party, State, Central Military Commission, and the Ministry of National Defence to perform special political tasks, the Party Committee of Unit 969 and the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Guard Command have always determined: building the "Four Goods" Party cells according to the teachings of President Ho Chi Minh is the most important and decisive factor to ensure the successful completion of all assigned tasks. Consistent with this policy, the Party Committee of Unit 969 and Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Guard Command have proposed several solutions to effectively lead and direct the implementation, contributing to the excellent completion of the task: “absolutely safeguard the body of President Ho Chi Minh in long-term and promote the political and cultural significance of President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum”.

Engraved with Uncle Ho's advice: "If the Party cells are good, everything will be good", the Party Committee of Unit 969 has directed all levels of Party committees and Party cells to regularly and actively focus on improving leadership capacity, combat strength, considering this to be the most important content and solution in building the "Four Goods" Party cells and leading the building of a comprehensively strong, "exemplary and typical" unit. Over the years, the Party Committee of Unit 969 has directed all of its Party committees and organisations at all levels to thoroughly grasp the Party's guidelines and policies, the laws of the State, the Central Military Commission and the superior Party committees at all levels, as well as to firmly grasp the functions, tasks and characteristics of agencies and units to concretise, formulate resolutions, policies and leading measures in a timely, close, correct and highly feasible manner. The Party Committee of Unit 969 has directed its junior Party cells to strictly implement the principle of democratic centralism, uphold the spirit of criticism and self-criticism, and point out the limitations and shortcomings of the Party cells, Party cells’ committees and Party members; resolutely fight against sectarianism, patriarchy, bureaucracy, corruption, wastefulness and other negatives. As a result, 100% of Unit 969’s Party cells are constantly united and highly unified; strictly observe the principles of party activities and party discipline; all the cadres and party members have solid political spirit and absolute loyalty; dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility with dynamism, creativity, independence, self-reliance and always be determined to excellently complete their assigned tasks.

In order to continuously improve the quality and efficiency in building the "Four Goods" Party cells, Unit 969’s Party Committee has always attached great importance to maintaining Party regulations and the quality of Party meetings. Unit 969’s Party Committee has directed the Party cells to strictly observe the Party regulations according to the provisions of the Party's Charter, the Central Military Commission and Unit 969’s Party Committee with the focus on implementing effectively the Thematic Resolution of Unit 969’s Party Committee on “Improving the quality of meetings at grassroots Party committees and Party cells”. In addition, Unit 969’s Party Committee has requested the Party cells to not only follow full processes and contents of the Party meetings but also promote leadership, education and competition. The contents of the meetings must be focused closely on the topic of the meetings. Particularly, in the Party meetings to approve leadership resolutions and thematic meetings, the contents must be discussed and approved by the Party cells’ committees; the contents, time and location of these meetings must be informed to party members in advance. The conducted meetings must follow full processes and content and the scheduled time. During the meetings, it is important to strengthen democracy and encourage all Party members to participate in expressing their opinions; promote criticism and self-criticism; uphold the comradeship. Furthermore, the Party cells’ committees must be active in renewing the contents and forms of the meetings in order to create interesting and open forums for cadres and party members to express their opinions, thoughts and aspirations contributing to building the Party cells and units. Party cells’ committees (secretaries, deputy secretaries of the Party cells) should promptly grasp the thoughts and aspirations of cadres and party members as well as the domestic and international situations in order to orient cadres’ thoughts while confronting new problems, negatives and the complexity of the real situations. As a result, the boredom and monotony has been avoided, the positivity of party members has been promoted, thus contributing to improving the quality of the Party cell's meetings.

Immersed in the teachings of President Ho Chi Minh: "Cadres are the root of all work", "Every success or failure is due to good or bad cadres", Unit 969’s Party Committee has directed the Party cells and committees at all levels to pay special attention to the management and training of Party members. To be effective, the Party cells’ committees (secretaries, deputy secretaries of the Party cells) have regularly and firmly managed the quantity and quality of cadres and party members in the Party cells with the focus on managing awareness, political ideology, the observance of the political platforms, the Charter, directives, resolutions and regulations of the Party; policies and laws of the State, the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defence and the unit. Party committees and cells at all levels have paid special attention to the management of moral qualities, lifestyle, sense of responsibility, sense of discipline, relationships, conditions, family circumstances, etc., through the activities, study and practical work of each party member. While training party members, Unit 969’s Party Committee, based on the superior direction and guidance, has directed the Party cells to focus on well implementing the contents of the Party member’s five exemplary criteria including: political thought; moral qualities, lifestyle; the sense of discipline; performance of duties and responsibilities; working methods and styles. Along with that, in the meetings of the Party cells, self-criticism and criticism have been maintained seriously, promptly reminded Party members to strictly abide by the Party's charter, resolutions, regulations and tasks of Party members according to the spirit of the Resolution of the 4th Central Committee (13th tenure) on building and consolidating the Party in association with studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style. Party members with good performance in building the units and cells have been promptly encouraged and rewarded.

Being well aware that building up solidarity and unity in the Party is extremely important which is both a long-term and urgent task, Unit 969’s Party Committee regularly attaches importance to strengthening democracy, solidarity and discipline. Engraved with Uncle Ho's words "Comrades from the Central Committee to the Party cells must protect the solidarity and consensus of the Party like protecting their eyes", the Party committees and cells always strictly adhere to the principle of democracy; the relationships between the party committees, the commanders, and the party secretaries; promote responsibilities of cadres and party members in building up and implementing the resolutions. In order to ensure a high level of unity and solidarity, the Party cells have paid special attention to building unity and solidarity among the Party committees and commanders; Party secretaries, deputy secretaries and presiding officers are always supposed to be exemplary in strengthening solidarity, comradeship and mutual support among Party members and groups. Moreover, the Unit has maintained strict observance of Party discipline, State law, Army discipline, unit's regulations with the focus on the directives of the Ministry of National Defence and Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Guard Command on the management and education of discipline observance, preventing law violations and serious disciplinary violations in agencies and units; requiring party members to perform the duties of party members and citizens in the locality, etc., ensuring that there are no serious disciplinary violations and the cadres and party members are not degraded in political ideology, morality with "self-evolving" and "self-transformation" lifestyle.

With synchronous, practical and specific solutions in building the "Four Goods" Party cells according to Ho Chi Minh's thought, Unit 969’s Party Committee has always been strong in politics, ideology, morality, organisation and personnel. It has also been successful in leading the construction of a typical and exemplary unit in terms of military regulations and rituals; has successfully completed the special political task of absolutely safeguarding the body of President Ho Chi Minh in long-term. This is an important premise and basis for building Unit 969’s Party Committee to become a typical Party committee in the Military Party Committee and to successfully accomplish special political tasks in the new period.

Major General DINH QUOC HUNG, Secretary of Unit 969’s Party Committee, Political Commissar of Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Guard Command

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