Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:28 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 15:03 (GMT+7)
General Department of Defence Industry promotes "Gratitude" activities in the new situation

Immersed in the national tradition and ethics of "Drinking water, remember the source", the General Department of Defence Industry has always cared about leading and directing the implementation of the "Gratitude" activities with several practical and effective methods which contribute to improving the material and spiritual life of policy beneficiaries and revolution contributors, and strengthening the "People’s hearts and minds posture".

Caring for and improving the material and spiritual life of war invalids, sick soldiers, families of military men and martyrs is the consistent policy and viewpoint of our Party and State. It is also the tradition and morality of the nation. In addition, these activities are the obligation, responsibility and honour of all levels, branches, social organisations and people of both present and future generations. Imbued with that view, over the years, the General Department of Defence Industry has always paid attention to leading and directing the organisations to well implement policy work; in which, "Gratitude" activities have been comprehensively implemented with deep humanistic meanings, creating a strong spillover effect, attracting many officials, employees, and people to actively and voluntarily participate. As a result, the living standards of policy beneficiaries and revolution contributors have been improved significantly.

Based on thorough grasping of the Party's directives and resolutions, the Government's decrees, guidelines on policy work and "Gratitude" activities, especially the Ordinance on Incentives for revolution contributors, Ordinance on State honorary "Vietnamese Heroic Mothers"; policies towards people who are injured or sacrificed while performing national defence and security duties, etc., agencies and units of the General Department have realised the "Gratitude" activities in various dynamic and effective forms which are suitable to the nature of its work. In spite of the difficulties such as stationing in remote areas from the North to the South, the "Gratitude" activities of the General Department have always been appreciated and implemented with affection, respect and fruitful meanings. Especially, along with implementing the joint programs of the Ministry of National Defence, the General Department and its affiliated units have always proactively and closely coordinated with the Party committees, local authorities and related agencies to participate responsibly and effectively in "Gratitude" activities, creating meaningful movements and positive social actions.

In 5 years (2018 - 2023), cadres, professional officers, soldiers, workers, and employees of the General Department have voluntarily contributed to the "Gratitude" Fund with more than 20.3 billion VND. In addition, the units have actively participated in directly supporting the "Gratitude" Fund in the localities with more than 03 billion VND. From the above fund, agencies and units have developed plans to use them openly, transparently, scientifically and practically. In which, deducting more than VND 07 billion to support the construction and repair of 106 "Houses of Gratitude", "Houses of Comrades", "Houses of Trade Union and Friendship" (including 86 newly built houses); donated 172 savings books with an amount of over 1.3 billion VND to families in need. On holidays, Tet and traditional days, the General Department and units have visited and given gifts to policy beneficiaries and families in difficult circumstances with an amount of nearly 5 billion VND. Along with that, units and factories of the General Department have well promoted the military medical system, closely coordinated with localities to conduct medical examination and treatment, and provide free medicine for thousands of people, contributing to improving the quality of health for policy beneficiaries and people, especially those in remote and isolated areas; participated in supporting the localities in repairing and embellishment of martyrs cemeteries with the amount of over 2.4 billion VND.

Chief of the General Department presents House of Gratitude in Thai Nguyen province

One of the humanistic activities that is closely and effectively carried out by agencies and units in the General Department is to take lifelong care of 89 heroic Vietnamese mothers (currently 07 mothers are still alive); take care of the younger generations, especially the children of policy families. Enterprises of the General Department have supported 97 children who are children of war invalids and martyrs to study at universities, colleges, professional and vocational schools. After graduating from school, they were recruited to work at the General Department’s enterprises. In particular, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2022), the General Department organised meaningful activities, such as launching the Peak Emulation Movement with the theme: "Drinking water, remember the source, gratitude to revolution contributors"; paying visits of gratitude to martyrs' cemeteries; giving gifts to war invalids, sick soldiers, families of martyrs who are working at agencies and units under the General Department, etc.

In the coming time, in order to spread and develop "Gratitude" activities, the General Department has determined to focus on performing the following contents:

Firstly, continue to raise the awareness and responsibilities of the Party committees, commanders, mass organisations, officials, party members and employees about the "Gratitude" activities in the new situation. In order to well implement this important content, along with inheriting and promoting the results and experiences gained in education and propaganda over the past time, the General Department continues to thoroughly grasp and strictly implement the resolutions and directives of the Party, the State, the Central Military Commission, and the Ministry of National Defence on regimes and policies for policy beneficiaries, revolution contributors and the work of "gratitude". The focus is on Decree No. 131/2021/ND-CP, dated December 30, 2021 of the Government detailing and carrying out measures to implement the Ordinance on Incentives for revolution contributors; Directive No. 169-CT/QUTW, dated December 29, 2020 of the Central Military Commission's Standing Committee on strengthening leadership and direction of policy work for the Army’ soldiers and their families in the 2021-2025 period. Along with that, agencies and units regularly innovate and improve the effectiveness of propaganda and education so that cadres, employees, soldiers and workers are always proud of the glorious tradition of the nation and the Army; appreciate the heroic sacrifices, and great contributions of heroic martyrs, war invalids, sick soldiers and revolution contributors in the cause of national liberation, construction and protection. Since then, arousing patriotism and gratitude to his father's generations, contributing to fostering revolutionary ideals, promoting the spirit of learning, improving the qualifications of youth in order to build up and develop strong defence industry. At the same time, raise awareness, consciousness, spirit of solidarity, mutual affection, mutual love; voluntarily and actively participate in the "gratitude" activities throughout the General Department.

Secondly, strengthen the leadership and direction of the Party committees and commanders at all levels while  implementing "Gratitude" activities. "Gratitude" is an activity that shows the good nature of the socialist regime; is the tradition and morality of the Vietnamese nation, with profound social and human meaning. However, this is also an issue that greatly affects the thoughts, feelings and beliefs of policy beneficiaries towards the Party, the State and the Army. Therefore, agencies and units must determine policies and measures to lead and direct closely; develop plans to carry out "Gratitude" activities scientifically, practically and effectively. Resolutely prevent show-off and formalism or resentment among the people. At the same time, regularly foster and train to improve the professional qualifications, methods and manners of respecting the people and being close to the people of the contingent of cadres and staff engaged in policy work at all levels. Effectively manage and use the "Gratitude" fund and the allocated budget sources in accordance with the prescribed standards and regimes without wasting or misusing. Along with that, closely combine the "Gratitude" activities with campaigns and emulation movements, especially the Movement "All people take care of war invalids, martyrs' families and revolution contributors"; The campaign to Promote tradition, dedicate talents, worthy of the title of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" in the new period; promote learning and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style. Strengthen inspection of the implementation of regimes and policies of agencies and units; promptly encourage and replicate good examples, praise and reward typical collectives and individuals who have made remarkable contributions in "Gratitude" activities.

Thirdly, flexibly and creatively apply the content, methods and forms of conducting "Gratitude" activities. Currently, "Gratitude" activities have become regular activities of agencies, units and localities, including the General Department of Defence Industry. However, in order for this activity to be effective and meaningful, to create a far-reaching effect, the General Department needs to keep a close eye on the actual situation, especially in terms of life, thoughts and feelings, etc., of the beneficiaries to implement good models, creative and effective ways of doing things, suitable to the specific nature and tasks of the Branch. However, no matter what scale or level; whether material or spiritual, these activities must be closely organised with sincere feelings, gratitude and appreciation for the contributions and sacrifices of the previous generation. Continue to closely coordinate with the Party Committees and local authorities to take care of and ensure better living conditions for policy families and revolution contributors, especially in areas with difficulties, policy families in remote areas and revolutionary bases, etc. The best gratitude to the heroic martyrs, war invalids, sick soldiers and revolution contributors is to contribute to the country's faster and more sustainable development. Therefore, all levels of Party committees and organisations continue to thoroughly grasp and well implement the directives and resolutions on Party building and rectification; take care of building clean and strong party committees and organisation, improve leadership capacity, combat strength, and lead agencies and units to successfully complete all assigned tasks. On that basis, the units continue to innovate, improve production and business efficiency, create an important basis for material conditions, support funding to build "Houses of Gratitude", " Houses of Comrades"; donate production tools, seeds, capital, savings books, etc., to policy beneficiaries and revolution contributors who are living under difficult circumstances in the locality; support the repair and embellishment of works of martyrs, families of injured or sacrificed people in the performance of military and defence duties, etc. Actively review and promptly detect problems and inadequacies to adjust and improve the efficiency of "Gratitude" activities.

Thanks to the high political responsibility of Party committees, commanders at all levels, cadres, employees, soldiers, workers, the "Gratitude" activities of the General Department of Defence Industry will continue to be promoted in order to ensure better care for the lives of policy beneficiaries and revolution contributors, contributing to building political and spiritual potentials in the cause of national construction and protection.

Lieutenant General NGUYEN MANH HUNG, Political Commissar of the General Department

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