Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:26 (GMT+7)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:04 (GMT+7)
Following Uncle Ho’s teachings, the armed forces of Phu Tho province step up the Determined to Win Emulation Movement

Being imbued with Uncle Ho’s teachings: “Emulation is patriotic, those that are patriotic must emulate. And those who emulate are the most patriotic”, the provincial armed forces of Phu Tho have been enhancing the Determined to Win Emulation Movement via creative, practical measures, thereby obtaining significant results.

As an objective requirement, a critical measure, and a consistent line, determined to win emulation under President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings has been put at the forefront of leadership and direction of the Provincial Military Party Committee and Command of Phu Tho to successfully fulfil all assigned tasks. In fact, party committees and commands within the provincial armed forces have comprehensively carried out that line under higher echelons’ resolutions, directives, and guidance on emulation – commendation work and the Determined to Win Emulation Movement. Adhering to their assigned political tasks, they have formulated guidelines and measures of leadership and direction as well as plans on both regular and irregular emulation. The content of emulation has been centred on performing difficult, complex tasks and settling weaknesses. In the process, offices and units have attached importance to renewing the content, forms, and methods of emulation, raising the awareness and responsibility of forces and organisations, particularly all-level party committee members and commanders, promoting the vanguard role of mass organisations, and conducting preliminary and final reviews to draw lessons and multiply “good people, good deed” examples. As a result, the Determined to Win Emulation Movement has developed extensively and become an incentive for cadres and soldiers to overcome difficulties, successfully fulfil military-defence tasks, and build strong defensive zones as a favourable condition for fostering the province’s socio-economic development and making the ancestral land increasingly wealthy and strong.

Commitments to realising targets of emulation written by offices and units of the provincial armed forces during the launch of combat training season of 2024

To achieve those good results, first of all, the Provincial Military Party Committee (PMPC) and the Provincial Military Command (PMC) have stepped up propagation and education to raise cadres and soldiers’ awareness of emulation – commendation work and the Determined to Win Emulation Movement, stimulate the synergy, and achieve a consensus among cadres and soldiers about Uncle Ho’s teachings: “emulation should be extensively developed to encourage every person and sector to emulate”. While being imbued with Uncle Ho’s teachings, offices and units have frequently grasped the Party’s guidelines, the State’s law and policies, and higher echelons’ resolutions, directives, and guidance on emulation – commendation work and the Determined to Win Emulation Movement, particularly the Central Military Commission Standing Board’s Directive 507-CT/QUTW dated 28 July 2014 on “continuing to renew emulation – commendation work within the Vietnam People’s Army”, Circular 118/2023/TT-BQP dated 22 December 2023 regulating and guiding emulation – commendation work within the Army by the Ministry of National Defence, and other documents on this work by Military Region 2 and the Provincial People’s Committee. Offices and units have proactively included propagation and education for groups of troops in collective meetings, the launch of emulation, and the celebration of traditional days, while bringing into play their internal radio, panel, and photo board systems to propagate typical examples. Consequently, cadres and soldiers have been fully aware of the role of emulation – commendation work and the Determined to Win Emulation Movement, proactively surmounted difficulties, and heightened a sense of responsibility to realise the content and targets of emulation.

Being imbued with Uncle Ho’s teachings: “emulation must be placed under sound leadership”, the PMPC and PMC have strengthened leadership and direction of all-level party committees, commissars, commands, and political agencies. This solution plays a decisive role in the quality, effectiveness, and sustainable development of the Determined to Win Emulation Movement. Offices and units within the provincial armed forces have continued to adhere to and integrate the theme, content, and targets of the Determined to Win Emulation Movement launched by higher echelons into resolutions of party committees and work plans of commands at all levels. Promoting the role of all-level political agencies in guiding, inspecting, and assessing emulation – commendation work and the Determined to Win Emulation Movement, the PMC has required offices and units to closely take steps, i.e. launching emulation, registering targets of emulation, inspecting and assessing emulation, conducting preliminary and final reviews to draw lessons and raise the quality and effectiveness of emulation. Offices and units have been asked to regularly consolidate Emulation – Commendation Councils and emulation groups both qualitatively and quantitatively as well as to review, supplement, and complete Regulations on Emulation – Commendation. As a result, the provincial armed forces’ Determined to Win Emulation Movement has been closely, uniformly led and directed as an incentive for cadres and soldiers’ successful fulfilment of all assigned tasks.

Training equipment and models exhibited during the launch of combat training season of 2024

To keep developing the Determined to Win Emulation Movement, the PMPC and PMC have directed offices and units to actively renew the content, forms, methods, and organisation of the Determined to Win Emulation Movement. Offices and units have frequently renewed forms and methods of organising emulation and closely combined the Determined to Win Emulation Movement with the study and following of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, ethics, and lifestyle, the Resolution of the 13th Party Central Committee’s 4th Plenum on building and rectifying the Party and political system, Resolution 847-NQ/TW dated 28 December 2021 by the Central Military Commission on promoting the virtues of “Uncle Ho’s soldiers”, resolutely combating individualism in the new situation as well as movements and campaigns launched by sectors, mass organisations, and localities, particularly the Campaign titled “promoting tradition, devoting talent, deserving to be Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the new era”. Great value has been attached to bringing into play the exemplary role of cadres and party members and the vanguard role of mass organisations, closely combining regular and irregular emulation, proactively adjusting targets of emulation relevant to reality.

To produce the practical effectiveness of the Determined to Win Emulation Movement, the PMC has directed offices and units to focus on making themselves “exemplarily, typically” comprehensively strong, building pure, strong party organisations, combining the building of party committees with the development of key cadres, encouraging cadres and cadres to successfully fulfil their central political tasks. Military agencies at all levels have proactively advised local party committees and authorities on comprehensively performing military-defence tasks, building strong defensive zones, and providing defence and security education for all citizens. In the work of training, combat readiness, regularity building, and discipline management, the provincial armed forces have concentrated on strictly maintaining the organisation of combat training courses for groups of troops under the motto of “basics, practicality, thorough grasp”; significance has been attached to holding refresher courses for cadres, actively renewing training methods, closely combining military training with political and ideological education, regularity building, and discipline management, stringently maintaining daily, weekly regimes and regulations on duty, combat duty, command duty, guard, and safety. Emulation movements, which have been launched by the PMC and brought about practical outcome, include: “good training, great unity, strict discipline, high combat readiness”, “overcoming harsh weather conditions, passionately taking part in training”, “militia force remains good training and production”, “maintaining good unity and strict discipline, deserving to be Uncle Ho’s soldiers”, “units good at regularity building and discipline management”. Via the implementation of those emulation movements, command and management capability, working style, and professional competence of cadres and soldiers have unceasingly improved; 83% of cadres and soldiers have achieved merit or distinction in training work on a yearly basis; there has been a positive change in cadres and soldiers’ discipline-abiding awareness; the rate of trivial violations of discipline has been below 0.2%; there has been no serious violation of discipline.

The Determined to Win Emulation Movement has been closely aligned with other movements, such as “the Military joins hands to build new-style rural areas and civilised urban areas”, “the Military joins hands for the poor, no one will be left behind”. Offices and units have actively encouraged the people to follow the Party’s guidelines and the State’s law and policies, helped the people with natural disaster prevention and control, hunger eradication, poverty alleviation, and frequently visited and given gifts to persons under preferential treatment policy on national holidays. They have cooperated with localities to organise practical, effective programs, especially the annual program titled “Spring of Unity, Tet Holidays of Military – Civilian Sentiment”. Those good results have contributed to not only building an increasingly firm “posture of people’s hearts and minds”, but also making the provincial armed forces comprehensively strong and capable of successfully fulfilling all military-defence tasks.

Furthermore, the PMC has directed offices and units to closely combine emulation with commendation, opportunely detect, select, cultivate, and replicate typical examples. The role of party committees, commissars, and commands in detecting and suggesting collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements as well as typical examples for commendation has been heightened. Offices and units have also actively detected, cultivated, built, and multiplied typical examples and effective models in all tasks. Between 2019 and 2023, 463 collectives and 2,765 individuals from the provincial armed forces were honoured with emulation titles and rewards at all levels. In 2023, the provincial armed forces were given the Flag of Emulation by the Government.

Bringing into play those significant results, in the upcoming time, the provincial armed forces of Phu Tho will continue to enhance the Determined to Win Emulation Movement as the basis for successfully fulfilling all assigned tasks, building a pure, strong Military Party Organisation, and making the provincial armed forces “exemplarily, typically” comprehensively strong towards the 80th anniversary of their traditional day (30 August 1945 – 30 August 2025).


Commissar of the PMC

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