Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:41 (GMT+7)

Thursday, April 29, 2021, 14:22 (GMT+7)
Factory Z127 implements "one focus, two breakthroughs"

Implementing Directive No. 05-CT/TW of the Politburo (12th tenure) on promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style, Z127 Factory has selected practical contents to focus its leadership and direction on, in order to create a rapid and steady development of a defence industry enterprise.

Factory Z127 under the General Department of Defence Industry was established on May 6, 1966 under Decision No. 422/QĐ5 of the General Department of Logistics with the task of designing and casting mortar shells, technical equipment, and spare parts for automobiles in the battlefields. Currently, the factory is a defence enterprise, manufacturing and supplying materials and products made from metal, black alloys, non-ferrous alloys for defence industry and national economy. With its achievements gained, the factory was awarded with 03 Military Exploit Orders, 20 Feat Orders, and 03 Labour Order by the State; the Issara Order (third class) by the People's Democratic Republic of Laos in 1985 and many other noble awards. Especially, Mr. Pham Viet Duc an employee of the factory was honoured as Hero of the People's Armed Forces by the State in 1971.

A meeting of the Factory's party executive committee on the implementation of its annual task

Facing the strong impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and challenges in international integration, in order to fulfill its tasks well, the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of the Factory have identified many leadership guidelines and solutions, in which, promoting the implementation of Directive No. 05-CT/TW of the Politburo (12 tenure) with "one focus, two breakthroughs" is a central and permanent task.

Developing the factory into a producer and supplier of high quality alloy ingots for defence and economic production. Following Uncle Ho’s teaching, the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of the factory actively innovate methods, improve the quality and efficiency of political education and legal dissemination work for cadres, party members, employees so that they all agree on awareness and action, have high sense of responsibility and determination, strive to complete well all assigned tasks. They have also promoted the learning and following of Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style associated with the movement of promoting tradition, dedicating talents, deserving "Uncle Ho's soldiers" in the new period; regularly build the Factory’s Party strong in politics, thought, morality and organisation, considering this as the key, deciding its task performance. Focus on improving the leadership capacity and fighting strength of the party organisations and awareness and responsibility of its cadres and party members, in which focusing on the implementation capability, dynamism and creativity. At the same time, promoting the responsibility, pioneering and exemplary role of its cadres and party members, especially members of party committees at all levels; strictly comply with the principle of democratic centralism, self-criticism and criticism in party activities. New guidelines, models, breakthroughs are discussed, agreed by the party committees at all levels; specific plans are carefully designed and thoroughly implemented. Besides, they also resolutely and decisively handle all undemocratic manifestations and internal disunity.

Imbued with Uncle Ho's teaching that “Managing human strength and wealth must be strict and comply with the regulations issued by the State; the responsibilities of each person, each level must be clear”, the factory has built a lean and effective staff structure; reduced indirect and supportive staffs; restructured its workforce and improved the efficiency of the administrative mechanism; applied specialised production to make it easier for the operation, management and investment in equipment. Renovate salary regimes towards motivating employees to improve production and working efficiency; review, amend and supplement functions and duties of departments, workshops, assistants and employees in the direction of clear work, clear responsibilities; increase decentralisation associated with personal responsibility; Strictly comply with recruitment regulations, adopt mechanisms to attract and retain qualified and high skill human resources. At the same time, it holds training courses to foster management skills for the managers and management staff at all levels in the unit; encourages cadres, employees and employees to self-study to improve their skills in all aspects.

Signing the collective labour contract at the 2021 Workers' Congress

Along with that, the factory actively promoted R&D at all levels and coordinates with related units to create new defence products; regularly inspects, supervises and rectifies the quality, materials and products at all stages and phases; implements the quality management system according to ISO 9001-2015 and the 5S program throughout the Factory; well maintains laboratory operations, actively carries out research to test new products successfully and put into mass production, contributing to improving production value, revenue, growth and competitiveness of the Factory. As a result, the Factory has gradually become a centre for producing embryos and metallurgy to meet the requirements for materials of defence and economic production. Since 2015 to date, its average revenue has increased by 11.57%/year on average; its total revenue reached approximately 1,800 billion VND, in which the export value was about 300 billion VND.

Implementing breakthrough in improving defence production capacity. Thoroughly grasping the above directives and resolutions, directly the Politburo's Resolution No. 06-NQ/TW (11th tenure) on "Building and developing defence industry to 2020 and beyond", the Factory Party Committee built a resolution on "leading the task of promoting economic production and export of defence products until 2020 and beyond"; mobilised its best resources in terms of equipment and manpower to successfully complete defence production tasks from budget sources, ensuring absolute quality and safety; actively participated in manufacturing details and products for weapons export under the program of GDDI and the task of mobilising the defence industry assigned; well implemented the campaign of "Managing and exploiting weapons well, durably, safely, economically and traffic safety"; strengthened the inspection over labor hygiene, ensuring safety in production and traffic safety; stepped up the movement of promoting technical innovations, especially scientific topics and tasks on materials for defence production, which have been checked and accepted for application in production.

Implementing breakthrough improving corporate governance efficiency: following Uncle Ho’s words that "... Plans must be practical, clear, and correct", the factory strengthens the research, selection, and application of advanced management programs to build new management programs and plans in a scientific and effective manner; regularly revises and supplements regulations for departments in line with reality, in order to contribute to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of management, corporate governance and production. In human resource management, the factory continues to reduce indirect workforce, clearly build criteria, professional standards, professional techniques, skills for each position to manage, monitor, and evaluate; at the same time, it has worked out a roadmap to train, nurture and attract high-quality workers, especially technical staff to meet the requirements for sustainable development of the plant. Proactively research and develop plans to implement production and consumption strategies for its products. Promote the emulation movement of "Good financial management unit", improve the efficiency of corporate financial management, ensuring sufficient financial resources for production and paying debts and settle all overdue debts, bad debts, loss of capital.

Promote the application of information technology in business management; innovate marketing, trade promotion, sales, and brand promotion. Study and master the laws on international economic integration, facilitate export, and avoid financial risks. Gradually renovate the mechanism of management, command and administering economic production, marketing and sales, especially products exported to countries, such as: Japan, Germany, Denmark, Laos, etc. to create competitiveness in the market.

The initial results of the implementation of "one focus, two breakthroughs" are the driving force for Z127 Factory to continue to innovate the management, have proper and flexible management, and promote solidarity, innovation, enterprise, dynamic, creativeness, and constantly improve the quality of work aspects to meet the requirements of construction and development.

Lieutenant Colonel, PhD. LE QUOC VAN, Factory Director

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