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Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 09:28 (GMT+7)
Experience in establishing a model for command training, regularised construction, and discipline management of Division 5

Implementing the Ministry of National Defence directive on establishing models for command training, regularised construction, and discipline management, in 2023,  Division 5 (Military Region 7) was chosen as one of four model units across the entire army. This is an honour but also a very challenging task, presenting numerous difficulties for the Division, such as: dispersing troops across multiple provinces, having cadres and soldiers from various regions with distinct cultural traits and lifestyles; many comrades' families still facing difficulties; regularly faces negative influences from the market economy and social media, etc. Aware of these circumstances and the requirements of building a model unit, the Division focuses on leading and directing the development of an all-strong, “exemplary and typical” unit; in there, create breakthroughs in the quality of command training, regularised construction, and discipline management, contribute to enhancing the overall quality and combat strength, meeting the requirement and tasks in the new situations.

Thoroughly grasping the tasks assigned by the Ministry of National Defence and Resolution No. 1743-NQ/ĐU dated 9 March 2023, of the Standing Party Committee of the Military Region on leading the construction of model units, Party Committee and command of Division 5 require party committees, party organisations, and commanders at all levels to emphasise their roles and responsibilities, strengthen leadership and direction to effectively implement the model unit construction tasks. The Party Committee of Division 5 issued Resolution No. 91-NQ/ĐU on 21 March 2023, regarding “Leading the construction of model units in command training, regularised construction, and discipline management” and has widely disseminated it throughout the unit. On that basis, agencies and units have developed and issued plans, specifically identifying the content, measures, and targets for each task, focus on key standards: excellence in command training; build a regularised construction, and strictly adhere to laws and discipline by cadres and soldiers. To achieve effectiveness, right from the planning stage, the Division requires commanders of agencies and units to accurately assess the current situation, requirements and tasks to propose realistic, feasible measures. At the same time, pay attention to directing and effectively conducting educational work to raise awareness among cadres and soldiers, starting with party committees and commanders at all levels, building determination, transforming awareness into action, and emphasising responsibility and self-discipline in leading, directing, and implementing the plans specifically, meticulously, rigorously, and scientifically, closely aligned with practical conditions; emphasise the work of inspection, guidance, drawing experiences, and promptly addressing limitations and weaknesses; link the performance of responsibilities and tasks with promoting the exemplary pioneering roles of cadres and party members, especially the party committees and key leaders at all levels.

The Division intensifies the construction and consolidation of barracks, signage systems, training grounds, facilities and equipment for command training and regularised construction in accordance with Decision No. 2449/QĐ-TM issued on 15 January 2021, issued by the General Staff. It is required that 100% of cadres at all levels thoroughly understand their responsibilities, tasks, and the working regimes of commanders; all agencies and units maintain full and consistent implementation of regularisation regimes as prescribed. Specifically, the Division integrates the content of regularised construction and discipline training with the promotion of various emulation movements, particularly studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality, and style as in the spirit of Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW dated 18 May 2021, of the Central Military Party Committee. Link the task of constructing model units in command training, regularised construction, and discipline management with promoting the “Determined to Win” emulation movement, the “3 Best” competition, and effective implementation of the model of “Cadres and party members guiding the masses and subordinates” and “Five-good party cells and five-good party members”. Promote the proactive role of the Military Council and Youth Union in implementation. As a result, the work of regularised construction and discipline management is led and directed closely, consolidating and harnessing the comprehensive strength of all forces involved in implementation, creating a solid and profound transformation.

Command training at Regiment 4, Division 5

In command training, the Division enhances regularisation from direction, management, operation, and practical training to all aspects of training assurance; strictly maintains regulations on timing and training ground discipline, linking the innovation and improvement of command training quality with discipline training. The Division's goal is to organise training with correct, enough content and duration according to the basic training programme; achieving the targets for excellent training according to Directive No. 79/CT-BQP of the Ministry of National Defence. The content focuses on improving the quality of training in military command management, regulations on uniforms, attire, military etiquette, regulations on stationing, guarding, and military control, 12 rules of discipline when dealing with people; team command of individual and unit. From the beginning of 2023, the Division directed the reorganisation of command training instructor teams within agencies, battalions, and companies. At the same time, directing the establishment of training courses for cadres, unify programmes, lesson plans, lectures, and preparing demonstration teams, materials, and training grounds; paying special attention to newly graduated cadres and those still weak in organising methods and operating training units. Drawing from practical experience, the Division directs the implementation of combining cultivating methods of organising command training with unit management skills through various forms, primarily focusing on hierarchical training; stipulates that senior cadres are responsible for the training level and unit management of the cadres under them one level. The set goal is for 100% of sub-unit cadres to be trained according to hierarchy training; with 90% of battalion-level and equivalent cadres and 75% of platoon and company-level cadres achieving good to excellent proficiency in command training.

The Division focuses on strictly maintaining the schedule and methods of class and training ground attended by cadres according to their hierarchical level. Through this, cadres not only monitor, supervise, and manage units but also have the task of evaluating training results and drawing lessons after each training module. This practice effectively trains and enhances the responsibilities of key cadres while also improving the training compliance awareness of all cadres and soldiers. In addition, the Division strengthens inspection works, combining regular with unexpected inspections and advance inspections to truly evaluate training outcomes; combating superficial, generalist ideology and the pursuit of fake achievements in command training. On the other hand, promote the role of cadres at all levels who directly train the soldiers in command regulations through inspections, corrections, reminders, and adjustments in military etiquette to help soldiers promptly address any shortcomings. In 2023, the results of the Division's command training and inspections showed significant improvement, with 100% meeting the required standards, over 85% achieving good to excellent ratings, and more than 50% being rated excellent.

Adhering closely to the content and standards for building a model unit in regularisation and discipline management as outlined by the Ministry of National Defence, the Division strengthens measures to improve the quality of ideological management, discipline management, and the construction of a safe unit. In there, pay attention to direct agencies and units to implement synchronise management measures and thoroughly understand the ideological developments of the soldiers; combine prevention with strictly handling of disciplinary violations according to Circular No. 16/2020/TT-BQP, issued on 21 February 2020, by the Minister of National Defence, with an emphasis on prevention and deterrence of violations. Following the Division's directives, agencies and units maintain a clear understanding of the relationships of military personnel under their authority, political security characteristics within their areas, and have methods to coordinate with party committees, local authorities, and the families of soldiers to motivate, educate, and manage the troops effectively. Promote the building of a healthy military cultural environment; innovating working practices, methods and style; focusing on maintaining the implementation of regimes, responsibilities, troop management, and discipline of cadres and party members. Strictly implement hierarchical management in administration, linking with promoting individual and organisational responsibility, and enhancing the monitor and management of the ideological situation of the soldiers. The Division requires cadres from the battalion level below, especially company and platoon cadres, to “eat together, live together, and work together” with the soldiers, to understand their thoughts and aspirations, timely address any arising issues, and foster solidarity and camaraderie among officers and soldiers. Cadres strengthen inspections, particularly during rest days, breaks, holidays, Tet and other festive periods, focusing on smaller units and areas with potential risks; strictly adhere to the prohibition of using alcohol during working hours, lunch breaks, while on duty, etc. Every month, the Division requires agencies and units to report on implementation results; identifying limitations, causes, remedial measures, and any issues or individuals requiring attention, in order to focus on leadership, direction, supervision, and guidance for the following month.

In disciplined management, beside thoroughly implementing and adhering to the resolutions and directives of the Ministry of National Defence and the Military Region on discipline management and safety assurance, the Division implements synchronous solutions, particularly the hierarchical management of personnel, weapons, equipment, and assets. For personnel management, the Division performs management over three aspects: ideology, responsibility towards tasks, and relationships; strengthens the inspection works to detect and correct behaviours that could lead to disciplinary violations, ensuring timely prevention. In all unit activities, commanders at all levels are required to assess all potential safety risks and implement preventive measures to eliminate them. During training, scenarios and response strategies must be planned, especially for practical training activities with high safety risks. For traffic participation, the Division requires that commanders at all levels to regularly inspect and supervise the implementation of safety regulations; pay attention to managing leave for personnel, particularly non-commissioned officers and soldiers; at the same time, ensure the proper preparation of transportation for cadres on duty, minimising long-distance commute by motorcycle. Resolutely combat, prevent, and strictly handle violations of discipline and safety regulations, including traffic safety and safety in training.

With effort, high determination and appropriate solutions, Division 5 successfully completed the task of establishing a model for command training, regularised construction, and discipline management as directed by the Ministry of National Defence. From the practical experience of leadership and direction, the Division's Party Committee and Command drew several key lessons: (1). Strengthen the leadership and direction from the party committee, party organisations, commanders, and key cadres at all levels. (2). Promote political and ideological education; thoroughly communicate, assign tasks and responsibilities at each level to create solidarity, unity and a strong sense of responsibility among cadres and soldiers in the implementing process. (3). Emphasise the exemplary pioneering roles of party members and cadres at all levels with the principle “Leaders act as exemplary models, subordinates actively follow”. (4). Strengthen inspection, supervision, and feedback works; build and promote advanced role models. (5). Closely combine ideological work with policy implementation; pay attention to all aspects of the soldiers' lives and activities.

Senior Colonel NGUYEN HAI NAM, Division Commander

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