Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:26 (GMT+7)

Friday, May 17, 2024, 09:06 (GMT+7)
Enhancing the implementation of social insurance and health insurance policies in the Army

Ensuring the continuous improvement of social insurance and health insurance benefits for Military personnel, as well as their families, is a crucial and regular task undertaken by the Military Social Insurance and various departments and units through comprehensive, scientific, and effective solutions. These efforts contribute to building a “lean, compact, and strong” Army, capable of meeting the demands and tasks of protecting the Fatherland in the new context.

Ensuring social welfare is a key aspect of the national development strategy, aimed at continually improving the material and spiritual living standards of the population. The Resolution of the 13th Party Congress identifies social welfare as an essential field in the socio-economic development strategy, with social insurance and health insurance being two critical policies and main pillars of the social welfare system. The effective implementation of these policies in the Army demonstrates the care and concern of our Party and State, directly overseen by the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence, for the social welfare of military personnel and their families. Additionally, it helps military personnel feel secure in their work and committed to building their agencies and units, while fostering trust among their families in the Party and State’s policies. This contributes to developing a “lean, compact, and strong” Army, advancing towards modernity.

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As an independent, specialised agency assisting the Ministry of  National Defence in managing and implementing social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance policies within the Army as per legal regulations, the Military Social Insurance has been proactive and diligent over the years to actively research and advise the Ministry of National Defence’s General Political Department in making proposals and recommendations to the National Assembly, the Government, and relevant ministries and sectors to develop and perfect social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance policies for military personnel. The Agency has also coordinated with functional bodies to assist the Ministry of National Defence in issuing directives and guidelines for the entire Army, ensuring these policies align with the Army’s unique operations. The collection, management, and use of social insurance and health insurance funds have been conducted strictly, transparently, and in accordance with legal provisions. The processing of social insurance and health insurance benefits for military personnel and their families has always been thorough and compliant with regulations. The integration of health insurance data for medical examination and treatment, managed by the Ministry of National Defence, with the Vietnam Social Insurance data centre and military and civilian medical facilities nationwide, has been maintained rigorously, ensuring full benefits for all involved.

In the coming time, it is forecasted that the country’s political security situation will remain fundamentally stable; the economy will continue to grow; and the demands for national defence and protection will increase. These developments require that social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance policies within the Army be implemented fully, meticulously, scientifically, and in strict accordance with regulations, contributing to building a “lean, compact, and strong” Army. To achieve this, the Military Social Insurance, along with the Party committees and commanders of all military units, needs to effectively implement several key tasks and solutions as follows:

Firstly, to continue advising and proposing to the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defence, and the General Political Department on solutions for managing and implementing social insurance and health insurance policies in accordance with legal regulations and military-specific activities. The Agency should maintain close coordination with both civilian and military functional bodies in thoroughly reviewing and studying Party resolutions, State policies, and legal documents. This will enable the Agency to provide informed advice to the General Political Department, the Ministry of National Defence, facilitating cooperation with relevant ministries and sectors to propose improvements to the National Assembly and Government regarding social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance policies for those under the Ministry of National Defence’s jurisdiction. These policies should be tailored to military-specific conditions, keep pace with socio-economic developments, and address any limitations encountered during implementation. The Agency should continue to strengthen collaboration between the Ministry of National Defence and Vietnam Social Insurance in implementing social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance policies, ensuring that these activities are conducted systematically, conveniently, uniformly, and in compliance with regulations. Regular reviews should be conducted to assist the General Political Department, the Ministry of National Defence, in issuing documents and refining regulations, rules, and procedures in management and implementation. This will ensure better social insurance and health insurance benefits for the beneficiaries. Newly merged, transferred, reorganised, or newly established agencies, units, and enterprises should be promptly, effectively, and correctly guided in implementing social insurance and health insurance policies without interruption.

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Secondly, to improve the quality and effectiveness of propaganda, dissemination, and guidance on social insurance and health insurance policies and laws for the beneficiaries. This is a core issue, crucial to the vitality and effectiveness of the social welfare system. Effective implementation of this solution will garner high social consensus, particularly within the Army, and enhance the awareness and responsibility of military personnel and workers in performing their duties. Therefore, the Military Social Insurance should continue to work closely with party committees, commanders at all levels, and functional bodies to strengthen leadership and guidance for agencies, units, and staff involved in social insurance and health insurance. They should effectively propagate and disseminate information on social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance policies and laws, especially targeting non-commissioned officers, soldiers, and newly enlisted personnel.

The content of the propaganda should be comprehensive, focused, and targeted, concentrating on the Social Insurance Law 2014, the Health Insurance Law, the Employment Law, the Occupational Safety and Health Law, and relevant resolutions and directives of the Party, State, and Army on social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance. In terms of format, besides training and enhancing the professional skills of leaders, commanders, and staff directly involved in these activities, the Military Social Insurance should also collaborate closely with internal and external military news agencies and the press to innovate the content and forms of propaganda. This aims to raise the awareness of all military officers and soldiers regarding their rights, benefits, and policies related to social insurance and health insurance for themselves and their relatives.

Thirdly, to ensure that social insurance and health insurance policies are provided in full and on time to the beneficiaries. Currently, with the substantial annual revenues and expenditures of social insurance and health insurance, poor management and loose implementation could lead to social insurance arrears, affecting the beneficiaries’ rights. Therefore, the Military Social Insurance should continue to collaborate with functional bodies to enhance inspection and oversight of compliance with social insurance and health insurance laws by military units and enterprises. Simultaneously, effective measures should be implemented to address delays in social insurance and unemployment insurance contributions. The processes of collecting and paying social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance must be closely linked with issuing social insurance books, health insurance cards, and resolving benefits and policies. The implementation must adhere strictly to legal principles and regulations, ensuring timeliness, accuracy, and beneficiary satisfaction.

Finally, to promote the application of information technology and reform administrative procedures in managing and implementing social insurance and health insurance policies. This is a novel issue and a crucial solution, laying the foundation for the development of e-Government and digital transformation within the Ministry of National Defence, including the insurance sector. Thus, the Military Social Insurance should collaborate with functional bodies to effectively implement Plan No.585/KH-BQP, dated 02 March 2022 by the Ministry of National Defence, regarding the execution of the Prime Minister’s Scheme 06 on “Connecting and exploiting the national population database to serve the management of social insurance and health insurance within the Ministry of National Defence.” It is required to continue to refine the information technology application system in managing the collection, expenditure, issuance of social insurance books, health insurance cards, and resolving social insurance and health insurance benefits. Then, it should regularly enhance the quality of electronic data-based medical examination and treatment cost assessment, ensuring the rights of health insurance cardholders.

Alongside this, attention should be paid attention to building a team of social insurance and health insurance officers and employees who possess strong political will, professional ethics, scientific work methods, and a high sense of responsibility, always oriented towards their units. This team must always put themselves in the beneficiaries’ position to resolve social insurance and health insurance policies in accordance with legal regulations. Regardless of their positions, they must firmly grasp their functions and duties, perform their responsibilities correctly, and increasingly meet the demands of ensuring policies for military personnel and their relatives according to the Party, State, and Military’s policies.

Senior Colonel CAO XUAN THANG, Director of the Military Social Insurance

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