Friday, September 20, 2024, 08:43 (GMT+7)

Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 10:29 (GMT+7)
Effectiveness of learning and following Uncle Ho at Thai Son Corporation

Recently, together with policies and measures to lead and direct all aspects of work, the studying and following of Uncle Ho's teachings has been promoted by Thai Son Corporation, creating motivation to improve productivity and business efficiency, contributing to building strong military and defence potential.

With nearly 20 member affiliated companies, Thai Son Corporation is a defence-economic enterprise, operating in the fields of: technology transfer and application; military equipment import; defence construction; bomb and mine clearance; real estate; civil construction and vocational training, etc. In recent years, facing the difficult situations in the world, region and the country, especially the outbreak of Covid-19 which has directly affected production and business activities, the Corporation's Party Committee has synchronously deployed policies and solutions to improve production and business efficiency. In particular, promoting the studying and following of Uncle Ho's teachings in production has motivated and encouraged its officers, employees, and labourers to overcome difficulties, emulate and successfully implement the Resolution of the 9th Congress of the Corporation's Party Congress (2020 - 2025 term), gradually boosting the fast and sustainable production and business of the Corporation.

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To maintain a growth rate from 05% to 08% per year, reaching a class A enterprise for 5 consecutive years from 2019 to 2023 and being listed in the "Vietnam top 500 enterprises" by the Vietnam Report Organisation for 15 years in a row, the Corporation's Party Committee has focused on enhancing the responsibility of officers, employees, and workers for production and business tasks in the spirit of: "Anyone, holding any position or doing any job, in any situation, must promote their sense of responsibility". To implement this content well, the Corporation's Party Committee and its subordinates at all levels attach great importance to propaganda and education of the views and directives of the Party, the Central Military Commission, and Ministry of National Defence on economic development associated with defence and security enhancement; the tradition, position and role of Thai Son Corporation in building military and defence potentials; the requirements for the tasks of production, business and trade in the new situation; advantages and disadvantages in both immediate and long-term. At the same time, it pays regular attention to building high solidarity within agencies and units, creating a favourable environment for officials, employees, and workers to promote their creativity in production; regularly grasps the ideological situation of officers, employees, and workers to promptly motivate their enthusiasm in work and correct the improper attitude and behaviour in production and business. Thanks to those measures, 100% of its officers, employees, and workers are deeply aware of their duties. They always promote a high sense of responsibility, overcome difficulties, complete all tasks in each position, and improve product and service quality and the brand name of the Corporation.

Faced with the negative impact of the trade war between major countries and the complicated developments of the Covid-19 pandemic, studying and following the spirit of self-reliance, and the will to overcome difficulties according to Uncle Ho, the Corporation leads and directs its member companies to overcome difficulties and effectively carry out their central political tasks to make the Corporation a firmly-established enterprise with strong brand name and high competitiveness in the domestic and international markets. For production and business tasks, it focuses on grasping, evaluating, and correctly forecasting production and business situations; proactively coordinates with departments, ministries, branches and localities; seriously implements the viewpoint of combining economy with security and defence, and defence and security with economy according to the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and Military regulations; have new investments in equipment to create technological breakthroughs for actively participating in military projects, etc. This is one of the key solutions that drives the Corporation to exceed the set targets in terms of annual growth, profits, tax payment and average income. For trade and services, the Corporation actively carries out promotion and search for clients, and cooperates with partners in implementing business plans effectively; expands and develops potential products (importing machinery and equipment, etc.) to create momentum to expand business activities to foreign markets; maintains and develops relationships with traditional partners, such as China, Korea, Japan,... to export fashion items, household appliances, seafood and agricultural products. In the past 5 years alone, its total revenue has reached nearly 8,000 billion VND, making significant contributions to not only the State budget, but also the completion of military projects. At the same time, the Corporation actively improves the quality of vocational training for learners who are children of policy families and demobilised soldiers according to the provisions of the Ministry of National Defence. Along with that, the Corporation also pays due attention to investment projects in collaboration with military and civilian enterprises; directs its joint venture and affiliated joint stock companies to complete business and production plans, and pursue sustainable development; fosters the application of environmental technology to bring about business efficiency for the Corporation and practical benefits for the society.

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Implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress: "Training people in the direction of ethics, discipline, and responsibility; have life skills, work skills, be foreign language and technology savvy, creative and internationally integrated", the Corporation regularly attaches importance to improving the quality of human resources and regards this is the basis for advanced and scientific corporate management, increasing labour productivity, lowering product costs, and improving its competitiveness. To realise this policy, in addition to developing a contingent of cadres, employees, and workers with strong political will and determination for task fulfilment, the Corporation also focuses on improving professionalism and standardising the qualifications and skills for its staff. For managerial cadres, they are sent to domestic and foreign educational establishments for further training; attend short courses with top experts to improve management and administration capacity, update legal knowledge, international business, and universal standards of advanced and modern management in market competition. Employees and labourers are trained through practical production and business activities. They are encouraged to promote their initiatives and technical improvements to improve productivity. Its member companies regularly improve their workers' skills and qualifications and have them updated advanced and modern technologies to master new machinery, equipment, and technological lines. They are also trained in discipline, industrialism to improve labour productivity. Moreover, they also get favourable treatments to encourage their motivation, initiative, creativity and commitment to work. Together with training work, the Corporation focuses on recruiting high-calibre human resources; boldly appoints and promotes young staff who are highly capable to leadership, management, and executive positions to create new motivation and foster the development of the Corporation in the new condition.

Along with the above solutions, the Corporation acquires advanced technologies and modernises its equipment in a focused and in-depth direction, meeting the requirements of building large and key projects, enhancing the Corporation's brand, practically improving the effectiveness of studying and following Uncle Ho's words and creating motivation to successfully complete all assigned tasks.

Senior Lieutenant Colonel HOANG VAN NGUYEN, Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy General Director of the Corporation

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